Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Super Star Chef Improves Cooking Skills
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Super Star Chef
The Todd County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education partnered with the Todd County Family Resource and Youth Service Centers (FRYSC) to offer two different Super Star Chef Camps. A total of 25 youth attended the three-day camps. The Todd County Extension FCS Agent delivered the instruction and the FRYSC provided funding for supplies, cookbooks for each student, three high school students to assist with teaching, and two day trips.Pre-tests and post-test were ad
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Super Star Chef
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Super Star Chef

Create healthy habits now that will last a lifetime You can empower your kids to make healthy choices when they learn essential cooking skills in a fun and safe environment. Sautéing, dicing, chopping, roasting and whipping are just a few cooking techniques students learned in our Super Star Chef camp. A total of 22 youth participated in our three day camp. A pre-posttest design was employed to examine the impact of the program on students’ nutrition knowledge and cooking
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Super Star Chef
Author: Kayla Watts
Major Program: Super Star Chef
According to Kentucky by the Numbers data from 2016, 44.2% of the youth population in Breathitt County is living in poverty, and 1,756 youth under the age of 18 are living in households that receive supplemental security income, cash public assistance, or food stamps/SNAP. Because a high percentage of Breathitt County youth live in households where food insecurity and food safety are issues, it is important for them to learn how to prepare healthy, safe, foods for themselves and their fami
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Super Star Chef
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Super Star Chef
The mission of the Super Star Chef series is to provide a fun and educational experience for youth to gain knowledge and learn skills that will lead to success in the kitchen. The Shelby County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the UK Nutrition Education Program to implement the three day Super Star Chef Program for 17 youth participants. The Super Star Chef program was coordinated by the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent who also provided daily lunches for the participan
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Superstar Chef Cooking Camp
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Super Star Chef
According to 2017 data from the State of Obesity website, the obesity rate for children ages 10-17 in Kentucky is 19.3%. This places Kentucky at third highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group. In addition, the Owsley County Extension Council identified childhood obesity as a grassroots issue facing the community. Recent research has indicated that teaching cooking skills to children encourages healthier food choices, which can lower obesity rates. In an effort to
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Super Star Chef Cooking Camp for Kids
Author: Vicki Wynn
Major Program: Super Star Chef

According to 2017 data from the State of Obesity website, the current obesity rate for children ages 10-17 in Kentucky is 19.3%. This places Kentucky at third highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group. In addition, the Marshall County Extension Council identified childhood obesity as a grassroots issue facing the community. Recent research has indicated that teaching cooking skills to children encourages healthier food choices, which can lower obesity rates. Last summer
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Whitley County Creates Junior Chefs
Author: Matti Coffey
Major Program: Super Star Chef
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of chefs and head cooks is projected to grow 11 percent from 2018 to 2028. Becoming career ready used to be an automatic thought of going straight from high school to a community college or university. However, the requirements of becoming a chef and head cook is a High School degree or equivalent. Basic skills to succeed are learned in early life like to cook basic foods, being a safe food preparer, and how to identify proper foods for mea
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Super Star Chef
Author: Catherine Jansen
Major Program: Super Star Chef
The obesity rate in the state of Kentucky is in the top three percent for our nation. In Carroll County the obesity rate for high school students is 20.2%. We need to teach our youth at a younger age that they need to eat healthier so Carroll County will not have this program as students get older. One way to eat healthier is to prepare your meals at home. By participating in the Super Star Chef program, participants will learn how to prepare healthier foods, learn why to
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Super Star Chef
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Super Star Chef
Super Star Chef In Kentucky, 20.8% of youth ages 10 to 17 have obesity, giving Kentucky a ranking of 3 out of 51 for this age group among all states and the District of Columbia, according to the State of Childhood Obesity report. In 2013, 2219 Trimble County residents were considered obese, representing 34% of the county’s population, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). In addition, a growing number of families eat “on the run” instead of cooking at h
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Cooking Up Successful Family Mealtimes with 4-Hers
Author: Angie York
Major Program: Super Star Chef
According to the Center for Disease Control, connectedness can reduce the likelihood of negative health outcomes related to alcohol and substance use, sexual risk, violence, and mental health problems in children. They recommend one of the simplest ways to promote connectedness is to have family meal time. To provide a fun and educational environment for youth to gain knowledge and learn skills which will lead to success in the kitchen, the Family and Consumer Sciences agent, met mon
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Super Star Chef Program Empowers Children to Make Healthy Choices
Author: Shonda Johnston
Major Program: Super Star Chef
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third of in the US are overweight or obese. Data in 2017 for Kentucky shows the obesity rate for children ages 10-17 was nearly 20%, placing Kentucky at third highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group. This is a concerning statistic and the Clark County Extension Council recognized this concern, encouraging the Extension office to implement programming that targeted this issue.There are many
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