Creating awareness of the impact of agriculture on daily life and developing marketable skills forPlan of Work
Greenup County CES
Creating awareness of the impact of agriculture on daily life and developing marketable skills for
Enhancing Farm Income
Agents Involved:
Boyd, Hieneman
Volunteer Development
Kentucky is home to 85,500 farms, tied with Oklahoma as the 4th ranking state in the number of farms (National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2012). The average farm size in Kentucky is 164 acres, compared to the national average of 421 (National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2012). Between 2007 and 2012, the Bluegrass State had a 6.7% decrease in the number of acres of farmland, which is the greatest percentage decrease any state in the country (Census of Agriculture, 2012). A farm is defined by the United States government as “any place that produced and sold, or normally would produce and sell, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during the census year.” While Kentucky’s population is increasing, the number of people living on farms is decreasing. Therefore, the need exists to educate people, particularly youth, about the impact that it makes on their daily lives, as well as the importance of agriculture to the commonwealth. The top agricultural products produced on
Kentucky farms are changing. In 2012, the Top 10 agriculture products in Kentucky were: Broilers, Corn, Horses & Mules, Soybeans, Cattle & Calves, Tobacco, Dairy Products & Milk, Wheat, Hay and Chicken Eggs(United States Department of Agriculture –Kentucky, 2012).
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will engage in entrepreneurial enterprise.
Youth will gain and maintain employment resulting from life skill development through 4-H.
Youth will be advocates for agriculture and healthy and sustainable food systems.
Livestock producers will increase their profit on the farm.
Increase farm income
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences.
Youth will adopt and practice skills that contribute to employ-ability.
Youth can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others.
Youth will set a goal and accomplish it.
Youth can influence the purchase of Kentucky Proud products.
Youth can practice entrepreneurship skills related to agriculture and food systems.
Livestock producers will begin to change management on the farm by using record keeping, increased health opportunities or improvement reproductive opportunities.
Increase in consumers at the Greenup County Farmers Market
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences.
Youth will gain an understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems.
Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, communications, record keeping, leadership and service.
Livestock producers will learn how to keep accurate records, vaccinations, etc.
Farmers Market Sellers attend local training on how to market products.
Increase in sellers at local farmers market.
Outcome: Initial
Indicator: Livestock record books, surveys from Agriculture Days, Livestock judging and Skill-a-thon scores
Method: County agents, county staff, and volunteer leaders.
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Intermediate
Indicator: Youth will produce a higher quality livestock project, youth will obtain jobs in the agriculture field
Method: County agents, and volunteer leaders
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Long term
Indicator: Youth will engage in and maintain their entrepreneurial enterprise.
Method: County agents, and volunteer leaders
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Long term
Indicator: Increase in farm income and increase in pounds sold
Method: University of Kentucky Specialist, County Agent, KY Beef Network
Timeline: Ongoing for next 2-3 years.
Outcome: Initial
Indicator: More vendors have registered through Greenup County Extension Service to sell at Farmers Market.
Method: County agents and volunteer leaders
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Intermediate
Indicator: Increase in foot traffic visiting the Extension Farmers Market booth
Method: County Agents, SNAP- ED, Volunteer Leaders
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Long term
Indicator: Increase in sales at the Farmers Market
Method: Survey
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: County Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Judging and Skill-a-thon
Content or Curriculum: N/A
Inputs: County Agents and Volunteers
Date: Spring and Fall
Audience: County Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Livestock Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Livestock Species Handbooks, and Livestock Training Kits
Inputs: County Agents and Volunteers
Date: ongoing
Audience: County Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Show and Sell
Content or Curriculum: N/A
Inputs: County Agents, Staff, and Volunteers
Date: August
Audience: County Youth
Project or Activity: County Agriculture Days
Content or Curriculum: N/A
Inputs: County Agents, Staff, and Volunteers
Date: Fall, Spring
Audience: Local Farmers & Artisans
Project or Activity: How to add value to products
Content: Curriculum prepared by CEDIK
Inputs: County Agents
Date: Winter 2019 and Spring 2020
Success Stories
4-H and FFA Livestock Program has Strong Community Support in 2020
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Agriculture

The 4-H Youth Livestock Program is the largest animal science project area enabling youth to develop their interest in beef cattle, sheep, swine and other 4-H projects. Youth learn about selection, care, and feeding of livestock, animal health, and importance of good record keeping. Emphasis for these projects continues to be focused on life skill development.In Greenup County 4-H Livestock is one of the biggest 4-H programs. Due to 4-H Agent vacancy and COVID-19, the County Fair was cance
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Building Local Value Chains
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking

According to Dr. Tim Woods, University of Kentucky Agriculture Economics, a surge in the demand for local food products has been observed during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This has led to a new consumer interest in direct markets such as farmers markets.As the Greenup County Farm to Table planning committee began to work on the 2020 event, they decided to focus on local producers, the local supply chain, agriculture education, and consumerism. This committee is comprised of local extension age
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Building local Value Chains - Connecting Farmers and Consumers
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

According to Dr. Tim Woods, University of Kentucky Agriculture Economics, a surge in the demand for local food products has been observed during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This has led to a new consumer interest in direct markets such as farmers markets.As the Greenup County Farm to Table planning committee began to work on the 2020 event, they decided to focus on local producers, the local supply chain, agriculture education, and consumerism. This committee is comprised of local extension ag
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District 1 Master Haymaker Series
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Forages
The District 1 ANR Agents hosted a seven series virtual Master Haymaker program in winter of 2021. This program came to fruition due to COVID-19 restrictions and the need to continue programming that would enhance the lives of agriculture producers in Eastern Kentucky. The seven sessions covered topics such as: weed control in forages, producing quality hay, warm and cool season forages, soil fertility, marketing hay, machinery options for hay production, and the production of
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment