Science, Technology, Engineering , Ag and MathPlan of Work

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Mason County CES

Science, Technology, Engineering , Ag and Math
Agents Involved:
Mary Jane Little
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

With our changing world, students need more science, Technology, Engineering, Ag and math to succeed in school, workplaces and the world. Teachers need supplemental info for these areas and 4-H provides many projects and opportunities for students.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Youth will become productive adults using their knowledge of technology to their benefit to improve both themselves and their surroundings. Making smart decisions with the use of the the internet and technology. Have the knowledge to find careers that suit their skill set for gainful employment.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Youth will help develop and build outdoor classrooms on Mason County school grounds.

Initial Outcomes:

Youth will learn about careers in the world and what education they need to attain their goals in life.


Initial Outcome: Students learn the need to STEAM and its importance.

Indicator: Pre and Post tests

Method: Surveys

Timeline: 2 years

Intermediate Outcome: Students can identify careers and pathways involving STEM

Indicator: projects in the classrooms and tours

Method: participation

Timeline: 2 years

Long-term Outcome: Students will choose majors and careers related to STEAM

Indicator: Interviewing students

Method: Interviews

Timeline: 3 - 5 years

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: MCIS elementary school

Project or Activity: classroom hands on projects

Content or Curriculum: Science

Inputs: Projects, programs, volunteers

Date: school year

Audience: MCMS

Project or Activity: Outdoor classrooms

Content or Curriculum: Science

Inputs: work with science teachers, curriculum

Date: school year

Audience: MCHS

Project or Activity: Outdoor classroom

Content or Curriculum: schience

Inputs: science, projects

Date: school year

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