Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Meat Processors Growing Into the Future
Author: Lyndall Harned
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
We have two meat processors who have opened in the county within the last year and a half. One started from the ground up and one re-opened a long standing family business that had been closed for a while. One is just looking to increase the current type of business and the other is looking to expand in many different ways. So, I contacted Heather Graham, EKY Food Chain Coordinator for The Food Connection at UK Martin-Gatton CAFE. We set a date for her to visit and I worked with the businesses t
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Farm Safety Night
Author: Joseph Ray
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR

In recent years Boyle County and the surrounding area have seen several farm related injuries. To shine a light on preventing farming related injuries and promoting farm safety, the Boyle County ANR Agent and Horticulture Agent partnered with the Boyle County Farm Bureau Federation to develop an all-inclusive educational program to raise awareness to farm safety with an emphasis in grain bin entrapment and rescue. The educational program was held on August 1st, 2023, at the Boyle County Cooperat
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County Agriculture Education Efforts Boosted by Kentucky Agriculture Development Fund
Author: David Embrey
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
The passage of House Bill 611 and subsequent development of the Governor’s Office of Agriculture Policy, now the Kentucky Office of Agriculture Policy, has greatly enhanced the ability of Kentucky producers to begin new enterprises and/or expand existing ones. Much is said about the Kentucky Agriculture Development Fund in the county, how much is allocated, how much is estimated in return on investment, but not much is mentioned about how producer education is impac
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Extension Takes the Lead in Data Gathering
Author: Christopher Schalk
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
The problem Barren County is a leader in KY agriculture. The rich and diverse history of agriculture production is a cornerstone of our local economy. A group of community stakeholders have mounted an effort to bring a regional agriculture exposition center to the Cave City area. Cave City is a logical choice due it location on I-65 and the tourism infrastructure already in place. The educational program respons
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Entrepreneurship Success in Butler County
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Butler county leadership continues to identify entrepreneurship and economic development as important areas for cooperative extension service programming. Greg Drake II and Butler County’s Entrepreneurial Coaching team continue to support entrepreneurship. The county entrepreneurial coaching team has now coached thirty four businesses. The coaches use materials developed by UK extension specialist and agents to assist potential business owners. The entrepreneurial c
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WAVE Ag Day 2023
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR

One billion dollar impact and $359,967,000 worth of products sold across 960 farms- WAVE AG Day highlights agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman County. After catastrophic rainfall flooding fields and roads, we had to change our regular way of doing things to continue with WAVE Ag Day for 2023. The event had to be moved to the conference building at Columbus State Park. The 6th year for the event, River Counties WAVE AG Day, took place on July 21 from 7:30
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Initiation and traning of trained panelest to assist the distilled spirits industry to improve quality
Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Develop a group of individuals trained to identify typical flavors and quality issues in distilled products. The panelists are undergoing training to describe and recognize the odor qualities of approximately 40 different odorants. They will perform a ranking test to evaluate the odor intensities of eight supra-threshold aqueous solutions in Teflon vessels. These solutions include 3-methyl butanal (malty), (E, E)-2,4-decadienal (fatty), γ-nonalactone (coconut-like), ethyl butanoate (fruity
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Success Story with reach test
Author: Ivelin Denev
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
The problemThe educational program responseThe participants/target audienceOther partners (if applicable)Program impact or participant response.
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What Do Visitors Think About Morgan County? “First Impressions” Program Provides Basis for Community Action and Economic Development
Author: Sarah Fannin
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Morgan County Extension District Board, City of West Liberty Tourism Committee and Chamber of Commerce jointly commissioned a study to gauge how first-time visitors perceive the strengths and shortcomings of the community. These perceptions are critical to building a larger workforce, attracting new businesses, promoting tourism, and creating new jobs.The study was conducted by the University of Kentucky Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky housed in the Martin Gatton
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Tractor and Equipment Maintenance Workshop
Author: Joshua Jackson
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
For individuals new to farming or those who have inherited family farms, the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain and operate equipment can be lacking. With the agricultural sector facing significant labor challenges, resulting in extended wait times for equipment servicing, the Trimble County agent requested an equipment selection and maintenance workshop. Similar programs in nearby counties have highlighted a need for more detailed information on tractors and equipment. Producers have id
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Ag Funding Workshop
Author: Regina Utz
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Ag Funding WorkshopOn June 11th, 2024, Trimble County Extension Office hosted the Agriculture Funding Workshop. In collaboration with multiple entities across the state, the Workshop was presented to bring awareness to the consumers of the county of what funding avenues and business building avenues were available. The presenters included, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, KADF, UK Extension, NRCS, FSA, Trimble County Conservation, KCARD, & KSU.There were over 60 people in attendance at th
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment