Success StoryCommunity Baby Shower
Community Baby Shower
Author: Allison Lewis
Planning Unit: Spencer County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Plan of Work: Health, Safety, and Nutrition
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. Each Year the Spencer County FCS and 4H agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, Health Department, and Multi-Purpose Community Action plan the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. This program focuses on soon to be, or have a child up to 12 months, mothers and fathers from low income families and allows them to visit booths of people and organizations that provide key factors in raising children.
Key factors being education on birth, pediatrics, breastfeeding, basic nutrition, insurance, preschool and much more. 25 mothers and 6 fathers attended the program and 34 organizations had booths set up. Examples of organizations were Anthem, A New Hope Pregnancy Center, Passport, Life Long Learning, and the Extension Office. The FCS and 4H agents had a booth where they handed out nutrition information, healthy recipes, SNAP education products, and answered questions on nurturing families and life skills. Each family that attended received multiple items to help care for baby, such as, car seats, diapers, clothing, and monitors. Drive Smart Kentucky and the Taylorsville Police helped parents and grandparents secure car seats in their vehicle for child safety. These organizations and many others donated an In-Kind amount of $8,550. Due to this program youths and adults have been educated on basic nutrition and healthy choices for baby. They can use this information to care for their growing babies and families properly, as well as, teach others to do the same. Attending this event also provided each family with key items needed to raise a newborn saving the families $750+ in the first year.
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