Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
FY 20-21 Extension Brightens the Community
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Community Engagement

Backyard gardening has become a popular past time of many local families over the last year. Parents find themselves outdoors with with children actively tending to a family garden during the recent pandemic. The Muhlenberg County Extension Office provided the necessary starter kits for many families to learn the basics of successful gardening to enjoy with their children. During the 2020 Pandemic, extension staff prepared resources for families to grab-and-go at their conven
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City to Farm Tour
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Community Engagement
The 2021 City to Farm Tour was held on September 28th, 2021 with over 70 local business leaders/ Pulaski county chamber members in attendance. Extension partnered with the Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce to plan the event. The event helps educate our community about the changes that have occurred in agriculture over the past decades. This behind-the-scenes look at local agriculture allowed community leaders the opportunity to meet the hard-working farmers and producers who keep the h
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Spencer County Community Baby Shower
Author: Elizabeth Maxedon
Major Program: Community Engagement
Community Baby Shower Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low-income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. This year the Spencer County Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H/Youth Development, and Agriculture agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, planned the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. The Family and Consumer Science age
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Community Babyshower
Author: Mollie Tichenor
Major Program: Community Engagement
Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. This year the Spencer County FCS, 4-H Youth Development, and Agriculture agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, planned the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. The 4-H agent recruited vendors, general planning for the event, and passed out nutrition information to t
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Bale Trail 2021-Adding value to a program piloted in 2020
Author: Marsha Hagler
Major Program: Community Engagement

In 2020, Nelson County Cooperative Extension piloted a community based program intended to increase awareness of Agriculture in our community, increase social media traffic to our office Facebook page and serve as a fundraiser for 4-H. The 2020 Bale Trail was a successful endeavor, so in 2021, our office collaborated with local farms, businesses and organizations to offer the event again.The goals of the 2021 Bale Trail were to:Support 4-H (through sponsorships and community awareness)Bri
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Strengthening Communication with Extension Clientele
Author: Vicki Wynn
Major Program: Community Engagement
As Family & Consumer Sciences 'first responders', it became apparent that a variety of program delivery methods would be required in order to reach traditional participants and new Extension users during the Pandemic of 2020-21. The '2021 Lifelong Learning Series' materials were distributed by mail, email and video segments with lessons about Hunger in Kentucky, House Plants, and Coffee Time: Exploring a Favorite Beverage. Audience reach included 23,800+ through social media
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Extension and Community Involvement
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Community Engagement
(This success story took place while employed as the Franklin County 4-H Agent) Extension and Community Involvement The Capital City Activity Senior Center in Frankfort provides daily meals and resources to hundreds of senior citizens, 60 years old and above and who are unable to prepare meals for themselves in Franklin County. In March of 2020, the senior center closed their building due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causing the Director to scramble in finding enough people to deliver me
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Empowering Mujeres - Financial Education
Author: Jessica Marquez
Major Program: Community Engagement
Title: Grupo de Mujeres - Financial EducationIssues: What is the situation? Who cares and why?Individuals who identify as Hispanics generally experience lower financial knowledge than the overall U.S. adult population. 38% of Hispanic women are aware and knowledgable of financial education versus 54% of white women. Immigrants and individuals who are new to the country are even less likely to be knowledgable of how the U.S. financial system works at the most basic level. Eastern Area Ministries
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Volunteerism Makes a Difference
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Community Engagement

The December 10, 2021 EF four tornado demonstrated both the worst and the best. The worst was obviously the devastation to property and the loss of life caused by the tornado. The best was demonstrated by so many volunteers from Muhlenberg and other counties from across the commonwealth as well as the nation coming in to help their fellow human being. Volunteers that this agent worked with picked up debris, utilized their privately owned equipment to demolish and remove structures and fences tha
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Portable Sound System for the Community
Author: Glen Roberts
Major Program: Community Engagement
Portable Sound System for the Communityby Glen RobertsPlanning Unit: Wayne County CESMajor Program: Community EngagementCollaborators: Wayne County Extension District Board, Fair Board President, Susie Cowan, Parks and Recreation director, Lonnie Chaplin, County Judge Executive, Mike Anderson, Sound System Designer, Caleb Rose, ANR Agent, Glen Roberts, ANR Assistant, Terry Bertram, KSU Small Farm Assistant, Danny Adams, Wayne County Extension Custodian, Jeff Sutton.Situation: Our
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Immigrant Students Explore Their Future Through College and Career Readiness.
Author: Jessica Marquez
Major Program: Community Engagement

The government for Jefferson County reports that as of July 2020 7.2% of the population in Louisville is foreign born. The immigrant and refugee community Kentucky continues to grow, and Kentucky ranked fifth in the US for refugee and immigrant settlement. Many of the immigrants and refugees coming into Jefferson County have children. JCPS is the largest school system in Kentucky and the 29th largest in the U.S. 81 percent of students in Jefferson County attend a JCPS school one of them being th
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Building Self-Awareness
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Community Engagement
According to the Eminence Police Department, the crime rate in our state and country, including Henry County has continued to increase, especially in the last five years, sparking the need to conduct a program on being self-aware while at home and away from home. The Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with the Eminence Police department to conduct this program on Building Self-Awareness by marketing the event on social media, the Cooperative Extension website, writ
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1st Annual Community Resource Fair
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Community Engagement

Poverty is one of the many barriers individuals and families face in Grayson County. And along with poverty, many other barriers keep people from getting, or even seeking, the help they need. With this information in mind and based on the experiences of several community partners, a group of people came together to form the Grayson County Poverty Coalition. The mission of this group is to promote awareness of the various resources available in our community and help reduce, or remove, the b
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Grupo de Mujeres Participants Continue to Thrive
Author: Jessica Marquez
Major Program: Community Engagement
The Grupo de Mujeres program is a collaboration between KSU's Community Resource Development Program in Jefferson County and Eastern Area Ministries. The program is designed for Spanish speaking women who want a safe space to grow and build a community. The program consists of 3 core focus areas - lifeskill development, financial wellness, and health. I contribute to the program by educating the participants on financial wellness and general wealth building. At the beginning of the program i
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Graves County Extension Council Wins Randell Barrett Award
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: Community Engagement
This year, the Graves County Extension Council received the Randall Barrett Award for having an outstanding County Extension Council. The council has worked hard on improving their leadership in Extension, as well as the presence of extension in the community.In 2021, Graves County CEC members met to work on improving the leadership and diversity of the membership. A membership committee of five people was formed and met three times to brainstorm a new structure for the council. We decided to ha
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Extension Extravaganza
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Community Engagement

The Muhlenberg County Cooperative Extension Service hosted their inaugural Extension Extravaganza in May of 2022. The Muhlenberg County Extension Council planned, prepared, and hosted the Extension Extravaganza as a way of showcasing the variety of Extension opportunities community members can become involved in. The concept came about after office staff members discussed ways to involve the whole family and provide research-based materials that participants could not only learn abou
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Dirt 2 Dollars Podcast
Author: Matthew Adams
Major Program: Community Engagement
Cooperative Extension Agents are continuously looking for ideas to help reach new audiences to educate and communicate. Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents Matt Adams (Hardin), Whitney Carman (Grayson) and Daniel Carpenter (LaRue) specifically were looking for ways to reach the young farmer population, a group that can be difficult to reach in the current educational methods. One way that the agents looked into is podcasting. Podcasting uses the internet to make recordings of broadcasts ava
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