Nutrition and FitnessPlan of Work
Carroll County CES
Nutrition and Fitness
Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle
Agents Involved:
Joyce Doyle and Christy Eastwood
Recipes for Life
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Super Star Chef
A foundation of nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies in topics such as food safety, handling and preparation, cooking methods and techniques, feeding practices, food science, and food systems are essential to changing dietary behaviors. Kentucky ranks 3rd in the nation with 20.8% childhood obesity for 10 to 17 years old. With the increased trend of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthful dietary decisions. CES agents are encouraged to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky communities.
The Centers for Disease Control found in a nationally representative survey that only 29% of high school youth participated in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on each of the seven days before the survey. Participation in physical activity decreases as we age.
Healthy living is one of three 4-H mission mandates and encompasses: physical activity, personal safety, mental health, addiction prevention, and diversity and inclusion.
The Carroll County Extension Service is encouraged to reach diverse audiences to help combat chronic disease and obesity in Carroll County. The Kentucky State Data Center of Vital Statistics reports that from 2016 to 2018 the obesity rate in Carroll County was 16% for adults and the National Survey of Children’s Health reported 20% for high school students. Extension programs help reduce obesity through improved diet, hands-on culinary programs, physical activity, school programs, and promoting access to healthy food options through the Riverview Farmers' Market.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Routinely employ healthy dietary practices that promote health and wellness (e.g. consume recommended daily fruits and vegetables and improve food management skills)
- Reduce the rate of chronic disease and obesity in adults and youth
- Carroll County Youth will:
- Maintain positive health habits.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Generate positive attitudes toward changing dietary decisions to be more healthful.
- Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods
- Decrease intake of solid fats, added sugars, and sodium
- Employ healthful cooking methods, feeding practices, and food preservation techniques
- Increased access to healthy food via local farmers markets, food retailers, and/or home gardens
- Carroll County Youth will:
- Increase and adopt healthier behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
- Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations.
- Practice healthy eating choices.
Initial Outcomes:
- Increase awareness about relationships between food and nutrition practices and chronic disease.
- Improve food and nutrition-related skills (e.g. gardening, preparation and preservation techniques, safe food handling, food resource management)
- Increase confidence in ability to employ healthy eating practices
- Increase motivation to access and prepare healthier foods
- Carroll County Youth will:
- Be more aware of health concerns.
- Make a commitment to set family rules regarding eating together, limiting screen time, active play and exercise, set routines.
- Promote physical, social and emotional health habits.
Decrease in chronic disease and obesity statistics through Kentucky Health Facts. Increased number of youth with positive health habits.
Kentucky Health Facts statistics. Common Measures Experience Survey.
2 – 4 years
Number of individuals who reported preparing more home-cooked meals, modifying ingredients and/or preparation techniques to improve nutrition. Number of individuals who reported eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily. Number of individuals who reported utilizing delivery systems/access points (e.g., farmers’ markets, CSAs, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods, supplementing diets with healthy foods grown or preserved (e.g., community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets), dollar value of vendor-reported sales or EBT, WIC, or Senior benefits redeemed at farmers’ markets, number of pints of foods preserved through water bath canning, pressure canning, freezing, or drying. Number of youth indicated they exercised regularly.
Self-report survey. Curricula or program evaluations. Common Measures Experience Survey.
1 – 1 ½ years
Number of individuals who reported knowledge and skills to improve food-shopping management, utilize the food label to make healthy food choices, choosing smaller portions; increased food preservation knowledge, and recommended food preservation practices. Youth will gain knowledge of health concerns and healthy eating.
Self-report survey. Curricula or program evaluations. Common Measures Experience Survey.
8 months – 1 year
Learning Opportunities:
Carroll County Youth (9-12 year olds)
Project or Activity:
Super Star Chef
Content or Curriculum:
Super Star Chef
Extension Agents, Extension Staff, Volunteers, UK Publications, Money, Time
June 2023
June 2024
Carroll County 5th Graders
Project or Activity:
Recipes for Life
Content or Curriculum:
Recipes for Life
Extension Agents, Extension Staff, Volunteers, UK Publications, SNAP-Ed Incentives, Grant, Money, Time
Spring 2024
Carroll County Families and Individuals
Project or Activity:
Food Preservation
Content or Curriculum:
Publications, Trainings.
Extension Agent, Extension Staff, Volunteers, Facilities, Programmatic materials, Grants, Money, Time
July-September 2023
July-September 2024
Carroll County Extension Homemakers and Residents
Project or Activity:
Lunch and Learn
Content or Curriculum:
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud, UK Food and Nutrition Calendar, International Cuisine publications, Plate It Up! Toolkit
FCS Extension Agent, Extension Staff, UK Publications, SNAP-Ed Incentives, Money, Time
July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2023/Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June 24
Carroll County Youth 2nd and 3rd Grade
Project or Activity:
Nutrition Lessons
Content or Curriculum:
Professor Popcorn/My Plate
Extension Agent, Cartmell Elementary Staff, Chop Chop Magazines, Time, Money
September 2023 – June 2024
Carroll County Youth, 3rd Grade
Project or Activity:
Nutrition and Fitness Lessons
Content or Curriculum:
Jump Into Fitness, Soccer for Success
Extension Agent, Cartmell Elementary School Staff, Time, Money
School Year 2023
School Year 2024
Residents of Carroll County and surrounding areas
Project or Activity:
Riverview Farmers' Market
Content or Curriculum:
Craft, meat, and produce vendors from Carroll County and nearby counties
Extension Agent, Riverview Farmers' Market, Three Rivers Health Department, Time, Money
Spring and summer 2023
Spring and summer 2024
Success Stories
Savor the Flavor Cooking with Oils and Vinegars
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building cooking skills and knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare homecooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Carroll County Extension Office presented the Savor the Flavor Cooking with Oils and Vinegars class to 15 people. The Savor the Flavor program focused on various flavori
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Charcuterie Boards 101
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
With the growing popularity of charcuterie boards, the need arises for educating consumers about food safety, the risks for foodborne illness, cross-contact of allergens, and nutritional considerations of food boards. Charcuterie and other food boards can add excitement to a dull meal routine. They are memorable and a great way to encourage conversation and social interaction during a meal. They are also an easy way to serve food for celebratory events. Due to its popularity the Carroll Cou
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Sensational Salads
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Consuming the recommended number of vegetables each day is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity. This equals 2 to 3 cups of vegetables a day, depending on age and gender. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 6.3 percent of adults in Kentucky meet the daily vegetable intake recommendations. To increase vegetable consumption in Kentucky adults, the Carroll County Extension office hosted the workshop Sensational Sala
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FCS Plays Bingocize
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Bingocize was created by Dr. Jason Crandall, Co-Director/Co-Founder at the WKU Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging. He created the socially engaging group-based game that combines health education and exercise in the format of BINGO. Dr. Crandall and his research team have tested the program and demonstrated that older adults who play two times a week for 10-weeks significantly reduce the fear of falling, increase levels of physical activity, and decrease feelings of social isolatio
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Insects At The Library
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

How many children today are challenged to eat different foods? When asked to provide a program for the library, a theme is always given and then it can be revised to offer some good food. The theme for the lesson was insects so ants and spiders was chosen. We compared the ant to the spider and explained that insects are not all bad. A spider snack was made with 2 crackers, humus, and pretzels. We discussed the 5 food groups. Several chi
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment