Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
UK Engagement Academy comes to Harrison County
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Extension success is measured, in part, by its collaborative efforts with community leaders, other entities, and stakeholders. What’s been a major component in Extension’s purpose for years, but being emphasized now more than ever, is the Extension’s ability to partner and share resources with other efforts in the community to meet needs and increase quality of life. A tremendous honor was held by Harrison County Extension when the Regio
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UK Engagement Academy comes to Harrison County
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Extension success is measured, in part, by its collaborative efforts with community leaders, other entities, and stakeholders. What’s been a major component in Extension’s purpose for years, but being emphasized now more than ever, is the Extension’s ability to partner and share resources with other efforts in the community to meet needs and increase quality of life. A tremendous honor was held by Harrison County Extension when the Regional Director for area C4, recommended the
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Extension Extravaganza
Author: Alex Kelly
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Extension Extravaganza was a remarkable day dedicated to showcasing the multitude of offerings provided by the extension community. This event served as a vibrant platform where a diverse range of extension services, programs, and resources were showcased to the community. It was a day filled with enthusiasm and excitement, as agents and volunteers passionately demonstrated the valuable knowledge and assistance that extension services can bring to people's lives.The target audience for our e
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Modern Homesteading Club: Reviving Old Skills, Building Community, and Nurturing Families
Author: Debra Hixon
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Modern Homesteading member selling her art, Homemakers bazaar 2023The problem: During a summer canning class participants were discussing the desire to learn many new skills. The challenge was the knowledge of fundamental skills that were once commonplace in households. The participants expressed a desire to reconnect with these "old" skills such as canning, sewing, family support, food dehydration, small farm animal production, and artistic endeavors. The
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Lewis County Senior Citizens
Author: Christa O'Cull
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
The problem - Lewis County Senior Citizens are not disaster ready.The educational program response - 35 Lewis County senior citizens are now Disaster Ready! We collaborated with Lowe's of Maysville, Ky to provide basic essentials for a disaster preparedness bag. This included a 5 gallon bucket, roll of toilet paper, flashlight, blanket, hand sanitizer, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitizing wipes, beef stew, vienna sausage, dog food and cat food, plus various disaster readiness materi
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Giant Pumpkin Contest
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Harrison County and Cynthiana is considered the #1 Fall Destination in Kentucky. With that title, local businesses decorate storefronts, homes are decorated with skeletons and fall décor, there are events held each weekend through September and October and the Harrison County Extension Office is always looking for ways to participate and make their presence known in the community.After a conversation with the Chamber of Commerce director, a suggestion was made to have a Giant Pumpki
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Giant Pumpkin Contest
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Harrison County and Cynthiana is considered the #1 Fall Destination in Kentucky. With that title, local businesses decorate storefronts, homes are decorated with skeletons and fall décor, there are events held each weekend through September and October and the Harrison County Extension Office is always looking for ways to participate and make their presence known in the community.After a conversation with the Chamber of Commerce director, a suggestion was made to have a Giant Pumpki
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The Farm and Home Show
Author: Kristi Shive
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
FCS educators and extension agents address many topics yet struggle to find the time to cover all areas. The Farm and Home Show is an educational, five-minute, show produced by the Warren County Cooperative Extension Service that shares timely topics related to the farm and the home. The Farm and Home Show airs at 5:15 AM and 7:15 AM weekday mornings, Monday through Friday. Co-host, Kristi Shive, Warren County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, highlights Family and Consumer Sciences by c
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1st Annual Farm to Fork Dinner - Grayson County
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
The local food movement is a constant pillar of growth in the Grayson County agriculture community. In 2022 alone, the Farmer’s Market grossed $20,000 and that did not include those local farmers who sold by farm stand or direct to consumer. Due to the rise in discussion of the local food systems, the Grayson County Extension Council voted to host a Farm to Fork Dinner. The KY Proud Farm to Fork program was designed to increase awareness of the local food movement by partnering with organi
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First Aid Seminar
Author: Alethea Price
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Being prepared for emergencies, whether medical or natural disasters, is crucial. Over 1,800 Kentucky residents die each year due to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and over a hundred people died in the most recent disasters such as floodings and tornadoes. This seminar increases awareness about CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Wound Care, Disaster Preparedness to save valuable time and possibly lives. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports, “Being prepared can red
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Summer Reading Program Kickoff with the Bullitt County Public Library
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

In Bullitt County students are deficient in reading. In elementary and middle schools proficiency is around 43% and in high school that drops to 34%. In an effort to improve reading across the county, we want to bridge the summer gap and encourage all students to use the Public Library and participate in summer reading programs.This year we partnered with the Bullitt County Public Library in the Summer Quest Kick Off Festival. Extension was represented by the Horticulture Progr
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Supporting the Local Food and Agriculture Industry
Author: Kelsee Dewees
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
According to the University of Kentucky Community Needs Assessment Survey results, strengthening/supporting the local food and agriculture industry is listed as a top priority indicator. To address this need, Knox County community members were educated of the importance and development of local food/local grown products/markets and the agriculture industry, the agriculture agent and FCS agent provided 3 educational opportunities with transportation provided to visit a local dairy farm, app
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Take a Load off Laundry Workshop w/ MCV for SAFY and Voices of Hope
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

The World Health Organization defines life skills as “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.” The laundry process and clothing care are part of life’s everyday demands, as we all wear clothing and, at some point, our clothing will need to be cleaned. Based on family traditions, laundry equipment and product availability, as well as a general interest in the chore outcome, th
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Virtual Book Clubs: Educational Delivery Method Supporting Social Connectedness
Author: Melinda McCulley
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
RelevanceThe global pandemic profoundly changed the face of Extension programming. While online learning was utilized before 2020, COVID-19 created the demand to present all programming safely with respect to social distancing protocols, while remaining engaging and educational. Once the public health threat subsided, it was clear that some programming methods of the pandemic era would remain effective due to convenience for clientele, enhanced learner engagement, and the ability to reach broad
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CDC High Obesity Program (HOP) Work to Increase Food Access Network
Author: Joann Lianekhammy
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Relevance The prevalence of adult obesity in Kentucky was 37.7% according to self-reported weight and height data from the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Kentucky is among 22 states with an adult obesity rate greater than 35%. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlight this concern noting that prior to 2012, no state had an adult obesity greater than 35%. Response A 5-year CDC High Obesity Grant Program (HOP) was awarded to the Universi
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CDC High Obesity Program (HOP) Work to Enhance Areas of Promoting Active Living
Author: Joann Lianekhammy
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Relevance The prevalence of adult obesity in Kentucky was 37.7% according to self-reported weight and height data from the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Kentucky is among 22 states with an adult obesity rate greater than 35%. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlight this concern noting that prior to 2012, no state had an adult obesity greater than 35%. Response A 5-year CDC High Obesity Grant Program (HOP) was awarded to the Universi
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Catching Dreams
Author: Stacy Trent
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention around three in four girls worry about failing. Between the ages of 8-14, girls’ confidence levels drop by 30 percent. To help reverse this situation, the Family and Consumer Science Agent created a program called Catching Dreams. This program is designed to help build girls confidence, self-esteem, and how to follow their own path through educational activities. During the two-day event youth participated in etiquette, communication
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment