Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Expanding 4-H Opportunities in Edmonson County.
Author: Julia Wilson
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Edmonson County is a rural two agent county. Without a dedicated full time 4-H agent the 4-H program has been small and has grown very slowly. Research has shown numerous benefits for youth involved in 4-H including that they four times more likely to contribute to their communities and two times more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices. During of summer of 2020 the FCS Agent started to heavily promote the benefits of 4-H and all of the opportunities offered. Over 1000 grab and go bags
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4-H Corn Dog Booth
Author: Ryan Spicer
Major Program: Volunteer Development
According to Kentucky: By The Numbers, Breathitt County’s poverty rate was at 34.3% in 2016. Breathitt County’s Agent for 4-H Youth Development believes that the best way to combat this issue is to teach the children of Breathitt County about the leadership skills they need to achieve, and to be able to overcome the problems of poverty. The agent works to focus on this by taking 4-H’ers each year to the J.M. Feltner 4-H Camp located in London, Kentucky. While at camp 4-H’
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October 2021
Author: Logan Sasser
Major Program: Volunteer Development
October Success Story In the month of October, I had the goal of finalizing my leaders for both my Shooting Sports and Livestock programs. I was able to do that and have successfully scheduled and planned the initial meeting for both of those groups. Being the only county with Shooting Sports in this area, I believe this will be a great opportunity to reach both the youth in Perry County and possibly even some from surrounding counties. Archery has been very successful within the school sys
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Educating and Empowering Animal Science Volunteer Leaders
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The goal of Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development is to provide in-depth, accurate educational activities for participants. 4-H livestock, horse and dog project leaders serve as primary educators. While they desire to provide quality experiences for their 4-H members, they may lack the necessary resources to meet this goal. The Kentucky 4-H Livestock, Horse and Dog Volunteer Certification Program is a collaboration of equine and livestock specialists from the Department of Anim
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4-H Livestock Club Volunteer Leaders
Author: Amanda Sublett
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Two newly certified Livestock Leaders met with the 4-H Agent to plan a new Livestock Club for all species. At the planning meeting, the leaders and agent worked on a schedule and chose topics for meetings and discussed meeting structure. So far, three Livestock Club meetings have been held with between 8 to 14 youth in attendance. A subgroup is being developed to work on Livestock Judging with separate practices from the regular club meetings. The group had a Texas Roadho
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Growing leaders
Author: Ola Donahue
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Motivation and the use of incentives are important to positive youth development. 4-H Youth Development programs provide opportunities for creativity in a learn-by-doing environment and encourage youth to become involved in projects and activities. The 4-H Achievement Program is intended to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments and to provide incentive for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. Working with youth in Kenton County I have had the p
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4-H Council Unites to Continue LaRue County Fair
Author: Misty Wilmoth
Major Program: Volunteer Development
When the continuation of the longest running county fair in Kentucky was threatened in 2019, the LaRue County 4-H Council stepped up to continue to offer 4-H and open floral hall exhibits, as well as all the traditional livestock shows. A fair committee was formed and the committee worked to recruit superintendents for each of the livestock shows. The 4-H Council took over the financial aspects of the exhibit and show premiums. Sponsors were also secured to help with the expens
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Volunteers are Essential to Carroll County 4-H Program
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Volunteer Development

Seventy seven adults and youth attended the 2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum. It is amazing how the Carroll County Extension Program grows after this event. Awards were give to our volunteers.Elizabeth Mefford received the Adult Community Service Award. Marie VanDiver received the ICE (Innovative Creative and Enthusiastic) award. Gary Gosser who was nominated from Henry County but was Carroll County's black powder coach received a Shooting Sports award (seated in wheel
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Leadership Development
Author: Owen Prim
Major Program: Volunteer Development

The success of the Cooperative Extension Service programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher & Klingborg, 2005). The 4-H Youth Development Programs within Extension especially depend heavily on adult and teen volunteers to play integral roles in 4-H programming by performing a wide variety of duties and functions. To better prepare these volunteers for their various roles, the Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Forum was established. The
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum 2022
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). 4-H youth development programs within Extension depend heavily on adult volunteers and provide extensive education to volunteer leaders. The
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum Builds 4-H Super H.E.R.O.E.S
Author: David Gabbard
Major Program: Volunteer Development

