Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Wicking Raised Bed Program
Author: Mary Dossett
Major Program: Master Gardener

In March 2021, Mary Hank started as the Horticulture Assistant under the Horticulture Agent, Kathy Wimberley. Mary and Kathy put together several raised beds with the help of the maintenance man at the time. Fast forward to August 2, 2022, Mary Hank taught a class at the Extension Office called Toolbox: Wicking Raised Beds. There was about thirty people in attendance included several Master Gardeners. The program was also recorded and added to a YouTube page for a larger audience rea
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Master Gardener Collaboration
Author: Susan Fox
Major Program: Master Gardener
Lyon County Master Gardeners have participated in the Land Between the Lakes Hummingbird Festival for four of the past six years. This collaboration with LBL staff has built a relationship with the Friends of Land Between the Lakes staff who reciprocate by speaking or having booths at Master Gardener events. Activities at the Hummingbird booth are enjoyed by young and old alike. Approximately 1,000-2,000 people attend the festival, and it is estimated that the majority stop at the booth as appro
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Advanced Master Gardener Series
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Master Gardener

Following the success of our initial joint advanced master gardener training in the spring, “Calloway and Marshall County- Advanced Diagnostics Boot Camp”. We developed a short survey to gather detailed information on what classes that master gardeners would like to participate in, in the future. This was distributed to all MG programs throughout the region including the NWTN group that KY agents teach at annually. After reviewing the survey results, we put together a plan to start w
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Master Gardener Volunteer Development
Author: Faye Kuosman
Major Program: Master Gardener
The mission of the Woodford County Extension Master Gardener (WCEMG) volunteer program is to share research-based horticultural knowledge and practices, cultivate community collaborations, supports project-based volunteer activities and inspire change to promote healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet. The WCEMG group has grown significantly over the last two years with the development of leadership opportunities for members. The horticulture agent collaborated with special
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Master Gardeners volunteering while incarcerated
Author: Lorin Fawns
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Master Gardener Program at the Mason County Detention Center had ten graduates, most of whom earned four certificates and one license. Everyone participated, completing their homework and passing the final test without needing the extra points they earned from the homework.. Below is a list of the volunteer service that was completed through the program. # made 330 bows to be used for wreath & centerpiece classes and youth holiday program.#made 30 insect/pest ID booklets.# rec
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Master Gardener Program at local Detention Center
Author: Lorin Fawns
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Mason County Horticulture agent hosted a Master Gardener program at the Mason County Detention Center. The class was held once a week for 14 weeks for three hours a day; topics ranged from growing vegetables, landscape, fruit, lawn care, etc. Each week participants came to class, read materials given out, and completed homework; the last class consisted of a final example; 100% of participants passed the exam and graduated from the program. In addition to the Master Gardener certificate, the
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Training Future Leaders
Author: Jamie Dockery
Major Program: Master Gardener
As a grassroots organization, Cooperative Extension relies heavily on community members to help with our education mission. Extension users often express interest in becoming more involved. The Cooperative Extension Master Gardener program is one means of doing so. The Master Gardener Program is part of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and is designed to expand horticultural knowledge among the community through the use of trained volunteers. Master Gardeners are required to
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Master Gardener Graduate Continuing Education
Author: Mary Dossett
Major Program: Master Gardener
During Fall 2022, The horticulture agent taught the Master Gardener training to willing participants. Mrs. Hines, who completed the training, reached out to the Horticulture Agent about volunteer hour requirements. Th agent told her of possible ways to earn her hours. Mrs. Hines then informed the agent how the training class encouraged her to start up a community garden at the a local high school in town. Her daughter had attended the high school. She is also involved in a garden club in town an
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Master Gardeners Make A Difference
Author: Erika Wood
Major Program: Master Gardener

The Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer organization dedicated to teaching and training people about horticulture related topics. This program is a part of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and assists county extension agents in providing education and outreach in the community. Master Gardeners are required to undergo training and complete 40 hours of volunteer service in their first year before becoming certified. After the first year, Master Ga
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KY Extension Master Gardener Program- Whitley County
Author: Benjamin Prewitt
Major Program: Master Gardener
Some of my fondest memories growing up in Whitley County involved working with my father in our family garden. I can remember countless times having to go with him as a child to attend different Master Gardener Meetings as well as volunteering our time in the community helping others to be successful in their horticulture endeavors. The KY Extension Master Gardener Program is a wonderful program that we have now revamped and are working to grow here in Whitley County. The pro
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2023 Master Gardener Class, Hybrid Offering Outcomes
Author: Brandon George
Major Program: Master Gardener
Last month the newest master gardener class finished attending the 16-week master gardening training course. This year it was hosted by Kenton County and 22 participants attended the class weekly from December 2022 to March 2023. Speakers comprised UKY extension specialists, horticulture agents, and technicians who presented on a variety of horticultural topics to deliver a high-quality educational experience. Participants experienced hands-on demonstrations including a grafting demonstration as
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The Value of Master Gardeners
Author: Kelly Jackson
Major Program: Master Gardener
Master Gardeners is a program run by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service to train citizens in many areas of horticulture. Upon completion of the Master Gardener education program, participants return 30 hours of community volunteer service through organized projects within one year to earn the title Master Gardener and 15 hours annually to maintain their volunteer status. During the 2022 program year Master Gardeners volunteered:1620 hours of service in planting and maintain
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2023 Master Gardener Program
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Master Gardener
The 2023 Master Gardener Educational Program started on January 12th and concluded on May 4th. This program year the Horticulture Agent took the constructive criticism received from last year’s program to make improvements. The main concern was not enough hands-on activities. Within each class during the 2023 program, the Horticulture Agent focused more on activities than lectures. Lectures did occur, but it was drastically reduced in length from last year. The hands-on activities were pra
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Master Gardeners Providing Quality Programs
Author: Paul Andrew Rideout
Major Program: Master Gardener
Master Gardeners Providing Quality Programs The Henderson County Master Gardener Program continues to serve the community through several avenues. In 2022, the MG’s offered 10+ programs with hands on training for home gardeners. Topics included herbal teas, growing gourds, composting, growing garlic, Japanese maples, growing figs in KY, as well as a three part vegetable garden series. Over 100 total participants learned about growing successful home gardens with a co
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Master Gardener Program
Author: Bryce Roberts
Major Program: Master Gardener
With the continued growth in population in Spencer County, the number of horticulture questions continues to increase. Over the past few years, there has been some interest in starting a Master Gardener program to help educate our local residents in proper horticulture techniques. In January 2023, the Spencer County Master Gardener program started. M
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Training Extension Volunteers through Master Gardener Training Program
Author: Whitney Carman
Major Program: Master Gardener

Since 2005, The Extension Master Gardener program in Grayson County has been offered 5 times. Traditionally, the classes have been an in person, classroom style program. Over the course of the 18 years, the program, clientele and learning environment have all changed. This has created barriers for programs like this to be successful. However, the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent integrated an online approach with a more diversified option, to better accommodate the participants in the pro
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Allen, Simpson and Warren County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program
Author: Adam Huber
Major Program: Master Gardener

In response to clientele requests, the Allen, Simpson and Warren County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Horticulture collaborated together to offer the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program in the Winter/Spring of 2023. Educational classes were offered for a total of 12 weeks with 14 home consumer horticulture topics being covered. Consumer horticulture topics covered in the program were home vegetable gardening, small and tree fruit production, home lawn care practices, woody tree an
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Master Gardener Plant Swap
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Master Gardener
The problem-- Lack of diversity in flowers and vegetables being grown in the home garden and lawn.The educational program response-- Give local home gardeners a chance to to add variety to their plant species and locally grown vegetables and perennials. Each participant brought fruit, vegetables, and flowers from their garden and exchanged to new/different varieties.The participants/target audience-- anyone interested in improving their home lawn or garden. Whether container, r
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Master Gardener Students Complete Training
Author: Erika Wood
Major Program: Master Gardener

In January of 2023, a new master gardener class was conducted at the Hopkins County Extension Office. In order to become a certified master gardener volunteer, gardeners must undergo a minimum 12 week training, which consists of 24 hours of core subject courses including: Cooperative Extension/Volunteerism, Botany, Soils, Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Pesticides/Pesticides Safety/Environmental Issues. Optional classes such as Annuals and Perennials, Home Vegetable Gardening, Compo
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Spring Lawn and Garden Fair a Success
Author: Erika Wood
Major Program: Master Gardener

