Increase Livestock Production in Green CountyPlan of Work

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Green County CES

Increase Livestock Production in Green County
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Ricky Arnett
Farm Management
Ag Marketing

Livestock production has greatly increased in central Kentucky over the last year with the highest prices on record. There are over $13 million in gross receipts in the livestock industry in Green County annually. This has a $78 million effect on the overall economy of the rural, central Kentucky County. With a Greater demand in the livestock industry the Green County Extension Council has identified livestock production as a major concern for the coming years. Forages, marketing, management, and economics were identified as focus areas that could help the future of the livestock industry in Green County.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Due to increased efficiency on the farm and utilizing different marketing strategies, farm families will experience an increase in income, adding to their standard of living.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Producers adopt and implement new technologies in marketing and management of their farming enterprise.

Initial Outcomes:

Knowledge is gained by participants in the areas of management, economics, and the latest in marketing technologies.


Initial Outcome: Producer participation in educational programs

Indicator: Programs and educational materials being distributed

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually 

Intermediate Outcome: Producers implementing new production and marketing strategies

Indicator: Participation in new and alternate market venues

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually 

Long-term Outcome: Increase Production and house hold income

Indicator: Increase lbs of meet sold and decrease operating cost

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Dairy Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Dairy Short Course

Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Dry Cow Mgt, Heifer Mgt, Animal Health

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Winter 2018/19

Audience: Dairy Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Dairy Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Dry Cow Mgt, Heifer Mgt, Animal Health

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Fall 2018

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Green County Cattlemen's Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Marketing, Genetics, Retained Ownership, Mineral Programs

Inputs: Agent, Volunteers, Sponsors

Date: Ongoing

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Green County Retained Ownership Program

Content or Curriculum: Ownership until slaughter

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Feedlots

Date: Ongoing

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Beef Conference

Content or Curriculum: Updates on Research and Markets

Inputs: Agents, Specialists

Date: July 2018

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Women's Master Cattlemen

Content or Curriculum: UK Specialists

Inputs: Agents, Specialist

Date: 2018

Audience: Forage Producers

Project or Activity: Forage Testing

Content or Curriculum: Forage Testing Lab

Inputs: Agent, Staff, KY Dept. of Ag Lab

Date: Summer 2018

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Forage Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Quality Forages

Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Fall 2018

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Soil Testing

Content or Curriculum: Soil Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendations

Inputs: Agent, Staff, UK Regulatory Services

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Phase I Cost Share Program

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Agent, Staff, Cattlemen's Association

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Pesticide Certification

Content or Curriculum: KY Pesticide Safety Training Program

Inputs: Agents, Specialist, UK Publications

Date: Spring 2019

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Beef Quality Assurance

Content or Curriculum: Herd Health Certification

Inputs: Agent, UK Publications

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Agriculture Development Council

Content or Curriculum: Planning the Investment of Local Phase I Dollars

Inputs: Agent, Ag Development Council

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Silage Plots

Content or Curriculum: Analysis on Corn Varieties

Inputs: Agent, Specialists, Sponsors, Volunteers

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Estate Planning 

Content or Curriculum: Planning for the Future 

Inputs: Agent, Sponsor

Date: Fall 2018

Success Stories

Beef Cattle Production

Author: Ricky Arnett

Major Program: Beef

Agriculture seems to be a diminishing population but this year Green County grew in numbers. One young man and his family looked toward extension for support and help. This family had land but had very little experience in agriculture but at the same time realized how important agriculture is and wanted their kids to understand also. They approached me with a plan and a goal in mind but wanting guidance in pursuing this dream. Through educational programs and several one on one visits, Extension

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Sheep Production

Author: Ricky Arnett

Major Program: Small Ruminants

Agriculture seems to be a diminishing population but this year Green County grew in numbers. One young man and his family looked toward extension for support and help. This family had some land land and access to more land. He had very little experience in agriculture but at the same time realized how important agriculture is and wanted their kids to understand also. They approached me with a plan and a goal in mind but wanting guidance in pursuing this dream. Through educational programs and se

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County Agricultural Investment Program

Author: Ricky Arnett

Major Program: Farm Management

Phase I funding continues to play an integral part of the agriculture of Green County. The Green County Agricultural Development Board helped to administer over $280,000 to the agriculture producers of Green County.The council funded producers with the C.A.I.P. program that included: genetics, fencing, on farm water development, cattle handling, hay storage, diversification, technology, dairy diversification, and forage improvement. Several different educational offerings included as part of the

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