Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Reduction in thrips for aquaponic farmer
Author: Janelle Hager
Major Program: Aquaculture
An aquaponic farmer contacted me about a thrip outbreak in their greenhouse. Approximately 15% of their crops were not able to be sold due to insect damage. Due to the nature of aquaponic systems, traditional chemical application are not a viable option. I worked with the farmer to identify a treatment plan that consisted of a combination of biological control and safe chemical application. After one month of application, the farmer has reported a significant reduction in insect damage resulting
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Disease treatment success for area fish farm
Author: John Kelso
Major Program: Aquaculture
Common aquatic herbicide shows promise in fish health: A case studyJohn Kelso1 and Tifani Watson11Fish Disease Diagnostic Lab (FDDL), Aquaculture Research Center (ARC), Kentucky State University Frankfort, KY 40601 Fish health professionals in Kentucky are able to identify and recommend treatment for fish health concerns to reduce morbidity and mortality of fish including those raised on farms. Fish diseases affect commercial aquaculture production,
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With help of KYSU, high school students get hands-on aquaculture education
Author: Ken Thompson
Major Program: Aquaculture
Through an aquaponics partnership with Kentucky State University, students at Eminence High School learn that jobs in STEM are “more and different than what they were imagining.” For several years, Karin Ceralde, an Eminence science teacher, has been teaching a hands-on aquaponics unit to her biology classes. For the first time in the 2020-21 school year, Mrs. Ceralde also taught a full aquaponics class. The inclusion of hands-on aquaponics learning in high school classroom
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LIfe-Saving Support System Adopted
Author: Noel Novelo
Major Program: Aquaculture
One of the main purposes of Extension is to provide useful information for facilitating beneficial opportunities and improved farming practices, production and aid to Extension stakeholders. This success story shows how simple communication and information delivery can change a farmer’s operations, motivation, and successful farm endeavors. I provided information on the KSU Small Scale Farm Grant to Mr. David Lazar, a local fish farmer and owner of ‘Flying Fish Lakes’ located i
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Multidisciplinary Approach to Local Tilapia Aquaculture
Author: Noel Novelo
Major Program: Aquaculture
We obtained $250,000 in federal funding for a three-year extension-based Capacity Building Grant awarded on March 30, 2021 by USDA-NIFA to work with minority and limited-resources stakeholders in improved hatchery production of Nile Tilapia, on-farm growth, marketing and human nutrition. The title of the project is: ‘Expanding Aquaculture and Healthy Food Choices to Reduce Economic and Health Disparities Affecting Minority and Limited-Resource Stakeholders.’ Although there is interes
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KYSU Introduces American Paddlefish spawning to public community college.
Author: John Kelso
Major Program: Aquaculture
Kentucky State University aquaculture extension staff in collaboration with ASAP Fish Company provided unique experiences to students at Hocking College in Nelsonville, OH. Mature Paddlefish (3 females, 1 male) were collected from the Harold Benson Research farm and moved to the community college in southwest Ohio. Students observed the injection of a synthetic hormone to induce ovulation within female fish and to stimulate the release of milt. After 24 hrs., 212,000 paddlefish
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Low-cost induced spawning methods for KY caviar producer
Author: John Kelso
Major Program: Aquaculture
Dr. Semmens and John Kelso introduced a local paddlefish producer to simple, low-tech options for inducing spawning in mature paddlefish. Aquilla Inc. was presented with a crash course in the collection of paddlefish pituitary glands to prepare injections for induced spawning. Macerated pituitary tissue can be suspended in physiological saline and injected intermuscular to stimulate ovulation. Eggs can then be removed from the body cavity, fertilized, and hatched to provide sto
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Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences, School of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Casework and Inspections, and Establishing and Developing the Aquaculture Extension Team
Author: Robert Durborow
Major Program: Aquaculture
2020-21 Success Story covering period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences, School of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Casework and Inspections, and Establishing and Developing the Aquaculture Extension TeamSubmitted by Robert Durborow, Ph.D., Associate Research Director; John Kelso, Extension & Research Assistant; Tifani Watson, Graduate Research Assistant; and Tyler McKay, Gradua
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Finding lost cattle
Author: William Rogers
Major Program: Aquaculture
After having a heart attack, Whitley County Farmer, John Rogers, moved his cattle from his small farm to the Livestock sale at Somerset to decrease his workload for recovery and increase his cash flow to pay his medical bills. Unfortunately, due to not feeling well, he did not have his cattle gate fasten tight. As a result, the cattle gate came open on the horse trailer, and as Rogers slowed down or stopped along the Cumberland Falls Hwy, the steers escape! When Rogers stopped at a
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Farmer starting to use drones.
Author: William Rogers
Major Program: Aquaculture
Drone Technology can provide opportunities for Kentucky underserved farmers, veterans, women, and other underserved populations throughout the commonwealth. Through the use of drones, I taught 20 technology classes to 389 direct contacts by demonstrating educational research-based information in zoom meetings, classroom settings, and field demonstration to teach the following: Which drone would work best for farming enterprises. Demonstration of the drones. How using drones to
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