Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Greenup Old Fashion Days
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - CED

Success StoryOctober 8, 2021Greenup Old Fashion Days is the longest-running festival event in the county. 2021 marked the 56th year and the 55th event for this 3-day outdoor festival in downtown Greenup. 2020’s event was canceled due to Covid restrictions and concern for public health. The twenty-five member volunteer committee’s task was greater than usual for 2021 because the historic chairperson, Mattie Coldiron, passed away in February of 2021 (from Covid complications) which lef
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Old Timers Reunion Revived!
Author: LaToya Drake
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - CED

Glasgow has a diverse and complicated history as well as a proud and engaged Black community; in fact, about 9% of the town’s population is Black and the area continues to grow in diversity. A committee of engaged individuals, including the FCS Agent, was formed to bring the Old Timers Reunion back to Glasgow. This event was previously held in our community annually at Donnelley’s Park and presented by a committee of Black leaders in our town (including members of First Baptist and H
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Hartig Park Clean-up Day Huge Success!
Author: David Hull
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - CED
Hartig Park and Wildlife Reserve, Gallatin County's newest park, is comprised of over 530 acres of unspoiled beauty. But to keep this much park looking “unspoiled” takes a lot of effort! This is why the Hartig Park Working Group (organized through Gallatin County Extension) sponsors two Hartig Park Clean-up Days each year.These clean-up days give park users and the general public a chance to take some ownership of the park by paying out some sweat equity. These days also allows a
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Wellness Through Cancer: A digital storytelling & leadership development program
Author: Nicole Breazeale
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - CED
The Wellness Through Cancer digital storytelling and leadership development program is a collaboration between Community & Leadership Development, the Kentucky Cancer Consortium (KCC), and StoryCenter. This project was initiated as part of KCC’s “Nutrition and Physical Activity (NUPA) for Cancer Survivors” intervention. Kentucky is trying to ramp up coordinated supports for cancer survivors and began convening statewide partners in 2021 to develop an engagement plan. As par
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