Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Kindergarten Readiness in Campbell County
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches

In Northern Kentucky, only 53% of students were kindergarten ready (Kentucky Center for Statistics, 2019). Kindergarten readiness means the child is academically, socially, and emotionally ready to start school. Another important focus for children to be ready for school is having healthy relationships and strong families. According to the University of Kentucky’s publication, “Family Vitality: Characteristics of Strong Families,” relationships that include good communic
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Virtual Stories, Songs and Stretches
Author: Kayla Walton
Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Kentucky has the third highest rate of substance abuse deaths at 23.6 out of every 100,000 deaths (Kentucky Safety). The SAMHSA also states that substance abuse disorders can create parent-child relationship issues such as neglect of parenting responsibilities and a lack of connection with children. One way to work toward overcoming such issues and create a stronger parent-child relationship is to provide fun an
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Stories, Songs and Stretches 2021
Author: David Weisenhorn
Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches
School readiness is a term that means children possess the skill, knowledge, and attitude necessary for maximum learning. Reports indicate in the state of Kentucky, only 50% of children are deemed “school-ready” when they enter Kindergarten. The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Extension (FCS) realized a need for more activities that support school-readiness by building multiple skill sets and educating parents and caregivers on ways to help their children develop suc
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Mindful Movement Program Targets Pre-K Audience Virtually
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches
After hearing comments from our Laugh and Learn to-go pre-K and younger parent audience that they felt they had a limited number of virtual opportunities for their children in the pandemic, the FCS program set out to turn Stories, Songs and Stretches into a virtual format. Surveys asked the parents what topic they would like to see virtually and mindfulness and fun came to the format. To tie that in with mental health and school readiness, Mindful Movement Virtual Story + Movement program was cr
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