Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Heart of a Homemaker
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
The Bell County Extension Homemakers Organization is a very important part of this community and to the Bell County Extension Service. When our community is in need or a disaster occurs, community leaders know they can call on the Bell County Homemakers and the need will be met. With over 100 members and with the addition of a 4-H Junior Homemaker Club, this group is growing and continues to improve the quality of life to the citizens in Bel
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Overcoming struggles and Leading in a Positive direction
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
According to the Corporation for National and Community Civic Engagement, volunteerism is the cornerstone of a strong nation. Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. To cultivate these leaders in Bullitt County, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension is very active with the Bullitt County Homemakers, a division of the Kentucky Extension Homema
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Extension Homemaker Members Enhance Extension Progamming
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Rockcastle County has 85 Extension Homemaker members This is an increase of 15 members over last year. The county has 1 club that meets during the daytime and 3 that meet in the evening. Homemaker members are active volunteers with the County Extension Service, 4-H and their communities. Clubs donated 6 scholarships for 4-H Camp this summer. Homemaker members are vital to 4-H afterschool sewing projects and the Summer Quiltin
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Kentucky's German Heritage
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
One of the pieces to monthly Extension Homemaker Club meetings is an educational lesson. This is what makes Extension Homemakers distinctive from other organizations. Members from each club volunteer as monthly lesson leaders and attend trainings provided by the Extension FCS agents to equip them with the skills to teach the educational lesson to their members. Different areas accomplish this in different manners, but in the Pennyrile Area this training is still done with the Extens
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Casey County READS
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Casey County has a high illiteracy rate. School readiness finding show (four out of five) children begin school without ever having held a book let alone owing one of their own. Many school age children do not own a book of their own. Early literacy and a love of reading is a key factor in students long term success. Casey County Extension Homemakers decided to address this community issue by engaging in a three year program, Project Casey County READS was developed
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Preemie Hat Project
Author: Donna Fryman
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Extension Homemakers in the Licking River Area have been challenged to scatter seeds of kindness. The Fleming County Yarn club members took it to heart.They wanted to use their skills to create loving caps for premature babies. Club members and other folks from surrounding counties joined in this effort. Over 250 hats were crocheted or knitted during a three month period. About half of these hats were sent to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Lexington KY, and
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Shelby County Homemakers Grow in Leadership
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
The Shelby County Extension Homemakers is one of the largest civic and volunteer organizations in Shelby County with 235 members. Extension Homemakers work to improve the quality of life for their families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service and education.There are four Shelby County Homemakers serving on the Louisville Area Homemaker Council and 15 serving on the Extension District Board or Extension Council. One Shelby County Homemaker has been selecte
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Extension Homemakers Take the Lead
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Leadership training, experience, teaching skills, developing leadership skills, sharing success and showcasing skills -- all of these and more have been demonstrated as Morgan County Extension Homemakers demonstrate their ability to plan, present and evaluate various annual programs, activities and events. The leadership team planned and conducted the annual Holiday Fun Day incorporating skills developed in leader training sessions and skills tweaked through experience. Ideas were sh
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Pulaski County Extension Homemakers
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Pulaski County Extension Homemakers donated 65,590 hours to the community with the total value worth $1,404,937.80. These volunteer hours have included weekly classes with the Reach for Recovery Program in Somerset. Some nights more than 60 clients have shown up, male and female, and a variety of ages. The 275 homemakers have also volunteered with the Alzheimer Program purchasing musical items to form an Alzheimer band that plays and sings mus
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Extension Homemakers
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Extension Homemakers continue to be one of the top leadership programs in Johnson County- not just in Family and Consumer Sciences but in the county in general. These volunteers work extensively in the community in a variety of topics and are now growing. Perhaps for the first time in the clubs history, there are more members under 50 than over it. With 118 members and two new clubs, the newer clubs are issue oriented. They are wanting to pursue topics such as the needle exchange, environmental
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Connecting Extension Homemakers
Author: Heather Cheek
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
With the COVID-19 pandemic taking the world by surprise, the Governor of Kentucky has requested that people stay at home unless absolutely necessary. A large population reached by Mason County Family and Consumer Sciences include the 306 Extension Homemaker members. The majority of these members are over the age of 60 and deemed high risk for contracting the coronavirus. A fear of the stay at home order includes a feeling of isolation which can lead to depression. In an effort to combat the feel
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Building Strong Leaders in McLean County
Author: Amanda Dame
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization that works to improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education. Volunteers and leadership are a key aspect to any Extension Service. The McLean County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences serves as advisor to the members, giving them support, encouragement and tools to accomplish their goals. McLean County Family and Consumer Scienc
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Jessamine County Extension Homemakers make Christmas Baskets to support High School Seniors
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