The Spring Lawn and Garden Fair is a program run by the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association. The fair takes place at the Danny Peyton Outdoor Education Pavilion and offers a variety of activities including educational talks and demonstrations relating to horticulture, lawn and garden vendors, plant sales, and activities for children. The purpose of the fair is to educate local residents about different topics relating to horticulture, as well as raising awareness of the Master Ga
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Federal Prison Master Gardener Program Continues to Grow
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Master Gardener
Since 2001 the Boyd County Extension Horticulture program has offered the Certified Kentucky Master Gardener program at the Federal Correctional Institution Camp in Ashland, Ky. There have been over 450 inmates that have gone through this program with an average of 80% of those becoming Certified Kentucky Master Gardeners. The inmates learn in both a classroom setting and through hands on learning activities to be sure they understand the course content. They perform their vol
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Master Gardener Volunteer Time Helps to Expand Programming Efforts
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Master Gardener
Extension Master Gardener volunteers are a vital part of the Boyd County Extension Horticulture program. There are many requests for horticulture and gardening programs throughout the county and the horticulture agent is not able to respond to all the requests for activities and events that come into the office. The Master Gardeners are trained with scientifically proven information and are willing to help the agent meet the needs for all these requests. When they join the Mas
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Raised Beds Raise Spirits
Author: Nick Roy
Major Program: Master Gardener
In Adair County, the Extension Master Gardeners are working diligently to improve the quality and quantity of life via education in the area of horticulture. In the spring of 2023, the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service with volunteers of the Extension Master Gardener program constructed and installed raised beds at a local elder care facility. Extension Master Gardener assisted patients with seeds and transplants and provided education on how to care for the plants thr
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Master Gardener Program
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Master Gardener
Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) are volunteer educators serving across the country in local communities. Backed by the University of Kentucky, Kentucky EMGs are dedicated to outreach and on a mission to support successful gardening through science-based horticulture information. Extension Master Gardeners are required to volunteer hours of service back to the community or in efforts that help Cooperative Extension. During 2022-23, 21 Lake Cumberland Master Gardeners reported just und
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Master Gardener Volunteer Program
Author: Jason Phillips
Major Program: Master Gardener
In response to clientele requests, the Allen, Simpson and Warren County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Horticulture collaborated together to offer the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program in the Winter/Spring of 2023. Educational classes were offered for a total of 12 weeks with 14 home consumer horticulture topics being covered. Consumer horticulture topics covered in the program were home vegetable gardening, small and tree fruit production, home lawn care practices, woody tree an
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Warren County Extension Master Gardener Program 2023
Author: Kristin Hildabrand
Major Program: Master Gardener
In response to clientele requests, the Allen, Simpson and Warren County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Horticulture collaborated together to offer the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program in the Winter/Spring of 2023. Educational classes were offered for a total of 12 weeks with 14 home consumer horticulture topics being covered. Consumer horticulture topics covered in the program were home vegetable gardening, small and tree fruit production, home lawn care practices, woody tree an
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Master Gardener are Educated and Educate
Author: Amy Aldenderfer
Major Program: Master Gardener
Hardin County has over 42, 000 households with over 110,000 residents. Extension Master Gardeners enable residents to access research-based information as an extension to the county Horticulture Agent. The Extension Master Gardener Program consists of 15 classes of intense training in various areas of interest to horticulture enthusiasts. After the classroom training is complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteerism is required to be given back to the community through extension
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Lincoln Trail Master Gardeners Host the State Master Gardener Conference, Again
Author: Amy Aldenderfer
Major Program: Master Gardener
In September 2022, the Lincoln Trail Area Master Gardener Association hosted the state-wide Master Gardener Conference. There were over 150 Master Gardeners in attendance for this two-day conference. The theme of “Sustainability is in Our Hands” wove through the topics of the 10 speakers: conifers, organic vegetables, cut flower gardening, invasives of the forest, critters in the garden, succulents, greenhouses, gourds, and insect identification. Tours of three loca
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Master Gardeners at work
Author: Robert Smith
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Kentucky Master Gardener Program is a leadership-rearing organization designed to foster a spirit of community involvement through horticulture projects and endeavors. The program consists of 14 classes of intense training in various areas of interest to a horticulture enthusiast. After the classroom training is complete a minimum of 30 hours of volunteerism is required to be given back to the community through extension-related programming. Completion of both legs of the program is required
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Extension Master Gardeners Benefit the Community with Science-based Information
Author: Annette Heisdorffer
Major Program: Master Gardener
An Extension Agent is only one person. To reach more citizens of Daviess County with science-based horticulture information, the Agent for Horticulture Education has taught the Extension Master Gardener Program with a goal of training volunteers to reach out into the community with research-based horticultural information. In turn, these individuals seek opportunities to fulfill their personal goals of helping others by sharing the knowledge gained through this program.A total of 46
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Extension Master Gardener Volunteers Reaching Diverse Audiences through Community Garden Projects
Author: Kristin Hildabrand
Major Program: Master Gardener
Extension Master Gardeners are a valued volunteer group to the Warren County Extension Service and the community. Currently, 15 Extension Master Gardener volunteers in Warren County have kept their Master Gardener certifications up-to-date by maintaining 20 hours of volunteer service and 10 hours of continuing education credits on an annual basis. Volunteer service hours include providing home horticulture education and answering questions through garden related events, serving on leadership cou
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