Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Paint Creek Park Project-Bringing Hope
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking

Paintings in Paintsville is a mural project hosted in the center of Paintsville in Johnson County. There is a "Park" which is essentially a parking lot that is behind the buildings of Main Street. When entering Paintsville from one of the 5 entrance points, this parking lot becomes the first thing you see in the city of Paintsville. Through the years, it has become very run down, and somewhat unsightly. Twenty years ago, Main Street strived to give it a face lift by building gaze
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Building Local Value Chains
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking

According to Dr. Tim Woods, University of Kentucky Agriculture Economics, a surge in the demand for local food products has been observed during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This has led to a new consumer interest in direct markets such as farmers markets.As the Greenup County Farm to Table planning committee began to work on the 2020 event, they decided to focus on local producers, the local supply chain, agriculture education, and consumerism. This committee is comprised of local extension age
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Singin' Gatherin' Old Time Music Day
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking
June 12, 2021 marked the fifth annual Singin’ Gatherin’ Old-Time Music Day event at the beautiful McConnell House which is located next door to the Greenup Extension Office. The historic home is the perfect setting for the outdoor concert on the side porch which is a beautiful main stage for the event. Greenup Arts is proud to partner with the McConnell House and our local old-time music friends, Kentucky Memories to bring back an event that actually started in 1932 with the American
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Huntertown Community Interpretive Park Planning and Design
Author: Jayoung Koo
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking
Woodford County was established in 1788 from part of Fayette County, Virginia, before the state of Kentucky was established in 1792. The county is located in the Bluegrass Area Development District (BGADD) and the Bluegrass Tourism Region. Woodford County’s population was 24,939 people and that of Versailles (county seat) was 8,568 people as of the 2010 Census (US Census Bureau, QuickFacts, n.d.). The region is known for its rolling hills, fertile soil, and breeding quality livestock such
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SPARK! Creative Placemaking in Extension
Author: Jayoung Koo
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking
The Department of Landscape Architecture and the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) received a $50,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for a project titled “To Support Integration of Creative Placemaking into Cooperative Extension Programming: a Knowledge Building Project.” The project aims to enhance the Cooperative Extension Service's capacity to support community investments that strengthen livability through creative placema
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Creative Placemaking: Extension Fine Arts and Placemaking in Detail
Author: Jayoung Koo
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking
As part of the first phase of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) funded “To Support Integration of Creative Placemaking into Cooperative Extension Programming: a Knowledge Building Project,” Jayoung Koo, Melissa Bond, and Simona Balazs presented preliminary extension fine arts and placemaking programming impact findings to the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) audience in summer 2020. During the subsequent year, Koo, Bond, and Balaz
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Hyden Revitalization Through Placemaking Being Realized
Author: Jayoung Koo
Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking
In Fall 2019, the University of Kentucky, Department of Landscape Architecture (UKLA) students enrolled in LA 324 Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV: Community Engagement and Design, partnered with members from the Leslie County Community Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, and Trail Committee, among others who envision revitalizing Hyden, particularly the downtown public spaces, to be the heart of their community. The community group was a partner in the Promise Zone Downtown Revitalization&n
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