Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR): U-Connect
Author: Nancy Calix
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Kentucky State University, University of Minnesota, and Tennessee State University developed a multi-state grant called U-Connect to address educational disparities for at risk youth. Programming included Check and Connect curriculum, STEM, and parent engagement.Check and Connect is an evidence-based, student engagement intervention that supports positive youth development by promoting relationships with caring adults and peers, skill building within safe environment, and cognitive engagement wi
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StoryWalk Encourages Physical Activity and Literacy in Carter County
Author: Whitney Morrow
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

The Center for Disease Control lists Kentucky as one of the least active states in the US. This inactivity contributes to health problems including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc. Carter County ranks as one of the highest counties in the state for diabetes related deaths. When community members were surveyed, lack of environments to be active is a strong contributor to inactivity. In addition to inactivity community leaders and educators also identified a need to encou
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Family Fun at the Farmer's Market
Author: Rachel Hance
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Allen, Logan, and Simpson Community Early Childhood Council seeks to improve school readiness in our area by engaging families, offering professional development opportunities to providers and mini grant opportunities to STAR rated centers. Kindergarten readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. The kindergarten screener measures readiness in five important domains, acad
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Magoffin County Backpack Program
Author: Amanda Howard
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Nutrition Education Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistant in Magoffin County works with the Backpack Program. The Backpack Program was designed to provide children in need with nutritious shelf stable food through the use of backpacks. This program was started to help food security over the weekend for children in our area. The backpack program has been very successful in Magoffin County schools. All the food/ funding is donated by organizations in our county and was used only for t
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Plate It Up
Author: Amanda Howard
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Nutrition Education Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistant in Magoffin County works with the Framers Market to help people understand the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Each week presenting a tasty Plate it Up Kentucky Proud Recipe for everyone to sample. When choosing the recipe available produce items are selected according what is in season and available for purchase. Of the average sixty people who stop at the Magoffin County Farmers Market 95% of them do sample the recipe.
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Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle
Author: Laura Milburn
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Washington County reports that 29% of its residents have some form of hypertension and report being physically unhealthy at least 5 days a month.( combat these numbers the Washington County Family Consumer Science agent and the SNAP-Ed Program Assistant with the Lincoln Trail Health Department and Washington County Community Education offered aNutrition and Healthy Lifestyle course titled Biggest
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Isaiah House Men's Rehab Center Summer Session
Author: Laura Milburn
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Washington County reports 730 drug arrests per 100,000 per year with Kentucky at 1,476 per 100,000. ( order to promote physical health during recovery and teach practices for wellness, The Washington County Extension SNAP-Ed program assistant partnered with The Isaiah House Men’s Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center. Weekly nutrition and cooking classes were held at the men’s rehab
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Kids Helping in the Kitchen
Author: Laura Milburn
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Washington County reports that 29% of its residents have some form of hypertension and report being physically unhealthy at least 5 days a month.( combat these numbers the Washington County Family Consumer Science agent and the SNAP-Ed Program Assistant offered a family cooking and nutrition series that paired parents and children in the learning process.This group met weekly over the course of a
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Dairy for Everybody
Author: Amanda Howard
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Magoffin County SNAP-Ed assistant works with five groups at the local Senior Citizens Center. The participants seem to think they have been “around the block” and know what is best for their diets; however, when it comes to milk they found out differently. The SNAP-Ed assistant taught the Healthy Choices for Everybody section on Dairy for Everybody and discussed the calories and fat content in different kinds of milk. When comparing whole, 2%, 1% and skim milks, many of the parti
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Grow Appalachia Food Preservation Class
Author: Amanda Howard
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Magoffin County SNAP-Ed assistant partnered with the Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) Extension Agent, and provided a two day Food Preservation Series through the UK Extension Nutrition Education Program. The Magoffin County Extension Service works with The Grow Appalachia organization and together they address food insecurity for families focused on organic gardening practices. The Grow Appalachia program has successfully created opportunities for fresh produce to be grown and
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Eating More Protein
Author: Judy McGuire
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Eating more Protein After teaching an Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program class on protein, to a group consisting of five members, at the Maytown Community Center/Food Pantry the conversation had quickly turned to how expensive meat is and how some family members did not like meat. A follow up lesson was taught. During the class other sources of protein were discussed such a peanut butter, beans, nuts, and soy. A variety of high protein recipes were given out along with handouts on in
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Nuturing Families
Author: Lora Howard
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Clay County is a rural county in Eastern KY, 66.4% of our households are husband /wife with their own children, and 33.6% off our households are single parent with children under 18. 62% of our grandparents are responsible for their grandchildren. 46.2% have been responsible for their grandchildren over 5 years. Family communication is the key to the success of family life. Helping families to overcome stereotypes, appreciating differences and understanding the developmen
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Second Wind Dreams
Author: Maryellen Garrison
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Anxiety and depression are major problems in nursing homes and many medications are used to treat these conditions. The statistics reflecting incidents of abuse involving elderly residents in nursing homes and care facilities are both staggering and disheartening. At the broadest level, more than two (2) million cases of elder abuse are reported every year, and almost one out of every ten elderly individuals will experience some form of elder abuse and in Kentucky there are currently over
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Kentucky Military Teen Adventure Camps (FY 2016-2017)
Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
~~Funding year 2016-2017 of the Kentucky Military Teen Adventure Camps (MTAC) has been yet another success! With a total of 9 camps from April 2016- August 2017. The funding year end was originally going to be April of 2017, but FCS Extension via Kerri Ashurst and Tyrone Atkinson were able to secure an additional funding extension to go through the summer into August. Families including service members or spouses along with their teenage children were able to go high adventure trips
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AARP Prepare to Care
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Based on demographic trends, Kentucky needs to plan for a great increase in caregiving. In 2005, 12.5% of Kentucky’s population was reported to be 65+ and by 2030 it is predicted that 19.8% of the Commonwealth’s population will be 65+ (2007 U.S. Census Bureau). Today, over half of Kentucky’s older adults report living with a disability. In addition, there is a growing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia. Currently, an estimated 415,171 caregivers provide h
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Back to School Bash
Author: Christy Ramey
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Due to the overwhelming response of the first Back to School Bash the Family Resource Center in Simpson County and other community partners requested that the Simpson County FCS Agent take the lead in planning a second annual event. With the participation of five more organizations, businesses and churches serving on the committee, we were able to make the Bash bigger and better in 2017. Increases from the previous year included: double the monetary donations ($4000), double the atte
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Purple Hearts & Heroes Hunt
Author: David Hull
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Because of our association with the 500 acre Hartig Park, the Gallatin County Extension Service was approached by Purple Hearts & Heroes to co-sponsor an event at the park. The Purple Hearts & Heroes Foundation is an organization that exists to provide deserving veterans, and the children of fallen veterans, the opportunity to connect, or re-connect with the outdoors through organized outdoor adventures. Working in collaboration with the Purple Hearts & Heroes group and the Gall
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The Power of Kindness
Author: Maryellen Garrison
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Imagine yourself living in a nursing home, relying on 24 hour care, and owning nothing more than the clothes on your back. Picture a life with no family and an overwhelming feeling that you have lost your control, freedom, and rights. Although this scenario may seem unimaginable, unfortunately it’s a sad reality for many elders anytime but especially during the holiday season. During a time that is typically filled with joy, compassion and family, for many nursing home residents, the holid
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Building Strong Families in Campbell County
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Many aspects play into building healthy relationships and strong families. According to the University of Kentucky’s publication, “Family Vitality: Characteristics of Strong Families,” relationships that include good communication skills, fun times, time together, involvement with friends and community, commitment, and a healthy lifestyle are some essential characteristics of strong families (Rupured and Quick, 1997). In order to build strong families and help fost
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Summer Enrichment Program for Migrant Farm Workers' Children
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The most recent U. S. Census figures show Hispanics make up approximately 15 percent of the population of Shelby County, Kentucky. Those numbers are almost double what was reported in the 2000 Census and represent the largest minority in Shelby County, nearly twice as large as the county’s African American community. The Hispanic population has been historically difficult for Extension to reach because of language and cultural differences. The Shelby County Extension Agent for Family
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Community Baby Shower
Author: Allison Lewis
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. Each Year the Spencer County FCS and 4H agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, Health Department, and Multi-Purpose Community Action plan the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. This program focuses on soon to be, or have a child up to 12 months, mothers and fathers from l
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Sewing Expo Benefits more than Sewing Skills
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
A clinical study conducted by the Home Sewing Association (HSA) revealed that women who sew — both skilled as well as novice sewers–experienced a drop in heart rate, blood pressure and perspiration rate when compared women who participated in other leisure-time activities. Sewers claimed to feel better after engaging in their favorite activity. Sewing is an activity that is often enjoyed by highly creative and productive people, yet can actually be used as a stress-buster with health
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Surviving the Holidays
Author: Matti Coffey
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Limited income and resources brings overwhelming stress to many individuals and families throughout the year and especially at the holiday season. For the second year, Knox and Whitley FCS Agents partnered to present a special workshop for the holidays. This workshop included presentations on: traditional, inexpensive recipes made healthier; holiday food safety; inexpensive gifts to make; and decorations made with things on hand. 40 people attended, and the holiday workshop was deemed a huge suc
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Story Walk Reading Event
Author: Denise Wooley
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

The UK Cooperative Extension Service is a partner of the Community Early Childhood Council (CECC) in McCracken County. The CECC strives to bring opportunities for preschool aged children to learn and prepare themselves for kindergarten. We are working at a young age to build their "Life Skills" that will last them a lifetime. The following three statements are the goals of the CECC.Every Kentucky child will enter school ready to succeedEvery parent will know what their child needs
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Not Your Grandma's Pressure Cooker
Author: Whitney Hilterbran
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is committed to improving the health and well-being of families in the commonwealth. Recent evaluations of our community conducted by WEDCO Health Department indicated that 59.3% are concerned about alcohol/drug abuse and that 45.8% are concerned about poor diet/inactivity (Community Themes and Strengths Assessment, 2014). Both of these concerns may be addressed by increasing the frequency and quality of family meals eaten at home.In an ef
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Preschool Learning
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Assessment scores reveal only 43% of Meade County kindergarten students were school ready regardless of their prior setting before coming to school. 31% scored average or above with academic/cognitive skills. 43% scored average or above with physical development skills while 75% scored average or above with language development skills. To assist in efforts to improve early childhood readiness the extension service targeted educational efforts in this area. The two m
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Kentucky 4-H Babysitting Basics 4 Fun and 4 Profit
Author: Melanie Bealmear
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Today’s families are stretched thin for care of children school-age and younger between heavy workloads, single parenting in many cases, elder caregiving, and children’s out of school activities. Middle-school and high school youth who are too young to find employment in the commercial sector are eager to earn money for personal wants and needs. They are willing to be trained as short-term child care providers, commonly known as babysitters.The Union County Extension Service Office F
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Wilderness Trail Cooking School
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Research shows that preparing and eating meals at home can have positive impact on families by strengthening family ties and leading to better physical and mental health. In an effort to encourage more families to make family mealtime a priority, Family & Consumer Science Agents in the Wilderness Trail Area organized and conducted a Wilderness Trail Area Holiday Cooking School focused on family meal preparation. 250 participants from the eight counties from the Wilderness Trail Area attended
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Familes Ready EveryDay
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Families Reading Every Day is a program designed to encourage families to read to the children in their lives. With family life style’s getting busier and children watching more television and being involved with playing video games, parents find it difficult to have a meaningful relationships with their children. Studies, also, show that children who are read to for at least 20 minutes a day are more likely to do better in school and not have as many discipline pr
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Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

FamtoberfestAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau about 7.2 million grandparents now have grandchildren younger than 18 living with them in the United States. According to 112,364 children under 18 live in householders being raised grandparents or other relatives in Kentucky, this number does not exclude Lawrence County.With this information in mind the Lawrence County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Education developed a program in collaboration w
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Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
According to a 2012 survey conducted by The American RedCross, good babysitters are often hard to find. The survey reviled that fiftyfive percent of parents stay home from activities because they could not find asitter. ( same survey also found that nearly 30 percent of parents rejected apotential babysitter due to safety concerns. Durin
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Early Literacy Matters
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Data from the 2017 Early Childhood Profile indicates that only 34.3% of children in Clinton County are ready to enter kindergarten. Because every child deserves the opportunity to develop early literacy skills, the Clinton County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Community Early Childhood Council to promote implementation of and enrollment in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Through participation in the Imagination Library, each month an age appropriate book is mail
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World's Greatest Baby Shower 2018
Author: Melanie Bealmear
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The World’s Greatest Baby Shower educational program was organized in 2006 by the Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences. Community partners agreed to host educational speakers on car seat safety, breastfeeding, infant dental care, and much more. The “Ask an Expert” session invites experts to answer important questions to expectant parents. 365 expectant moms have benefited from this educational program held every June at the Union County Middle School.&nb
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The Mouse is in the House
Author: Melanie Bealmear
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Math/Literacy for preschoolers/The Mouse is in the HouseLiteracy and math initiatives have been identified as priorities and a vital component of kindergarten readiness in the Domains of Language and Communication and Cognitive/General Knowledge. Only 63.4% of Union County kindergarteners scored average or above average in the Language and Communication Domain on the Brigance compared to 70.9% in Kentucky. The screening showed that only 29.2 % of our entering kindergartener
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Day Treatment
Author: Luciana Hockersmith
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Building on partnerships in the local school with at-risk students formed through our Nutrition Education Program (NEP), the Mercer County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent offered weekly lessons to approximately 15 middle and school school students design to increase awareness and critical thinking related to making healthy lifestyle decisions.
