Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
West Kentucky Community and Technical College Seniors Learning for Fun
Author: Samantha Anderson
Major Program: Hemp

From 2019, planted acres of hemp has decreased 93% in Kentucky (Kentucky Department of Agriculture) despite this significant production decline, the public still has curiosity surrounding the commodity. Recognizing this need for public education, Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Samantha Anderson, led a seminar with the West Kentucky Community and Technical College Seniors Learning for Fun group. The presentation topics consisted of economic consideration, agronomic co
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Studies to Manage the Hemp Russet Mite Offers Alternatives for Its Control to Hemp Farmers Nationally
Author: Raul Villanueva
Major Program: Hemp
In 2021 I worked with the IR-4 testing several organic and conventional (synthetic) acaricides for hemp grown outdoors. This was the only study of this type nationally. After sending my report to the agency my work that was only sponsored initially for 1-yr received funds for an extra year. This work on hemp russet mite has even passed state lines, I received congratulations on the quality of job from a well-known company (Oregon-CBD): the message read as follows: “I recently read your IR-
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National Hemp Cultivar Trials
Author: Robert Pearce
Major Program: Hemp
I coordinate the National hemp dual purpose cultivar trial on behalf of the S-1084 Hemp multi-state group. In 2021, 17 universities participated. My group receives seed from hemp industry collaborators, distributes it to participating locations, and coordinates the collection of data. Currently, we are working with collaborators at the University of Florida to analyze the data collected for the past three growing seasons. Over time this project will result in a database of cult
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Evaluating Leaf Spot Diseases on Hemp in KY: A 2-Year Study
Author: Nicole Gauthier
Major Program: Hemp
Evaluating Leaf Spot Diseases on Hemp in Kentucky: A 2-Year StudyModern hemp was reintroduced to the US in 2014 and legalized in 2018 (Agricultural Act of 2014; Agricultural Improvement Act 2018). Acreage has fluctuated in the past years, reaching about 100,000 acres in the southeastern US and over 500,000 acres in the US in 2019. The market has experienced some volatility in the past two years, but economists suggest that the outlook for hemp as a stable commodity is positive. &nbs
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Survey of Fusarium Diseases in Kentucky Floral and Grain Hemp
Author: Nicole Gauthier
Major Program: Hemp
Survey of Fusarium Diseases in Kentucky Floral and Grain HempHemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a versatile crop that can be used to produce a wide range of products including food, fiber, and medicine. In 2021, U.S hemp was valued at over $824 million despite some volatility in the markets. Emerging threats to hemp production in Kentucky and the Southeast are Fusarium bud blight in floral hemp and Fusarium head blight in grain hemp. During the 2020 and 2021, severe losses, some as high as 100%, resul
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