Improved Communication Skills & Life Skill DevelopmentPlan of Work
Jessamine County CES
Improved Communication Skills & Life Skill Development
Youth & Families
Agents Involved:
Karli Jessie, Cathy Weaver, Steve Musen
4-H Youth Development Programming
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Individuals rely on good communication skills each and every day. One of the hardest things an individual must do, many times, is stand in front of an audience and speak. The 4-H communications program is designed to teach 4-H members the proper techniques in public speaking, while at the same time providing these participants with the confidence to be able to stand in front of a group. The 4-H Communications program also helps youth with one on one communication skills, and group communications skills. These basics will allow participants to be productive Jessamine County citizens in the future. The 4-H Council and CEC had input in developing this plan
There are many skills necessary for an individual or family to acquire in order to achieve a high quality of life and to be a productive citizen of their community. These skills are manners and etiquette, money management, good decision-making skills, parenting basics, group living skills, and many others. We recognize these skills are necessary for our current leaders and for our future leaders. We acknowledge that life skill development begins at an early age and by fostering this development, youth will become strong citizens in the future. By participating in these programs, individuals and families will acquire skills to able them to become more productive and knowledgeable citizens of Jessamine County. All Advisory Councils, FCS, AG, 4-H and CEC were involved in identifying this MAP, and creating its program plan
Long-Term Outcomes:
Individuals will have increased self-confidence – not only to speak in front of a group, but to tackle situations which arise in everyday life.
The overall goal of these programs is to assist the participants in becoming self-motivated, self-directing, contributing members of society. The knowledge and experience gained will have a lasting effect on the decision making processes used throughout the life of the participant. Members will be able to set financial goals for themselves and develop a plan to meet those goals
Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.
? Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community.
? Youth become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.
? Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Programs.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will be able to set priorities in their life, both time and financial. Participants will be better budgeters, parents and citizens. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in activities which provide life-long learning experiences. Some of these experiences will have an impact on career choices or improving their current quality of life. Participants will be able to live independently, and will be able to complete basic tasks for everyday living.
Participants in the 4-H speaking events will be able to use the skills they have acquired through the 4-H events to speak comfortably in front of an audience. They will also gain group communication skills. The skills gained will benefit them throughout their school career and will aid them in their quest to find a job and communicate effectively at that job.
? Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.
? Youth present before their family, a group of their peers (such as at a 4-H club meeting), a school or county qualifying event.
? Youth demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.
? Youth use their communication skills to assume a leadership role in 4-H or other organizations.
? Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will be able to make sound financial decisions, make a budget and stick with it, learn various skills through hand-on learning activities and develop interests through participation in club activities or community programs. Parents will have acquired skills to help them become better parents. Participants will gain an appreciation for others and the world they live in. They will gain knowledge of the environment, and ways to protect it.
Participants are confident to speak in front of peer groups
Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration.
? Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.
? Youth create a formal presentation, speech or outline using the written outline.
? Youth be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers(such as at a 4-H club meeting) and a school or county qualifying event.
? Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.
Long-Term Outcome: The overall goal of these programs is to assist the participants in becoming self-motivated, self-directing, contributing members of society. The knowledge and experience gained will have a lasting effect on the decision making processes used throughout the life of the participant. Members will be able to set financial goals for themselves and develop a plan to meet those goals. Indicators that these outcomes have been achieved will be future evaluation of program participants and testimonials. Also, statistical data indicating the productivity of program participants in the future.
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will be able to set priorities in their life, both time and financial. Participants will be better budgeters, parents and citizens. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in activities which provide life-long learning experiences. Some of these experiences will have an impact on career choices or improving their current quality of life. Participants will be able to live independently, and will be able to complete basic tasks for everyday living. Measurement of success of the programs will be written evaluations and surveys,both immediate and future. A comparison will be looked at to determine change in behaviors.
Initial Outcome: Participants will be able to make sound financial decisions, make a budget and stick with it, learn various skills through hand-on learning activities and develop interests through participation in club activities or community programs. Parents will have acquired skills to help them become better parents. Participants will gain an appreciation for others and the world they live in. They will gain knowledge of the environment, and ways to protect it. Immediate written evaluation and testimonials will used to determine outcome.
Evaluation measures/Impact Indicators-
? The number of youth that have improved their communication skills.
? The number of youth that can express themselves through the arts.
? The number of youth that report feeling comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.
? The number of youth that have confidence speaking in front of groups.
Learning Opportunities:
4-H camp – week long learning activity – summer, standard curriculum, Ext staff and volunteers
Reality Store – provide students with real life experiences – spring/Fall, 4-H Curr., Ext Staff and Community volunteers
4-H project clubs – various hands on activities – year round, Specific Curr, Ext Staff and Volunteers
School Clubs – monthly lessons – during the school year, Various Curr, Ext Staff
Chick Incubation – science – school year, NC State and UK approved Curr., Ext Staff
Cyber Bullying./bullying- school year, UK Approved Curr., Ext Staff
Shooting Sports – safety and marksmanship – April- Sept., SS Curr., Cert Coaches
Food stamp nutrition program – budgeting and health – year round (SNAP-ED), year round, FCS, AG and 4-H Curr., Ext Staff
4-H Judging Activities- Year Round, AN Science Curr., Cert Leaders
Kindergarten Readiness Programs-Year Round,FCS Curr. in collaboration with Early Childhood Council
Where Does Your Money Go- Year Round, Ext. Staff
4-H Outdoor Adventure Club
4-H Talk meet event/speech contest – school, county, area and state level - Winter, Approved 4-H Communications Curriculum, Extension Staff, and Audience is 1200 4th adn 5th graders, Middle and High school students
4-H Demonstration Event – school, county, area and state level - spring, Approved 4-H Communications Curriculum, Extension Staff, and Audience is 1200 4th and 5th graders, Middle and High school students
Success Stories
Jessamine County 4-H Teaches Important Communication Skills to Youth
Author: Catherine Weaver
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Public speaking and communication skills have been proven to be the most needed skills in order for citizens to obtain a job in the workforce. In order to provide this experience for youth at an early age, CES planned and implemented lessons in which over 1500 youth throughout the county were educated on the importance of communicating well, and on how to properly give a speech and demonstration. CES also implemented 4-H Speech and Demonstration contests at all 6 of the county elementary schools
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Kentucky 4-H Bake A Long
Author: Catherine Weaver
Major Program: 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum

Kentucky 4-H Bake-A-LongCathy Weaver Rachel E. Noble As our world grapples with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic it is imperative that non-formal youth development professionals redefine programming to continue to intentionally meet the developmental needs of youth through new platforms that adhere to national and state guidelines. Prior to the start of the global pandemic research showed that ninety-five percent of a person’s learning related to science occurs outside of the
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4-H Camp at Home
Author: Catherine Weaver
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

In Jessamine County, Week Long 4-H Camp is the highlight of summer for nearly 400 youth and counselors who attend each year. As a result of the global pandemic, and out of concern for the safety of our 4-H members in the commonwealth, 4-H camp was cancelled for the summer of 2020. Jessamine and Mercer 4-H saw a need for normalcy, and a need for camp magic to continue in some form, thus “4-H Camp at Home” was born. 4-H Camp at Home was a weeklong virtual experience that s
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