Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
Greenup Arts Professional Learning Community
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Arts Engagement
Greenup County has three school systems: the county school district, and two independent districts. Between all of these schools that service students in grades K – 12, there are twenty-one teachers who are dedicated to arts education. There are also independent arts studios that provide private arts instruction in our community. These studios employ roughly twenty-five arts specialists in the areas of dance, instrumental music, vocal music, theatre, and visual art. All area arts teachers
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Community Art Classes
Author: Stephanie Richards
Major Program: Arts Engagement
Beginning in May 2017, Pike County Extension Fine Arts began offering free monthly art classes to the general public. This effort began as a way to provide arts enrichment to a wider range of people without the necessity of long-term commitment or specialized skills like many of our other opportunities may require.Over the summer months, we had several rock painting classes in response to our community’s interest in painted rock scavenger hunts, an activity in which individuals paint rocks
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Egaging in the Arts
Author: Kenna Knight
Major Program: Arts Engagement
Arts and culture make considerable and necessary contributions to the well-being of communities. Arts and culture are powerful tools with which to engage communities in various levels of change. It is a means to public dialogue, contributes to the development of a community’s creative learning, creates healthy communities capable of action, provide a powerful tool for community mobilization and activism, and builds community capacity and leadership.With this in mind, the Pendleton County E
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Murder Mystery Arts Performance
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Arts Engagement
Arts and culture make considerable and necessary contributions to the well-being of communities. Arts and culture are powerful tools with which to engage communities in various levels of change. It is a means to public dialogue, contributes to the development of a community’s creative learning, creates healthy communities capable of action, provide a powerful tool for community mobilization and activism, and builds community capacity and leadership.With this in mind, the Pendleton County E
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Homemakers: Expanding Artistic Skills to Provide Income & Service
Author: Morgan Rousseau
Major Program: Arts Engagement
In 2017-18, twelve Livingston County Homemakers worked diligently to hone artistic and heritage skills through Family & Consumer Sciences programming initiatives, while actively engaging in Master Clothing Volunteer workshops. These twelve ladies met monthly to learn quilting, paper piecing, basic sewing, serger, and textile alteration techniques. Each lady committed 7-14 hours per month engaged in workshops learning skills, which each use in producing income for themselves. These homemakers
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A New Downtown Arts Business Off to a Successful Start
Author: Sky Marietta
Major Program: Arts Engagement
April Collins is a native of Harlan County, Kentucky, with a knack for turning discarded objects into art and useable household pieces. April turned this skill into a growing business, Sassy Trash, that she grew at the local flea market in Loyall, Kentucky. But April had a goal to bring her business to downtown Harlan, where she found a building on Main Street to turn into her dream retail location.As part of her work growing and expanding arts businesses, Arts Associate Sky Marietta worked with
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