Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Participants are “Sew Smart” After Completing Year-Long Classes
Author: Angie York
Major Program: Arts and Community Health
As the pandemic continues, two things have become worrisome for participants in Family and Consumer Sciences programming. One worry is money as employment remains unstable and the cost of basic supplies is rising by the day. The second issue is the mental health status of participants who have pandemic fatigue. In order to address both of these issues, a year-long “Sew Smart” class was taught with the objectives of teaching people how to save money on Christmas gif
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Creative Aging Program at Meyers Towers
Author: Kristy Porter
Major Program: Arts and Community Health
In Fall of 2021, Pike County Extension Fine Arts began working with The Appalachian Center for the Arts and Pike County Housing Authority to plan and apply for a grant through the Kentucky Arts Council. The grant, Arts Access Assistance: Creative Aging and Lifelong Learning, aims to support quality arts programming for underserved populations in the Commonwealth in environments where arts are not the primary emphasis. Eligible grant projects use the arts to directly serve individuals age 55 and
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The Art of Charcuterie and Tradition of Summer Sausage Making
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Arts and Community Health

Art and healthy eating come together through innovative charcuterie boards which have become very popular across the state. Harrison County residents indicated interests in exploring their creativity, learning new food display techniques, and understanding foods well suited for a charcuterie board showcase. Additionally, discovering the history of smoking summer sausage while applying traditional techniques with present day technology has piqued interests from community residents. Harrison and B
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Mind.Art.Recovery.Ky (MARK) Pilot Program Success 2021-2022
Author: Jessica Evans
Major Program: Arts and Community Health
According to CDC, Kentucky had the nation's 2nd highest percentage of overdose deaths/per 100k people in 2020. Coinciding with the COVID 19 Pandemic in 2020, overdose deaths in the state increased by 49%. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) often co-occurs in individuals with mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and PTSD – conditions which also skyrocketed across the nation in 2020. In the wake of this crisis in mental health and substance use disorder, University of Kentucky C
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