Enhancing Leadership, Volunteerism, and Public Policy AwarenessPlan of Work

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Hopkins County CES

Enhancing Leadership, Volunteerism, and Public Policy Awareness
Community Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Connor Cooper, Erika Wood, Jay Stone, Sydney Perkins, and Amanda Dame
Community Strategic Planning
Master Gardener

Leadership development, community analysis and a constant need for volunteers continues to be a fundamental issue faced by various agencies and non-profit entities in Hopkins County. According to the Center for Economic Development in Kentucky, in 2022 Hopkins County had 44,812 citizens. Volunteerism is valued at $26.85 per hour in Kentucky according to Independent Sector. With that said, Hopkins County Extension volunteer hours annually account for over $150,000 in donated time. Extension in Hopkins County will continue to provide enhancement opportunities and strive to promote community based programming that encourages leadership candidates and volunteers.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Hopkins County will be equipped with competent, effective leaders.

Community members engage others to initiate projects.

Civic engagement is possible and desirable for community members.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Citizens put skills into practice by becoming more engaged in the community, taking on leadership roles. Graduates in formal leadership roles increase their involvement/action. Graduates of Extension community leadership programs initiate civic engagement.

Initial Outcomes:

Increase knowledge of effective leadership skills.

Develop/enhance the leadership skills of youth and adults.

Citizens: Informed about community systems, better connected to communication networks, more confident and skilled in identifying and implementing strategies for systemic change.


Initial Outcome: Analyze and deliver training and other resources to

build leadership capacity.

Indicator: Trainings and activity involvement

Method: Surveys and assessments

Intermediate Outcome: Increased participation on community boards, civic groups and organizations.

Indicator: Number of people who reported new leadership opportunities

Method: Surveys and community statistics

Long-term Outcome: Leaders initiate projects

Indicator: Numbers of community events and programs increase.

Method: Chamber of Commerce Data and post-assessment surveys.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: New and current leaders; 4-H Club Members

Project or Activity: Parliamentary Procedure Training

Content or Curriculum: Robert's Rules of Order

Inputs: Manuals, Research information, meeting space and extension agents

Time Frame: Fall

Audience: Volunteer, leader and officer trainings.

Project or Activity: Creating reflective learning in leadership classes

Content or Curriculum: Leadership Skills and modules

Inputs: Research information, Partnerships, Materials and Meeting space

Time Frame: Spring and Fall

Audience: Hopkins County Extension Council

Project or Activity: Public Policy and Community Partnerships

Content or Curriculum: KELD curriculum and CEDIK Resources

Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialists, and CEC Members

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: Leadership Hopkins County Group

Project or Activity: Leadership Hopkins County Program Days, Ag Leadership Day

Content or Curriculum: Extension Agriculture curriculum and Specialist presentations

Inputs: Extension Agents, Producers, Specialists and Volunteers

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: Master Gardeners

Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Master Gardener Curriculum

Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist, and Volunteers

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: 4-H Teens

Project or Activity: 4-H Achievement Program, 4-H Adulting, 4-H Midnight Walkers Community Service Club, 4-H Club Officers

Content or Curriculum: Team Building with Teens, Team Challenges, Character Counts

Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: 4-H Councilor in Training, 4-H Teen Leader, and 4-H Adult Volunteer

Project or Activity: 4-H Camp

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Camp Manuel 

Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist

Time Frame: Summer

Success Stories

Area Podcast continues to increase Programming opportunities for Producers.

Author: Jay Stone

Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy

To meet the educational needs of today's Producer requires Agents to learn and adapt to new ways to connect to our clientele. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agents in Webster, Hopkins and Mclean counties produce weekly podcasts as part of their Tri-County Ag Extension Group programs. With a weekly audience base that extends well beyond the state borders, Kentucky Ag Matters has developed a regular, listening audience who receive weekly, research-based information on a varie

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Master Gardeners Make a Difference

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Master Gardener

The Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer organization dedicated to teaching and training people about horticulture related topics. This program is a part of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and assists county extension agents in providing education and outreach in the community.   Master Gardeners are required to undergo training and complete 40 hours of volunteer service in their first year before becoming certified.  After the first year, Master Ga

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4-H Teen Summit 24

Author: John (Connor) Cooper

Major Program: Leadership

4-H Summit 2024James Patrick Allen: 4-H Extension SpecialistMiddle school is a crucial period for youth development, marked by significant physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. Fostering leadership skills in middle school students is essential for preparing them for future challenges and responsibilities. Engaging them through interactive and enjoyable activities not only makes learning fun but also instills vital qualities such as communication, teamwork, and decision-making.At th

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4-H Kickoff 2023/24

Author: John (Connor) Cooper

Major Program: Leadership

Like many counties, Hopkins County 4-H has been severely impacted by the lasting impacts of Covid-19. Starting in 22/23 to combat this issues we developed a 4-H kickoff event. Since the first one was successful, we decided to do it again this year. On August 17th we held a 4-H Kickoff event. The goal of the event was to promote all of our clubs, attract new youth, and gain new volunteers. In order to entice the community to come, we had free T-shirts, free hotdogs, an ice cream truck, and t

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Sharing the Family and Consumer Sciences Story

Author: Amanda Dame

Major Program: Community Engagement

Now more than ever it is important for Extension Agents across the state to showcase the great work they are doing in each community across the state. As a result of marketing the success of Agents across the state, more people across the commonwealth learn about and become involved in Extension Programs. It also demonstrates to local and state stakeholders the importance of Extension and that Kentucky tax dollars are being spent wisely. As Vice President of Public Affairs for the Kentucky Assoc

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