In February of 2022, Owen County 4-H Council sponsored 10 attendees for the Kentucky Volunteer Forum. The Forum is one of the nation’s premier volunteer training and recognition conferences. At the forum, the Owen County 4-H Youth Development Agent and a Volunteer attended a workshop hosted by the Pulaski County, Georgia 4-H Youth Development Agent, Sonya R. Jones. Mrs. Jones Led a workshop entitled “4-H is for Everyone: The H.E.R.O.E.S. Program” the workshop description w
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Volunteer Forum and and Training
Author: Elijah Wilson
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Cumberland County Extension Service dedicates a considerable amount of resources towards volunteer development and program administration. Volunteers play an integral role in many Extension programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks. The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). The Cumberland County 4-H Youth Development program provides extensive educational opportunit
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds. The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers. Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs.4-H youth development programs within Extension depend heavily on adult volunteers and
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2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum: A Professional Development Opportunity for all Extension Volunteers
Author: Ken Culp
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Volunteer Development
2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum Education is critical in preparing volunteers for the role they accepted and should be designed to enhance their knowledge and skills (Kerka, 2003). Volunteer education develops the knowledge and skills volunteers need to execute their roles effectively (Brudney, 1990; Culp, 1997; Cumming, 1998; Wilson, 1976). Volunteers respond more favorably to roles and responsibilities when they understand and are able to perform the tasks required of them (Hoover & Con
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Susan Campbell
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton,
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High Success of participation at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Shannon Farrell
Major Program: Volunteer Development
2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum - Horticulture Track and Workshop Committee
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Volunteer Development
2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum Education is critical in preparing volunteers for the role they accepted and should be designed to enhance their knowledge and skills (Kerka, 2003). Volunteer education develops the knowledge and skills volunteers need to execute their roles effectively (Brudney, 1990; Culp, 1997; Cumming, 1998; Wilson, 1976). Volunteers respond more favorably to roles and responsibilities when they understand and are able to perform the tasks required of them (Hoover & Con
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2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Mollie Tichenor
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Volunteer Development
2022 Kentucky Volunteer Forum Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of
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Fair in Full Force
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Clinton County Fair was in Full Force finally this year. With COVID in the rear view the 4-H and Fair Board food booth was busy every night at the Clinton County Fair. There was a total of 87 volunteers that help with the 4-H Food Booth. We raise a little over $3,000.00 for our 4-H program this year. I as super proud of our volunteers and 4-Hers that worked and help spread 4-H out in our community during the Clinton County Fair.
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Trunk or Treat
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Trunk or Treat is a community program that we partnered with this year. Trunk or Treat is a safe place for kids to get a chance to dress up and have fun while getting candy and spending quality time with their family. There are several community partners that participate in this community event. Children get the chance to make their way around the circle and see community leaders and businesses give back to the community. 4-H is was more than glad to be apart of this even
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KVF 2022 Hopkins County
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play a vital role in the 4-H world and their willingness to share their knowledge with the youth is important. Without individuals that want to volunteer their time and give back to the community, there would not be as many 4-H Clubs and Projects in Hopkins County. Extension Agents have the passion to help youth grow and prosper but need the help of others because there are people that are proficient in various areas.The Kentucky Volunteer Forum, a bi-annual event, is the perfect plac
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Volunteer Recognition at Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Katie Mills
Major Program: Volunteer Development
2022 Kentucky Volunteer ForumVolunteers play a vital role in the 4-H world and their willingness to share their knowledge with the youth is important. Without individuals that want to volunteer their time and give back to the community, there would not be as many 4-H Clubs and Projects in Hopkins County. Extension Agents have the passion to help youth grow and prosper, but need the help of others because there are people that are proficient in various areas.The Kentucky Volunteer Forum, a bi-ann
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Volunteer Development
The Bracken County 4-H Program relies heavily on our volunteers. The Kentucky Volunteer Forum that was held in February of 2022 we had six volunteers attend. The volunteers attended several classes that enlightened them on programs we can offer to Bracken County youth. Attendance to the KVF also opened the volunteers to other roles they can serve in as part of Extension. From this we are offering more clubs such as electricity, gardening, and pets. This will allow the Bracken County 4-H program
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Rebecca Stahler
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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