Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
Solar Panel Project
Author: Keenan Bishop
Major Program: Economic and Business Development - CED
The Franklin County Extension District Board voted to take advantage of the Solarize Frankfort process and federal government rebates to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery back-up system to supply nearly 100% of the office’s net annual electricity needs. The 45 kilowatt (AC) project will use 164 solar PV panels and four Tesla Powerwall batteries. The 164-panel solar array is expected to supply 98% of the Extension office’s net annual electricity needs, using a net metering
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Franklin County Extension Office to install solar panels, batteries for electric needs
Author: Carla Carter
Major Program: Economic and Business Development - CED

The newly installed solar panels at the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Office. Photo Credits: The State Journal, 7/16/2024.The Franklin County Extension District Board voted to take advantage of the Solarize Frankfort process and federal government rebates to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery back-up system to supply nearly 100% of the office’s net annual electricity needs. The 45 kilowatt (AC) project will use 164 solar PV panels and four Tesla Powerwall batteries. The
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Support local businesses through Tea Party Events
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Economic and Business Development - CED

Describe the Issue or Situation. Cynthiana’s revitalization has boomed over the past 15 years. With a staggering number of new small businesses, Cynthiana has continued to grow and develop even during the recent covid pandemic. However, small businesses often face various challenges that can significantly impact their growth, stability, and success like competing with larger businesses and offsetting expenses with feasible customer prices. Oppor
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