Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer AwarenessPlan of Work

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Robertson County CES

Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Promoting the Development of Family and Individual Life Skills
Agents Involved:
Britney Poe, FCS/4-H Agent
Financial Education - General
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Family Development General

Forty percent of Robertson Countians have less than a high school education. Less than 25% of the residents of Robertson County over the age 24 have attended one or more college class. Robertson Countians have few opportunities for educational growth, thus the family remains the main source for development of life skills.. Securing financial stability for Kentuckians will help families thrive no matter the economic outlook. Financial stability is achieved when families are able to secure and manage resources needed to supply food, clothing, and shelter. Through increased financial knowledge, families may be able to make wise financial decisions, increase buying power, avoid overextended credit, develop savings habits, and manage risks.. Our Statistics came from SNARL, the U.S. Census Bureau, and Kids Count.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome:  Increased awareness of sound financial behaviors

Indicator(s):  Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money

Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)

Method:  Retroactive pre-post following financial education workshops

Timeline: 2024 - 2025


Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters

Method:  Retroactive pre-post following financial education workshops

Timeline:  2024 - 2025

Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to estate planning

Indicator: Number of individuals who took action toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented

Method:  Retroactive pre-post following financial education workshops

Timeline:  2024 - 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens

Project or Activity: Financial Education

Content or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances

Inputs: FCS Agents, curriculum publications and resources

Date:   2024 - 2025

Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens

Project or Activity: Money Habitudes Workshop

Content or Curriculum: Money Habitudes

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, Money Habitudes cards

Date:   2024 - 2025

Audience: Adults

Project or Activity: Estate Planning Workshop

Content or Curriculum: Estate Planning

Inputs: FCS Specialist (family finance and resource management), curriculum publications and resources, and local partners such as an attorney, CPA and/or financial planner

Date:   2024 - 2025

Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens

Project or Activity: Credit Education 

Content or Curriculum: Good Credit Game

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, Good Credit Game set.

Date:   2024 - 2025


Project or Activity: Financial Education

Content or Curriculum:  "Finance 101 for Kids", 

Inputs: FCS Agents, curriculum publications and resources

Date:   2024 - 2025


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