Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Ladies Safety & Self Defense
Author: Jessica Hunley
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
The Madison County FCS Agent worked collaboratively with Kentucky State Police as well as Richmond and Berea Fire departments to put together and present a program about self defense, awareness, and home safety specifically for ladies. The program was presented on a weeknight, and consisted of 29 adult female participants, ranging in age from 18 and up. The program was divided up into three sections, one led by Kentucky State Police, Trooper Scottie Pennington, who discussed public s
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Ready Nelson County- Disaster Ready Resource Fair
Author: Marsha Hagler
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

September is National Preparedness month and with the increasing occurrence of major natural disasters in Kentucky, Danielle Hagler, Nelson County Cooperative Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences coordinated a disaster ready resource fair in Nelson County. Leading up to the event, social media post from FEMA’s Ready campaign were shared on the Nelson County Extension social media site, with a reach of around 1,000 people. Fifteen community partners came together for the N
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Veteran Christmas Boxes Reach A New Audience
Author: Morgan Murphy
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
In 2022, we installed a new FCS council. I sat down with the new council members to talk with them about needs we could meet through family consumer sciences programming in our community. One of the needs brought up was more programs for our veterans. For thanksgiving, the Laurel Gorge Heritage Center hosted a special lunch for veterans and recognized them for their service. After seeing the success of our partners at the Laurel Gorge with their veterans event, we decided to do something similar
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Farm to Fork Returns
Author: John Fourqurean
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
In July of 2022, the Farm to Fork Diner made a comeback at the newly renovated Myer Creek Park Extension facility after a 2 year hiatus due to COVID-19 . There were approximately 250 citizens that attended the Dinner to hear Warren Beeler talk about his agriculture story. The purpose of the Farm to Fork Dinner is two-fold 1. The Mclean County Extension Service, This Ag Agent, the FCS agent and many Extension Volunteers work to educate the general public about where their food comes from and show
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FCS Night of Black Excellence
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
FCS agent Maranda Brooks had a vision, developed, and implemented a program during Black History Month on February 9th, 2023 highlighting the work of Black Agricultural, Food, and Family Resources in Extension from past, present and future. 6 community partners (Anthem Medicaid, Oak Street Healthcare, Foodchain, Tammy's Tasty Treats, Aunt Peaches Catering, Two Blondes and Balloons) helped me successfully provide a night full of Black History decorations, opening remarks from Black extension
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Health Fair aids in starting group
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
On March 29, the Wolfe County Extension Office partnered with the Wolfe County Health Department to host a community health fair. The focus of this health fair was to identify those who are pre-diabetic and diabetic. I partnered specifically with our new position at the health department, Claudia Burnett, who is the Diabetes educator for the community. She wants to create a diabetes support group for those individuals in Wolfe County. By creating this group, we want to encourage a safe space whe
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Gallatin County Extension and Community Collaboration to Assist the Gallatin County Food Pantry
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Gallatin County Cooperative Extension Service and the Three Rivers Health Department collaborated with the Gallatin County Food Pantry each month to create videos for the Food Pantry. In each video, Ronda Rex, Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences and Ashley Smith, Community Health Strategist focuses on tips and tricks for cooking and baking demonstrating Plan, Eat, Move and Nutrition Education Program recipes. One hundred forty recipes in both English and Spanish are distributed
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UK staff appreciation
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

FCS Had the distinct pleasure of being invited to set up a table at the UK staff Appreciation. Maranda Brooks, FCS agent came across Bobbi Jo Allen, Staff Senate Program Coordinator, whom informed FCS agent that she believe staff need to be aware of the great resources and programming that the Fayette County extension office offers. Maranda Brooks extended the invite to all program areas within in Fayette County Extension. NEP helped to assist with gathering collateral materials. Staff support a
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Operation Santa Sleigh
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Historic flooding struck Eastern Kentucky in July 2022 and Pendleton County in 1997. In response to the Pendleton County community's desire to help their fellow flood survivors, the Pendleton County Extension Office organized a mission to bring hope and joy to the affected families during the holiday season. This heartwarming story highlights their tireless efforts and the transformative impact they made in the lives of twenty-four families comprising seventy-six individuals. As the flo
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Country Closet gives back to the Community
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
In Bracken County for the past 2 years the FCS Agent has partnered with the local Senior Citizen Center and their thrift store known as the Country Closet to help tackle the re-opening of the store. While the first year in the project was spent in the cleaning out and reorganizing the project in order to get the store opened back up. That was successful and the store opened back up in December 2021. The store is well known in the county as everything is just .25 cents and is
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Leadership Boyle County Ag Day
Author: Alethea Price
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
The Leadership Boyle County program was formed by the Chamber in 1983 as a non-profit leadership program designed to further the development of the talents and energies of Boyle County’s present and future leaders. As part of this program, participants spend a day learning about the variety of agricultural and natural resource enterprises throughout the county. The Boyle County Extension Agents planned a full day exploring agriculture and its effects on the community.
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Embracing Cultural Heritages
Author: Patrick Hardesty
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Understanding and promoting diversity is the first step in creating diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is impossible to comprehend or foster equity and inclusion without diversity. People from every kind of demographic must have representation in any given arena of society for their perspectives to be recognized, understood, and considered in policy making decisions. The Taylor County Extension Service fosters diversity, equity and inclusion by collaborating with the followin
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Building Partnerships to Support Families Living with Diabetes
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
According to Kentucky County Health Rankings, Breckinridge County health facts reflect 39% adults are obese, 38% report a lack of physical activity, and 12% adults have diabetes. In addition, local healthcare and school professionals report an increase in youth diabetes in the county. In a continued effort to increase awareness and improve individual wellness, the Breckinridge County Extension Service Family and Consumer Science program continues to strengthen partnerships with the local healthc
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