Health and WellnessPlan of Work
Estill County CES
Health and Wellness
Healthy Communities and Individuals
Agents Involved:
Eric Baker, Isaac Hollon, Thays Flores,
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
With the health and well-being of individuals becoming more and more of a concern local advisory councils felt that the extension service should work to curve the high obesity rate, and high over dose rate. As well as promote lifestyle changes the encourage a safer, healthier life.
Long-Term Outcomes:
To improve the quality of life
Reduce food related health issues
Reduce drug overdoses
Intermediate Outcomes:
Increase the use of proper safety equipment
Increase the use of healthy foods
Increase the amount of physical activity done by individuals
decrease the drug use rates.
Initial Outcomes:
Increase awareness about nutritious low cost foods for families
Increase knowledge of safety equipment and proper use
Increase awareness of effects of drugs
teach the skills for individuals to properly increase physical fitness
Initial Outcome: Increase Awareness of effects of drugs
Indicator: survey shows increased knowledge
Method: Survey
Timeline: Spring 2017
Intermediate Outcome: Increase the use of proper safety equipment
Indicator: Decreased severe injury rate
Method: interviews
Timeline: Spring 2020
Long-term Outcome: Improve the quality of life
Indicator: improved county statistics
Method: Kentucky Counts reports
Timeline: 2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Cancer Coalition
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Monthly
Audience: Low income families
Project or Activity: SNAP-Ed
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Time, staff, curriculum
Date: Year Round
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Foods & Nutrition Programming
Content or Curriculum:Superstar Chef, International Foods, Professor Popcorn,
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: All year
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Health Programing
Content or Curriculum:Jump into foods & fitness, Spark
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: All year
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: truth and consequences
Content or Curriculum:truth and consequences
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: Fall 2016
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity:Health Fair
Content or Curriculum: Awareness
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: annual
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Homemaker Officer Training
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Annual
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Relay for Life
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Awarness
Date: June
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Youth Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: March 2016
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Farm Safety
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Annual
Project or Youth
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Monthly
Success Stories
International Cooking Project
Author: Isaac Hilpp
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

This year a 4-H volunteer started an International Cooking Class that was targeted to 14 to 18-year old’s. The youth learned about new cultures, how to prepare a dish by following a recipe, proper kitchen safety, and how to work together as a team. Each class focused on a different country (Mexico, Korea, and Italy were a few). After they finished cooking, they could eat the dish and give feedback on their experience. They were also responsible for cleaning up the kitchen before the left.T
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Alzheimer's Basics Program
Author: Thays Flores
Major Program: Embracing Life as We Age (general)
An estimated 5.7 million Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2018. Of the estimated 5.7 million Americans, 71,000 are Kentucky residents. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., and it is the fifth leading cause of death for those ages 65 and older. With these statistics in mind the Estill County Family and Consumer Sciences agent collaborated with the Alzheimer’s Association to put together an “Alzheimer’s: Basics Prog
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Vegetarian 101 Leader Lesson
Author: Thays Flores
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
The terms vegetarian and vegan have become more and more prevalent in our society. Studies show that 5% of all Americans are now either vegetarian of vegan. Back in 2009, that percentage was only 1%, so there has been a huge increase of people following this diet. The Estill County FCS agent conducted a Vegetarian 101 lesson to all of the counties in the Bluegrass area as a Homemaker Training. In this program, the participants learned the different definitions related to these two diets as well
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superstar chef
Author: Thays Flores
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Overall, pre-post comparisons of participant responses to the assessment instrument show that the program enhanced participant understanding of the nutrition concepts covered in the program. Average total score on the test increased from 11.50 in the pretest to 14.13 in the posttest (out of a maximum of 15). Table 3 presents additional information on the number of participants that provided the correct response to each question on the pre-posttest. The pre-posttest also included seven items that
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment