Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Dairy: Farm to Fridge
Author: Linda McClanahan
Major Program: Dairy
The NEP Assistant partnered with the ANR agent, Southland Dairy, The Dairy Alliance, and Mercer County Elementary School to teach 586 students about the importance of dairy in their diet. Students were taught about the dairy section of MyPlate, serving sizes, and nutrition facts for various dairy products. In addition, agriculture information was shared so students could learn about where milk and other dairy products come from, how farmers take care of their cows and how milk gets from the cow
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June Dairy Month
Author: Taylor Graves
Major Program: Dairy

Kentucky is mirroring a national trend of decreasing numbers of dairy herds. Therefore, many of our community members haven't been exposed to a dairy or even a dairy cow. This is why I decided to host an event at the extension office that focused on dairy production and gave the community the opportunity to watch a cow be milked up close. The Southland Mobile Dairy unit came out and gave a demonstration on milking a cow and also discussed reproduction, nutrition, and the process the milk goe
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Twenty Years of On-Going Success for a Dairy Program!
Author: Donna Amaral-Phillips
Major Program: Dairy
The success of an extension program is often measured relative to the immediate or short term changes in behavior of the participants or another measurable parameter on the crop or animal being impacted by said program. Documenting these impacts are important, but more important measure of success relates to the impact of the program over the years on the participants and their businesses. The dairy educational program in Green, Adair, and Taylor Counties, known locally as the Center
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment