Livestock Production
Kevin Lyons
Animal Disease
Beef and dairy producers have been enduring depressed markets and on-farm prices. Producers must become better managers to continue to survive. Becoming a low cost feed producer, improving animal health, and better marketing plans will be necessary to be sustainable in the future.
Producers need to develop a direct-to-consumer outlet for their product.
Developing a renewable forage system will help decrease feed cost.
Adoption of improved forages.
Livestock owners will develop a better understanding of marketing options
Producers will begin a more intensive grazing system
Producers will utilize a veterinarian approved animal health plan
Producers will utilize Extension testing services to improve their forages; soil testing and hay testing.
Producers will have a better idea of possible marketing options
Owners will have a better understanding of grazing systems
Enhance producers understanding of herd health and nutrition.
Awareness of UK publication and research in animal production
Initial Outcome: Producers will have a better idea of possible marketing options
Indicator: Number reporting knowledge gained
Method: Surveys
Timeline: Annually
Intermediate Outcome: Livestock producers will develop a marketing plan
Indicator: Number reporting a new marketing plan
Method: Surveys
Timeline: Annually
Long-term Outcome: Increased profitability and increase direct-to-consumer sales
Indicator: Sales data
Method: Surveys
Timeline: Annually
Audience: Livestock producers
Project or Activity: Cattlemen’s meetings
Content or Curriculum: Specialists, various topics
Inputs: Agents and Specialists
Date: Annually
Audience: Livestock producers
Project or Activity: Field Days; Conferences
Content or Curriculum: Livestock marketing topics
Inputs: Specialists and successful producers, agents
Date: Annually
Audience: Livestock producers
Project or Activity: CAIP trainings; BQCA trainings
Content or Curriculum: Livestock production topics
Inputs: Agents and Specialists
Date: Annually