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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Mercer County Fair

Author: Linda McClanahan

Major Program: Economic Development

In light of COVID-19, Mercer County Cooperative Extension Agents and staff teamed up with Mercer County Fair & Horse Show Board and Mercer County FFA to develop a plan that would allow Mercer County to continue with its long standing, rich tradition of the county fair.  Mercer County 4-H and ANR agents worked diligently with Mercer County FFA advisors to develop a set of guidelines which would allow the livestock shows to happen safely for exhibitors and staff alike.  Then they wor

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Freezer Beef

Author: Keenan Bishop

Major Program: Economic Development

A local farm family contacted me in the fall of 2019 about diversifying their cow/calf operation by adding freezer beef. They were experienced with finishing and processing for themselves and family but had no idea about retailing the product. They already had the genetics they wanted to finish (Jersey crosses) and the potential feed (spent brewers grains, etc) but did not know the legalities, marketing and other details. We discussed how to correctly get a USDA product for retail, create a

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Meat Processing Plant Enhances Economic Development and Food Security

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Economic Development

The Covid 19 pandemic brought to light the fragile nature of the United States food supply. The meat processing and packing industry was one area that was specifically affected due to reduced processing capacity that resulted in limited meat supplies on the supermarket shelves. A local client contacted this agent in the summer of 2020 regarding assistance in starting a meat processing plant. This agent worked with the client on all  aspects of this venture. A tour of the UK meats lab and a

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Metcalfe County Farmers Market Expansion KYDAG grant project and 2020 pandemic operations success!

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Economic Development

The Metcalfe County Farmers Market Agriculture Development Grant expansion project has finished phase 1, with the completion of the new much larger Farmers Market Pavilion.  The Farmers Market was able to utilize the new pavilion beginning in August 2020, but due to COVID restrictions, has not yet been able to hold a "grand opening" event.  Phase two of this project, the build - in of the old Farmers Market pavilion, to turn it into a community teaching and commercial kitchen

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Economic Development at the Farmers Market

Author: Bonnie Sigmon

Major Program: Economic Development

Economic Development at the Farmers Market Durham’s Pit BBQ is a thriving local restaurant in London and it all began at the London Laurel County Farmers Market.  Brandon Durham was a market vendor who produced and sold the typical farmers market vegetables.  The Farmers’ Market Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit allowed Brandon upon completion of his food manager training program to cook prepared ready to eat BBQ at the market.  Brandon utilized the Laur

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Resource Donation Drive

Author: Jessica Hunley

Major Program: Economic Development

Over the course of several months, we have been accepting donations from community members of materials such as fabrics, scrapbooking materials, and/ or crafting supplies line yarns.  After a little time, we had substantial amounts of donations and after some restrictions were lifted and we were able to reopen to our Madison County Homemaker Groups, they were able to come in rotationally and periodically to  browse and identify any of the materials that they deemed essential to their p

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The Appalachian Kentucky Local Business Flood Relief Fund

Author: Jonathan Barton

Major Program: Economic Development

The Appalachian Kentucky Local Business Flood Relief Fund was in response to historic flooding in March of 2021 throughout eastern Kentucky.  The fund was created and implemented with partners broadly branded as Appalachian Rises that included numerous philanthropic organizations and private businesses. The fund awarded 104 grants totaling $412,797.00 to local business owners in 17 flood impacted counties. These businesses represent a mix of restaurants, experience based retail, commun

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Meat Processing Plant Enhances Economic Development and Food Security

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Economic Development

The Covid 19 pandemic brought to light the fragile nature of the United States food supply. The meat processing and packing industry was one area that was specifically affected due to reduced processing capacity that resulted in limited meat supplies on the supermarket shelves. A local client contacted this agent in the summer of 2020 regarding assistance in starting a meat processing plant. This agent worked with the client on all aspects of this venture. A tour of the UK meats lab and a meetin

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