Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Mentoring Plus Youth Completes the MARK Program
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS

In a Campbell County Key Informant Interview, Judge Karen Thomas, Campbell County District Court Judge, pointed out to Ronda Rex, Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Education, the need for support for our youth living in substance use environments in Newport. Judge Thomas was extremely concerned about youth having a safe place where the youth could go and learn skills that would help empower them to “say NO” to substance use and propel them forward in life. She want
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Impacting Recovery
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
To increase family engagement and promote the Pumpkin Walk, the Clinton County Extension Office partnered with 21st Century Community Service Club members at the local high school who painted and hid “pumpkin rocks” around the community for people to find and redeem for prizes at the Pumpkin Walk. The expected audience for the scavenger hunt was younger children and their families, but it was quickly realized that the activity served a greater purpose. Research from the American Addi
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Mental Health Awareness
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Mental health has always been an important part of one’s overall health, but unfortunately, often a taboo subject. The need for mental health awareness and education is expected to increase due to the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to the CDC, during the pandemic, more than three in 10 adults reported having symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder since May 2020 in the U.S. Thirty-five-point two percent of adult Kentuckians reported having symptoms of anxie
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Daviess and Henderson County BARN (Bringing Awareness Right Now) Camp and Dinner Theater
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Farmers and persons residing in rural areas consistently report elevated levels of stress associated with farming and rural living. The combined effects of farming, rural mental health challenges and their stressors have shown associations with higher rates of suicide in farming occupations and in Kentucky. To address rural mental health challenges, farm stress, and suicide among youth and in rural communities, a mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the
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Hearts Unite...The Unconditional Love of Pets
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS

The American Veterinary Medical Association defines the human-animal bond as “a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals that is influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health and well-being of both.” The Human-Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) states that “positive human-animal interaction appears to be related to changes in physiological variables both in humans and animals, particularly dogs. People are happier and he
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2022 Substances Abuse, Learning How grow and create Healthy Foods
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Substances Abuse Clients learning How to Grow and Create a Healthy Salad and Snack, 2022Substances Abuse is taking over our families across our state, we are able to say that there is no family that has been missed or without being touched in some way with substance abuse. In Rowan County, we have several rehabilitation centers working with clients trying to help these clients get back on the right track of life. One of the work programs they offer clients in our county is to educat
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BARN (Bringing Awareness Right Now) Camp and Dinner Theater
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Farmers and persons residing in rural areas consistently report elevated levels of stress associated with farming and rural living. The combined effects of farming, rural mental health challenges and their stressors have shown associations with higher rates of suicide in farming occupations and in Kentucky. To address rural mental health challenges, farm stress, and suicide among youth and in rural communities, a mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the
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The Body Talk Series
Author: Kristi Shive
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS

Thirty million people in the United States will struggle with a clinically significant eating disorder at some point in their lives. Many studies have linked exposure to prevalent “appearance-ideal” in mass media to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Studies have shown that prevention and early intervention efforts aimed to increase body acceptance can reduce disordered eating symptoms and help to create an environment that encourages healthy recovery. Kristi
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Spero Health Women's Group
Author: Kelsee Dewees
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
According to Kentucky Health Facts, there were 3,869 drug arrest made in Knox County, Kentucky per 100,000 population in 2018 in comparison to the state of Kentucky which averages at 2,407 drug arrest made per 100,000 population. This is increasing those entering substance abuse recovery treatment programs. This increase in drug arrests and activity is also increasing those battling mental and physical health challenges.With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, the Knox County F
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Mental Health First Aid Training for Higher Education
Author: Katherine Jury
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Mental Health First Aid, from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand, and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge in adults ages 18 and over. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it builds mental health literacy, providing an action plan that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge.Over the past
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Rural Mental Health and Farm Stress
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Mental Health is a buzz word that we are hearing more and more often. There are efforts to bring awareness to and destigmatize mental health challenges. However, according to the CDC suicide is among the top 10 leading causes of death in the US in 2020 among persons 10-64 years of age, and the second leading cause of death among adults 25-34 years of age. Rural living, farm life to be specific, while rewarding, can be incredibly stressful. Farmers and farm families have a unique set of stre
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BARN Farm Dinner Theatre
Author: Rachel Hance
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Farmers and farmworkers consistently report high levels of stress associated with commodity production and rural living. The culmination of rural living, farm work, and stress is associated with elevated rates of suicide in farming occupations. A mutual partnership was created between the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the UK College of Nursing to develop the BARN Farm Camp and Dinner Theater on mental wellness and suicide prevention in response to farmer stress and suicide. UK Cooperative
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Mental Health First Aid- Adult
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
1 in 5 adults in the United States lives with a mental illness. Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. The curriculum includes; common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges, common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges, how to interact with a person in crisis, how to connect a person with help, and expanded content on trauma, substance use and self-car
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"Making Connections" - Farm Families Utilizing Morgan County Extension Resources
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
“Making Connections” - New Farmers Utilizing Morgan County Extension Resources Morgan County is one of the few counties in Eastern Kentucky that is experiencing population growth. This trend reversal is due to the in-migration of new landowners and farmers from the western and northern United States. Enabled by internet property listings, many new owners are purchasing farms sight unseen and often with little to no experience in agriculture. Armed with
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FCS Extension Supporting Youth Mental Health
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Following the covid pandemic, mental wellness continues to a topic of concern for youth and adults. Local schools are addressing this need by reaching out to local agencies to provide support with school enrichment programming. In partnership with the Breckinridge County Middle School, the FCS agent provided educational presentations on improving self-esteem and wellness with personal hygiene and nutrition lessons during the 2021-22 school year. As part of a monthly mental wellness day, th
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