Increasing Agriculture AwarenessPlan of Work
McCracken County CES
Increasing Agriculture Awareness
Agents Involved:
Wooley, Wimberley, Henderson, Osborne, Smith, ANR Agent
Ag Policy
Sustainable Agriculture
Farmer's Markets
As the years go by, more people become farther removed from the farm. Therefore, there are many that are unaware of the importance of agriculture in their everyday lives from the clothes on our backs, the fuel in our vehicles and the food on our dinner table. Unfortunately, as we become more and more removed from the agriculture industry, the greater the misconceptions. There is an important need in our community for agriculturalists to share their story, educate consumers on where their food comes from and share the truth about agriculture.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Individuals will be able to identify and correct misconceptions within the agricultural industry.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-The number of individuals in the agriculture industry willing to "share their story" will increase.
-The number of individuals approaching sustainable agriculture increases
Initial Outcomes:
-Residents will become more aware of how beneficial agriculture and agricultural practices are.
Initial Outcome: Residents will become more aware of how beneficial agriculture and agricultural practices are.
Indicator: Number of consumers reporting an increase in agriculture awareness
Method: survey, personal interviews, follow-up conversations
Timeline: ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: The number of individuals in the agriculture industry willing to "share their story" will increase.
Indicator: An increase in the number of agriculture volunteers
Method: survey
Timeline: ongoing
Long-term Outcome:-Individuals will be able to identify and correct misconceptions within the agricultural industry.
Indicator: A decrease in misconceptions
Method: survey, conversations, follow-calls
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Consumers
Project or Activity: educational programming: "Mythbusters" , "Find Our CommonGround",
Content or Curriculum: publications, content from commodity groups
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research Information, commodity organizations, State and Federal Agencies, farmers/producers,
Date: ongoing
Audience: Consumers
Project or Activity: Commodity Breakfast
Content or Curriculum: publications, volunteer's stories/experiences
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research Information, commodity organizations, State and Federal Agencies, farmers/producers, volunteers
Date: Fall
Audience: Consumers/Youth
Project or Activity: Field Day
Content or Curriculum: publications, volunteer's stories/experiences, commodity organizations curriculum
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research Information, commodity organizations, State and Federal Agencies, farmers/producers, volunteers
Date: Fall
Success Stories
Ag Day Extravaganza
Author: Amanda Wilson
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
There’s been a deficit amongst the Paducah City Schools due to a limited amount of exposure to the field of Agriculture, outside of Cooperative Extension. The thought came to mind that we, McCracken County Cooperative Extension (MCCE), should fill this gap, and hold an Ag Day for Paducah City Schools. This idea took several years to materialize, but I’m proud to say our dream came true. All program areas of MCCE collaborated to deliver a high quality, hands on agricultural experience
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Success story 1
Author: Austin Smith
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
One in five kids do not know where their food comes from. I got to experience this firsthand this summer at west Kentucky 4H Camp. We took more boys than we had spots in the cabins so I volunteered to sleep in the tents with our remaining 12 boys. They were between the ages of 10 to 12 years old. Throughout the night the dairy cow that was at camp was mooing all night long. The next morning when we woke up and started getting ready the boys were talking about how crazy of noise this that the hor
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Inaugural McCracken County Winter School
Author: Samantha Anderson
Major Program: Grain Crops
Traditionally, the winter months provide a pause in activity for Kentucky producers. Seeing a need to effectively utilize this time to provide educational opportunities to producers in McCracken County, Samantha Anderson, Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent, hosted the inaugural McCracken County Winter School program.The month-long program covered topics including tobacco, grain crops, beef cattle and machinery management. Program presenters included University of Kentucky Cooperative Exten
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Family Gardening Bags
Author: Samantha Anderson
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

With family lifestyles getting busier and COVID19 closing many places and parks, it has put a strain on many families. According to Harvard Graduate School of Education, "studies show gardens support and encourage healthful eating as a key component of children's physical wellbeing, which can aid their academic and social success, too." Through the efforts of the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service, families in McCracken County started their own vegetable gard
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment