Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Natural Resources

The Russell County 4-H Shooting Sports program provides young people with a safe environment to explore their passion for target shooting, a place where they feel they belong, and opportunities to form relationships with caring adult mentors. The program includes comprehensive firearms education, recreational pursuits, and healthy competition. Through this young people develop life skills like teamwork, self-confidence, personal discipline, responsibility, and decision-making. Russell County 4-H
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Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024
Author: Samantha Saunders
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Todd County 4-H Shooting Sports Program Teaches Firearm Safety, Marksmanship and Responsibility
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Natural Resources
The 4-H Shooting Sports program, which includes projects in archery, shotgun, muzzle-loading firearms, pistol, rifle, and air firearms is one of the largest and safest 4-H programs. According to Conrad Arnold, program coordinator of National 4-H Shooting Sports, the program was established nearly 40 years ago and now engages 428,000 young people per year (C. Arnold, personal communication, November 26, 2018). When incidents involving firearms make the news, its important to note that those abusi
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Shooting Sports State Match 2024
Author: Rachael Davis
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024 The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This
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State Shoot 2024
Author: Mary Anne Garnett
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024
Author: Abigail Roy
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Metcalfe County 4-H Shooting Sports Youth and Volunteers
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024 The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This
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4-H Entomology
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Natural Resources
In 2023, we started an Entomology Club in Campbell County at the request of a volunteer who was a former entomology state champion and a current city council member. Ten students attended meetings, and four submitted first year insect collections. We met at various parks in our county to hike and look for different insects. This was great exercise and entertainment but didn’t result in many insects (playgrounds and hiking trails were more of a distraction).Describe the Outreach or Educatio
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Mammoth Cave Forestry Field Day
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kentucky 4-H natural resource programs provide young people an opportunity to find their spark through hands-on learning experiences. A variety of projects and activities are offered in the areas of environmental sciences, entomology, forestry, geology, soils, water, wildlife, and shooting sports. Through these programs, young people connect with other youth members and adult leaders who share similar interests and learn invaluable life skills such as wise use of resources, communication, teamwo
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2024 Shooting Sports State Competition
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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State Shooting Sports Competition 2024-2025
Author: Madison Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024 The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This
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Fishing Friday Fosters Growth
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Natural Resources
The 4-H Fishing Friday program is a hands-on initiative that connects youth to the outdoors, teaching them essential fishing skills while fostering an appreciation for nature and conservation. Its impact goes beyond just learning how to fish—it builds character, patience, and confidence in young participants. It helps bridge the gap between technology-dominated lives and nature, teaching children how to appreciate the environment and the importance of conservation. For many participants, t
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Waco Elementary: Going with the Flow
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Natural Resources
According to NOAA, water quality is a complex issue, impacted by pollution, weather, tides, human activities, and many other factors. In the Keys, threats to water quality are categorized as local, regional, or global in nature. Local threats are issues like stormwater runoff, wastewater, organic debris, sedimentation, and harmful vessel discharges. The CES has been conducting a stream study for Waco Elementary 4th graders for around 15 years to help students realize their impact on our lo
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4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy
Author: Michael Rose
Major Program: Natural Resources
For the first time, Adair County 4-H has a participant in the 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci). This three-year program is designed to teach middle—and high-school-aged youth about their natural environment. The program's overall goal is for youth to develop a greater understanding of natural resources and environmental sciences in Kentucky while increasing leadership skills. The learning outcomes for the NRESci academy are that scholars will:&nbs
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Environmental Education Field Trips Develop Students and Communities
Author: DJ Scully
Major Program: Natural Resources
According to the United State Environmental Protection Agency, “environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions.” The Campbell County Extension Agent for Natural Resources and Environmental Management provides field trips
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4-H Environmental Camp
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Natural Resources
The 4-H Environmental Camp program provided by North Central 4-H Camp provides youth in 4th grade an amazing opportunity to learn about the natural world around them while experiencing it first-hand. In Clark County the past 3 years, we have been working to recruit all 4 public elementary schools to attend Environmental Camp. Previously, one public school had attending the overnight camp, and one had attended for one year as an extended day camp. This year, I was able to recruit all four public
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2024 Shooting Sports State Competition
Author: Alyssa Cox
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Kentucky 4-H State Shooting Sports Competition 2024
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Major Program: Natural Resources

Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition 2024 The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This
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Mammoth Cave Forestry Field Day
Author: Samantha Gabbard
Major Program: Natural Resources
4-H Forestry Field DayUK Forestry and Natural ResourcesMammoth Cave National Park 4-H youth from nine counties attended the 4-H Forestry Field Day at Mammoth Cave National Park on September 12, 2024. More than 100 youth had the opportunity to learn about Kentucky’s trees and forests as well as some of the skills that real-life foresters utilize everyday while on the job. The youth aged 9 to 13 (Juniors) and 14 to 18 (Seniors) years of age were taught and tested on the basics of tree i
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Partners and success
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources
Metcalfe County 4-H Certified Shooting Sports Volunteers, 4-H Agent partnered with the Metcalfe County Schools Community Education and KY Fish and Wildlife to offer a “Firearm Safety and Range” program during two weekends in the spring and fall. This program offered a hands-on learning experience providing an opportunity to learn hunter safety information and practice skills on the range. Everyone completing this program would receive their “Kentucky Hunters Safet
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Monarch Habitat Restoration: Art with Purpose
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Natural Resources

As monarch butterflies grow/mature, they feed on milkweed. Over the past few decades, the milkweed plant has been removed from much of the habitat in our area. Russell Co. 4-H members worked on a project in September and October to help restore monarch habitat in places where milkweed could grow but not be planted on farmland. Over 200 youth in 4th grade learned about insect anatomy, insect diversity, and incomplete and complete metamorphosis. During the activity, they wer
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Shooting Sports Program Continues to Grow
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Natural Resources
The success of many 4-H programs can be attributed to the strong leadership that guides them, and the Henderson County 4-H Shooting Sports program is a prime example. The dedicated leaders of this program have invested hundreds of hours in teaching, planning, and fundraising. Club members practice weekly throughout the year to strengthen their skills, with many competing in regional contests during the spring and summer to prepare for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest in September. In 2024,
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4-H Shooting Sports Hits the Mark
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: Natural Resources

The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Environmental Field Day
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Major Program: Natural Resources
Natural resources play a vital role in everyday life and meeting people’s needs. Clay County has over 300,000 acres of land with approximately 256,000 acres of forest land. Many youth across the county lack knowledge and appreciation of the surrounding environment. In order to increase awareness, the 4-H Youth Development Agent and ANR Agent collaborated and hosted Environmental Field Day at Big Double Creek Park in Redbird.Clay County Cooperative Extension ANR, 4-H, FCS Agents a
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First Christian Church Preschool
Author: Savannah Gilbert
Major Program: Natural Resources

It is essential to provide education about natural resources to the youth. Things like soil, water, forests, and even the air we breathe. These are resources that every person relies on every single day. It is important for children to learn how natural resources are crucial for things like gardening and growing fresh produce, flowers providing food for pollinators, forest health, and more.McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service's Horticulture Assistant visits the First Christian Chur
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Marshall County 4-Her Goals Achieved at 2024 Kentucky 4-H Shoot
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Natural Resources
The annual KY 4-H Shooting Sports State Competition, the culminating event for youth participating in the 4-H shooting sports program was hosted at the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League in Wilmore, KY on Saturday, Sept. 7th and at the Central KY Gun Club in Berea, KY on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Over the course of the weekend over 1,000 youth, their families, and county coaches, volunteers and 4-H agents gathered to take part in the event. This competition provides a goal for youth to work towards thr
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Youth Emersed in Overnight Nature Experience
Author: Lacey Kessell
Major Program: Natural Resources

Describe the Issue or Situation.Our youth are spending less time outdoors connecting with their environment. There is a wide range of reasons for this: increase screen time due technological advances, increase of population sizes in urban areas where their aren't safe green spaces for kids to explore, safety concerns by parents, structured schedules, lack of outdoor education and cultural shifts encouraging academics that don't focus as much on outdoor activities.As a result of the
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Bringing Classes to Camp for Outdoor Learning
Author: Shannon Farrell
Major Program: Natural Resources

In the fall of 2024, Harrison County 4-H was able to provide an extended day camp for all 4th and 5th graders in public and private schools at no cost to the schools. Across 4 different days, North Central 4-H Camp welcomed 450 youth and 42 adults for seven hours of camp experience and outdoor learning. Fourth grade classrooms were able to attend the venue’s environmental education program and participated in nature hiking, pond study, poo did it class, camouflage, and backyard games. &nbs
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Environmental Camp
Author: Susan Campbell
Major Program: Natural Resources
Environmental Camp has been a growing program in our county for a few years. The program began with one school then grew to two schools now all three elementary schools participate. This fall over 300 youth and 60 volunteers will be involved in enivornmental camp. 4-H Agent and teachers work closely together to align the camp program/classes with their Core Content. The overnight experience provided additional hands on opportunities and leadership skills.Collaboration with Anderson County E
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Shooting Sports Fuels 4-H Engagement and Leadership
Author: Kelly Woods
Major Program: Natural Resources
Describe the Issue or Situation.The Oldham County Shooting Sports program experienced a rebuilding year in 2023. In 2024, after coaches were in place and certified, the program growth continued with 83 members. The new coaching staff, 4-H Council, and Agent established goals to involve Shooting Sports members in all facets of the program and build upon the leadership opportunities.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).The Program Coordina
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Hitting the Mark: Reviving Livingston County 4-H Archery
Author: Sharee Schoonover
Major Program: Natural Resources

The Livingston County 4-H Archery program has made an exciting return, thanks to the dedication of a local teen, Holli Kerr, who served on the 2023-2024 State Shooting Sports Teen Advisory Board. Her passion for archery, combined with her mother’s (Dawn Kerr) commitment to becoming a certified coach, brought the program back to life. Throughout the summer, they held weekly practices every Tuesday, providing consistent opportunities for students to develop their skills.Their hard work paid
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