The Jessamine County Extension Homemaker Association worked together as an organization to make Christmas baskets for a local bank to support their scholarship fund. Thirty Homemaker members donated baked goods and their time to make the baskets. On average, the members spent three hours baking, packaging, and delivering their items to the extension office, which equaled 90 hours of volunteer time. The baskets were assembled at the Extension Office by a team of eight members. The Jessamine Count
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Homemakers Serve Trigg County
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Trigg County Extension Homemakers have always been one of the strongest leadership organizations in Trigg County. This year there were 101 members of the Trigg County Extension Homemakers Association in 8 clubs. Our Homemakers reported 4,352 Extension, KEHA, personal, and community volunteer hours, at a value of $92,131.84 to the community. There are many who will not report their hours because they refuse the recognition.Two of our county members serve as Pennyrile Area Homemaker educational ch
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Johnson County Extension Homemakers
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Johnson County Extension Homemakers remains one of the top leadership development groups for the Family and Consumer Sciences program. The following is a brief summary of 2019-20 activities:2019 recruiting efforts resulted in a membership of 118, an increase of 34 members from last year. A Juniors Homemakers Club and the Appalachian Makers club resulted as well. The annual Holiday Happenings event had a record attendance, as did the annual Winterfest event held at OSCAR. Many club memb
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Homemakers Take on Area and State Leadership Roles
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Over the last year, 5 Hardin County Homemakers have taken on new area leadership roles, including Area President. Three years ago, the Hardin County FCS Agent shifted how officer trainings took place. For many years, officer trainings were simply a day to go over the paperwork and new programs of work for KEHA. Knowing that many of her Homemakers had star leadership potential, the FCS Agent decided to stop reading forms to them and make officers trainings leadership trainings instead.
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Neighborhood Kids
Author: Donna Fryman
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

The Fleming County Homemakers have been a staple in the community for over 70 years. . The organization is continually working to recruit new members in an ever changing society. The Fleming County Homemaker Council decided to work on recruiting from the ground up by implementing a Jr. Homemakers club (for youth ages 9-18) in the county.The County Vice President decided to work on a Junior Homemaker club. The Junior members chose the name of their club: Neighborhood Kids. The club met 6 times du
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KEHA provides Leadership and Important Relationships
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
According to its website, the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization that works to improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education. County homemaker organizations provide leadership opportunities to its members through filling an office, teaching a lesson, chairing an activity, and being a part of many local associations. Most importantly, it provides companionship and lifelong friends
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Vietnam - Bourbon County Extension Homemakers 2020 International Meal
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Bourbon County Extension Homemakers chose to study the country of Vietnam for their 2020 International Meal. One member, Bonnie Sousley had recently returned from a visit of Vietnam and agreed to share her pictures and experiences. A large percentage of the Bourbon County Extension Homemakers membership lives were touched in some way by the Vietnam War and many shared a curiosity about this country. Vietnam veterans were invited to the 2020 International Meal as the Homemakers
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Face Coverings
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

COVID-19 brought many changes and opportunites to reach out in many different ways to help people in the community. Face coverings and Facemaskes has been a focus for both individuals and businesses. One local industry reached out to the extension service for assistance in creating masks for thier employees. The company's reseach team investigated specific materials for use in the chemical company. They provided all the materials needed along with a specific pattern and dir
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Extension Homemakers use Sewing Skills to Help Others During Pandemic
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
During the Covid 19 pandemic 22 Extension Homemaker members in Rockcastle County report that they have assisted others by using their sewing skills. Members report that they have made and donated just over 400 cloth face coverings for health care professionals, family and friends. 20 reuseable cloth gowns were also sewn for use by a long-term care facility which couldn’t get a sufficient number of disposable gowns for their healthcare workers. The nursing care man
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Face-covering Project for UK Children's Hospital and Madison County Agencies
Author: Jessica Hunley
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Throughout the unprecedented times presented in relation to COVID-19, the Madison County Extension Homemakers rallied together to make and assemble masks for those in need. The first round of masks were donated under the direction of University of Kentucky Children’s Hospital, in which Madison County Homemakers were responsible for donating 100+ masks. Once the need was met at the Children’s Hospital, I aided, as the FCS Agent, to be the contact person and help coordinate
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Project Linus
Author: Nicole Gwishiri
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
In 2018, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent began working with a Homemaker volunteer to establish a Project Linus chapter for Bath and Rowan counties. The Homemaker volunteer was already involved in an area club, county Sewing Day volunteer project, and looking for more ways to stay involved and connected to the community in which she recently moved. The agent and volunteer decided to hold a monthly Project Linus sewing day. The purpose of Project Linus is to one: provide love, a sense of se
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Making a Positive Difference During Uncertain Times
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Members of the Lincoln County Extension Homemakers Association are truly leaders in their communities and are making a positive difference during uncertain times. Members work hard at the club, county, area, and state levels. My role as a Family and Consumers Sciences Agent is both an advisory role and a teaching role. I offer assistance as needed and teach educational classes on a variety of topics, including leadership development. Members utilize the skills learned in Extension programs in th
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Jefferson County Homemakers
Author: Valerie Holland
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
The Jefferson County Extension Homemakers are an integral part of the County Cooperative Extension Service. The 90-member organization is striving to help improve the quality of life for citizens of Jefferson County through research-based evidence programs provided by the University of Kentucky. Throughout the year, the Extension Homemakers have contributed time, talent and dollars to the community, on both a county and area level. The Jefferson County Extension Homemakers reported a total
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