Even though a large part of Extension serves rural areas, Cooperative Extension works in urban areas as well. As part of my Kentucky: By The Numbers program, I have worked in several capacities to support the Urban Extension program. For example, to assist with the grant proposal to replicate the Healthy in Harlem program in Louisville, I identified tract level data and created tables and maps for data on poverty, income, and food access levels in West Louisville. To support the
In the summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, issues of racial justice came to the fore. In order to help in understanding the extent of diversity in our counties and ensure that agents had easy access to up-to-date data on race and ethnicity across the state, I initiated the “Diversity and Inclusion Data Series” for Kentucky: By The Numbers and delivered a companion webinar. As part of the data series, I developed 4 issues that provided the most recent population estimat
While various aspects of storytelling are commonly used in Cooperative Extension, Dr. Nicole Breazeale is integrating disparate threads of story-based work into a comprehensive Extension program. She was recognized as the 2021 Southern Regional Winner and National Runner-Up for the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Creative Excellence Award for this emerging program. One of the focus areas of her storytelling program is Ripple Effect Mapping (REM). Th