Community Economic Development and Financial StabilityPlan of Work

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Lawrence County CES

Community Economic Development and Financial Stability
Improve Community and Resource Development
Agents Involved:
Dotson and Hall
Agritourism Planning
Financial Education - General
Economic Development

Kentucky has one of the highest poverty rates in the United States, with 823,000 Kentuckians living in poverty. (U.S. Census Bureau). Families and communities must learn resource management skills and make wise consumer decisions. Financial stability is important to the well-being of individuals and families in Lawrence County. Families and individuals need the knowledge to make good financial decisions and ways to increase savings and reduce debt. The Lawrence County Extension Service strives to bring knowledge to community members and give them the basics of financial management and help them develop financial goals that will benefit generations to come.

Long-Term Outcomes:

*Increase number of individuals and families reporting improved family financial stability and economic well-being.

*Improve the quality of life for Lawrence Countians resulting in stronger families and communities

*Assist in developing sustainable and thriving agricultural businesses

*Increase tourism throughout the county

Intermediate Outcomes:

* Increase number of people/businesses adopting short and log term financial goals

* Increase number of individuals who practice one or more practical living skills which result in an increase of savings, retirement, estate planning and/or investments

*Increase number of people/businesses who demonstrate practical living skills related to economic enterprise development and/or home management and safety

*Improve business for local agricultural businesses

*Provide additional income for producers

*Participants will purchase local agri-tourism products

Initial Outcomes:

* Increase number of people who show improvement in financial literary related to basic financial management, savings, retirement, and investments

*Individuals and families will show an increase of knowledge and skills related to finances and improved basic human needs of food, clothing, and shelter

*Increase the number of producers that are aware of opportunities in agri-tourism

*Increase knowledge of good agricultural practices

*Increase awareness of agri-tourism both inside and outside Lawrence County

*Increase awareness of heritage of farming in the county


Initial Outcome: Individuals and families increase financial literacy related to basic financial management, savings, retirement, and investments
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations related to money management
Method: Pre/Post evaluations, testimonies

Intermediate Outcome: Individual/families practice one or more practical living skills which results in an increase of savings, retirement, estate planning and/or investments
Indicator: Number of individuals adopting one or more practices to reduce debt or increase savings
Method: Pre/post test, testimonies, and questionnaires

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals/Businesses demonstrate practical living skills related to economic or enterprise development
Indicator: Number of people who become involved in addressing significant community issues
Method: Pre/post evaluations or questionnaires and testimonies

Long-term Outcome: Individuals and families report improved family financial stability and economic well-being
Indicator: Number of adults/youth who demonstrate informed and effective decision making
Method: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, KY Health Issues Poll and questionnaires.

Long-term Outcome: Individuals and families report agri-tourism business
Indicator: Number of increase in business
Method: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, KY Health Issues Poll and Questionnaire
Timeline: 2024-2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Individual and Families
Project or Activity: Financial Wellness Series
Content or Curriculum: Managing in Tough Times and MoneyWise resources
Inputs: UK CES, MITT resources, MoneyWise website, community partners, local businesses
Date: 2024-2025

Audience: Heritage Harvest Tour Participants and Local Residents
Project or Activity: Lawrence County/Boyd Counties Rt 3 and US 23 Driving Tour
Content or Curriculum: UK Economic Development and Agri-tourism resources
Inputs: UK Extension, Lawrence County Tourism Commission, Participants
Date: Last weekend in September 

Audience: Lawrence County Residents
Project or Activity: Agri-tourism Workshop
Content or Curriculum: UK CES, UK Economics Department
Inputs: UK Extension, Lawrence County Tourism, and Local Business Owners
Date: Fall 2024-2025

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