Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Filling the Gap through Art History
Author: Cortney Moses
Major Program: Arts Engagement
A 2005 study from the Kentucky Arts Council evaluating the status of arts education in public schools across Kentucky found a serious problem in the reduction of arts education across the state. Out of the 135 responding schools in the previous 5 years, one in six reduced art education funding, a majority of schools reported that arts is not as important as other subjects, and “on average, across all grade levels pre-school through middle school, the largest amount of time per week spent i
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Homemakers Learn How to Make Christmas Door Hangers with Innovative Techniques
Author: Samantha Saunders
Major Program: Arts Engagement
When our office fell without an FCS/4-H Youth Development Agent, I knew I would have to take responsibility for those programs that were offered by that position until someone was hired. One of those responsibilities was submitting a craft/skill for the annual homemaker skills day. Along with the help of my staff assistant, we thought it would be a great idea to do a wooden door hanger, since those seem to be very popular around our area. We worked together in finding a design, looking up suppli
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Bridging the Generational Gap through Arts Engagement
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Arts Engagement

Engaging in the arts has been purported to offer many social and personal benefits. According to a recent research review at the NORC at the University of Chicago, arts engagement is often cited as a vehicle for strengthening social bonds and reinforcing social identity. The Magoffin County Cooperative Extension Service recognizes these benefits of arts education and utilizes arts programming to foster those social bonds, social identity, and develop community. In an effort to engage more
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Senior Arts Engagement Builds Senior Community Confidence
Author: Andrea Slone
Major Program: Arts Engagement
Prior to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the Floyd County Family and Consumer Science program went to a local elderly community, Highland Terrace for arts engagement. Highland Terrace in considered a “high rise” community. Only those 65 and older can live there. Extension has been a longtime partner with the community in health and wellness program, arts engagement, and agriculture. Studies suggest that elderly involved with arts engagement are generally healthier because the arts create
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Basket Group
Author: Cortney Moses
Major Program: Arts Engagement
The Fine Arts basket program at the Extension Community Arts Center has been providing high quality basketry education to the Whitley County community for 10 years. Thanks to the time and expertise of a local basket master, Fae. Because Fae volunteers all her time to the extension basket program the Fine Arts Extension has been able to offer classes discounted cost. This has allowed extension to reach lower income populations and to keep this dying art form alive and the interest growing. T
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