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Holiday Series Promotes Strong Families and Connected Communities
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Strong families and connected communities have been shown to bolster emotional, physical, and mental wellness through enhanced feelings of identity, development of resiliency, increased security and stability, and reduced harmful behaviors. In order to provide an experience that promotes strong families and communities, the Washington County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered with the Washington County Public Library and the Washington County Nutrition Education Program Assistant to ho
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Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Strong families play an important role in the community and contribute to a healthy society overall. For example, positive development of a young child depends on a parent’s ability to nurture, teach, and provide. Despite daily stressors such as finances, health and emotional barriers, positive family interactions, including a sense of belonging, love, connection, trust, sensitivity, and responsibility, can contribute to overall well-being. Family traditions are just one example of how fam
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Kentucky Strong Dads, Resilient Families program
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The purpose of this grant is to provide educational programs for fathers/father figures and their families. The primary goal of this project is to strengthen parenting skills of fathers as a means to promote family resiliency. Strong Dads, Resilient Families provides educational programs for fathers/father figures ages 18 years & up in Todd (western) & Wolfe (eastern) counties. The primary goal of the project is to strengthen the parenting skills of the father figures as a means to
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Kentucky Strong Dads, Resilient Families Program
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Strong Dads, Resilient Families provides educational programs for fathers/father figures ages 18 years & up in Todd (western) & Wolfe (eastern) counties. The primary goal of the project is to strengthen the parenting skills of the father figures as a means to promote family resiliency. Long term objectives and findings include the following: 1) Increase in the application of effective parenting skills - All fathers who completed the programs for incarcerated fathers in To
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Kentucky Youth Engagement and SupportYES) program
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The purpose of this grant is to provide life skills programs for homeless and unstably housed youth in Jefferson County, Kentucky. The primary goal is for target youth to increase the number of critical life skills they possess to become more self-sufficient. This project aims to provide life skills education (e.g., workforce prep, communication & conflict resolution) to homeless or unstably housed youth ages 12 to 22 years. Participants completed an adapted common measures p
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Kentucky Youth Engagement and SupportYES) program
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The purpose of this grant is to provide life skills programs for homeless and unstably housed youth in Jefferson County, Kentucky. The primary goal is for target youth to increase the number of critical life skills they possess to become more self-sufficient. This project aims to provide life skills education (e.g., workforce prep, communication & conflict resolution) to homeless or unstably housed youth ages 12 to 22 years. Findings for the short-term outcomes delineated on this grant
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Kentucky Youth Engagement and SupportYES) program
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The purpose of this grant is to provide life skills programs for homeless and unstably housed youth in Jefferson County, Kentucky. The primary goal is for target youth to increase the number of critical life skills they possess to become more self-sufficient. This project aims to provide life skills education (e.g., workforce prep, communication & conflict resolution) to homeless or unstably housed youth ages 12 to 22 years. Findings for the short-term outcomes delineated on this grant
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Building Superheroes
Author: David Weisenhorn
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
For many children, Kindergarten is the beginning of an educational journey through which they will grow more and more independent and mature. This can be an exciting time for both child and parent. However, not all children are prepared with the appropriate skills to succeed in Kindergarten and beyond, making this experience for some children a difficult one.Kentucky Department of Education reported only half of the children starting Kindergarten were actually prepared and ready to start in 2016
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Kerri Ashurst and David Weisenhorn facilitated a 30-minute Facebook Live session hosted through Washington County Extension Office's Facebook Page on April 24, 2018 as a way to help educate about child abuse during the designated National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The segment provided educational content on the types of abuse, the purpose of a designated month for Child Abuse prevention, Kentucky statistics on child abuse, reasons abuse happens, ways that parents/caregivers can reduce th
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Camp Kesem
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Camp Kesem is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer. They are the largest national organization dedicated to this unique population. Currently there are 105 Kesem chapters in 40 states led by 4,500 college student leaders. Dr. Kerri Ashurst serves as the UK Chapter Student Advisor for Camp Kesem, formed in late 2016. Camp Kesem KY had their first camp in July 2017 with 19 children attending. In
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Laugh & Learn
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
According to the 2017 Early Childhood Profile, only 63.4% of children in Caldwell County are ready for kindergarten. Children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school than more advantaged children. The Family & Consumer Sciences Agent partnered with the Caldwell, Crittenden, and Lyon Community Early Childhood Council and the Caldwell Family Resource and Youth
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A Walking Story Trail
Author: Christy Ramey
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
