Environmental EducationPlan of Work

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Rockcastle County CES

Environmental Education
Environmental Education
Agents Involved:
Garrard Coffey, Alyssa Cox
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Natural Resources
Farm Management, Economics and Policy

Rockcastle County natural resources are being increasingly challenged. As population increases and commercial and residential development grows, land, timber, water, and other resources meet increasing pressure. Informal and formal educational methods will be applied to improve awareness and increase positive behavior of youth and adults in relation to their natural environment.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Natural resource protection and environmental quality will improve. Because of increased knowledge, awareness, and improved behavior of local citizens toward these issues, environmental quality will improve.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Citizens will practice proper behavior in relation to their natural environment and use proper methods and practices of soil, timber, and water protection. Citizens will practice better methods of protecting water and land and use proper disposal of trash and sewage.

Initial Outcomes:

Youth and adults will learn and know proper use and protection of soil, water, and other natural resources. Environmental issues such as water pollution, soil erosion, and air quality will become part of our knowledge base.


Initial Outcome: 1st time Land Judgers complete County training and State Fair competition.

Indicator: Number completing 1st time County training and State Fair results.

Method: Classroom and field clinics and State Fair competition.

Timeline: June-August

Intermediate Outcome: 4H Land judger return for additional training completing Junior division and advancing to Senior division.

Indicator: Number returning, years experience and state competition results.

Method: Classroom, Field clinics and State Fair competition.

Timeline: June-August

Long-term Outcome: 4H Land judger utilize skills developed in County training and State competition to win state senior division and represent State at National competition.

Indicator: Number advancing to Senior team competition showing their knowledge of land characteristics which effect use as well as conservation measures needed to protect land.

Method: Field clinics and State Fair competition

Timeline: June-August

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4H Youth

Project or Activity: County Land Judging Field Clinics and State Fair Competition, Environmental Education Camp, Water Quality programs with Homeschool and Cloverbud Clubs, and monthly Wildlife Conservation lessons with Shooting Sports club.

Content or Curriculum: Classroom and field training on slope, erosion and potential cropping, and conservation measures.

Inputs: Agent training on 4H Land Judging Manual, Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD. Volunteer training on the Youth Hunter Education Challenge curriculum. 

Date: Ongoing

Audience:  Agriculture Producers

Project or Activity: Water Quality Workshop,  

Content or Curriculum: State water quality to complete Water Quality Plan.

Inputs: Agent use State Water Quality material to complete individual plans.

Date: January-March 

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