As and active member of the Allen, Logan and Simpson Early Childhood Council, this Family and consumer Sciences Agent has helped write grants that are designed to build strong families. This most recent grant was designated to promote Kindergarten Readiness in the area of physical activity and nutrition. This year Simpson County received $5000 to hold family friendly events that teach parents what children should know and accomplish before they enter kindergarten. Given the str
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Third Grade Manners Class
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

North Middletown Manners Class“Manners cost us nothing but earn us A LOT. Respect from others.” The opening line of the North Middletown Elementary 3rd grade program on Manners (Table and Social). The program consisted of four learning sessions and a grand finale of a formal dinner with invited table guest. Topics included introducing your friends to your parents, the power of thinking of others feelings by using please, thank you, holding doors and pleasant voices, p
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Born Learning Program-Kindergarten Readiness
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Bracken County FCS along with the Bracken FRYSC Office collaborated with Taylor Elementary to offer a Kindergarten Readiness program for the first time in the county. This program’s main goal was to expose kindergarten age children and their parents to the school system and help children succeed in kindergarten and beyond. It was grant funded through the United Way. When offering this program we asked counties close to us and was told they had not had good attendance.
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Nurturing Parenting, Family Time Challenge
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
In 2010 a Canadian longitudinal study showed a distinct relationship between family meals and lower adolescent delinquency, school problems and substance abuse. In the years since, more studies have shown that family meals are one of the numerous positive interactions and activities related to positive communication between parents and children. During the fall of 2017, the Rockcastle County Extension Service started an conscious effort to offer programs that give familie
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Family Fishing Day
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

According to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention children’s mental health is effected by communication and quality time with family. Children who spend quality time and have clear communication with their family are less likely to develop depression, anxiety, and are more likely to succeed in school. The Lawrence County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Science (FCS) Education collaborated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering and local businesses in o
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Early Childhood Development Partnership
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
In recent years, Grayson County has realized below average kindergarten readiness rates. In 2016 and 2017 only 36.7% and 39.6%, respectively, of children entering school in Grayson County were considered “kindergarten ready”. Learning starts at a very early age and it begins in the home. However many parents are not aware of the impact of early child development and learning to the success of the child in school and life. To address this issue, the Grayson County Family and Consumer
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Families Baking Together and Building Life Skills
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Research shows that family mealtime is important in child development and student success in school. The kitchen is often the center for busy families that struggle to balance work, school and community activities. Unfortunately very few family meals may occur. Breakfast is often a quick a cup of coffee and a pastry on the way out the door and dinner is from a drive-through bag while homework is being completed. The 2017-18 KEHA lesson Baking and Breaking Bread Together focuses on br
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Expectant Parent Baby Fair
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
As a result of a community outreach and networking agency input, the Kenton County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Kenton County Library Erlanger Branch, Northern Kentucky Health Department, Kenton County Schools Family Resource Centers, and several other health organizations to host an Expectant Parent Baby Shower Resource Fair. The goal of this event was to provide expectant parents and those with small children with needed education and community resources. Topics inclu
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Fatherhood Initiative Highlights the Role of Father Figures in the Lives of Youth
Author: Kenneth Jones
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The year 2018 was the final year for a Kentucky CYFAR project targeting fathers/father figures. A group that is often overlooked, this program aimed to assist this target audience in finding the critical characteristics necessary to be better fathers and family men. This program raised the awareness of fathers about their importance in the lives of their children and others within the family. A total of 152 male participants from Todd and Wolfe Counties participated in the program over the
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Early Childhood Kindergarten Readiness
Author: Rachel Hance
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
The Allen, Logan, and Simpson Community Early Childhood Council seeks to improve school readiness in our area by engaging families, offering professional development opportunities to providers and mini grant opportunities to STAR rated centers. Kindergarten readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. The kindergarten screener measures readiness in five important domains, academ
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KY Military Teen Adventure Camps 2018
Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Funding year 2018 of the Kentucky Military Teen Adventure Camps (MTAC) has been yet another success! With a total of 5 camps from April 2018- August 2018. Families including service members or spouses along with their teenage children were able to go high adventure trips such as whitewater rafting and canoeing, rock climbing and rappelling, and much more. This program has developed into an efficient and beloved program by all family members and the staff who facilitate it. Continued
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