Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Learning about Agriculture and Safety
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Continuing efforts to educate our youth about the importance of agriculture and the origin of food, the Mason County Extension Service partnered with the Mason County Farm Bureau, Fleming Mason RECC, and a local producer to host a Youth Farm Day. The sixth grade students from Mason County Schools, St. Patrick Schools, and Robertson County Schools attended a one day event to learn about livestock production, crop production, horticulture, bees, tractor rollover safety, grain bin safety, and elect
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Spencer County Farm to Table
Author: Allison Lewis
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Purchasing locally produced items continues to gain momentum and the Spencer County Cooperative Extension Service hosted our seventh annual Farm to Table Meal in September 2019 to highlight that healthy meals can be produced solely by products grown in Spencer County. A committee made of members of all of the Extension Program councils worked with a well-known local chef and members of the Taylorsville Farmers Market to plan and host a 4 course Italian dinner. All of the food prepare
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Farmers & Youth Gain Knowledge About Hemp Production
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The legal backdrop for hemp production is rapidly changing, with both state and federal laws relaxed to permit regulated cultivation of the crop. University of Kentucky specialists in multiple disciplines held a Hemp Field Day in August 2019 to update potential producers and other interested parties on the research being conducted on campus. The ANR agent promoted the event through a newsletter and social media, and transportation was provided for county residents who wished to attend. Fiv
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Farm Field Day Continues to Market Extension
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Farm Field Days have proven to be great educational opportunities that foster awareness of the Cooperative Extension Service and market the mission of the University of Kentucky.The Magoffin County Agricultural Development Council, in collaboration with the local Farm Bureau, Soil Conservation District, and Magoffin County FFA Chapter, planned and implemented the 2019 Farm Field Day in Magoffin County. More than 150 people gathered at A&J Farm in Salyersville to learn about general
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2019 Farm Field Day
Author: Keith Center
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

2019 Farm Field DayA Farm Field Day was hosted by the Elliott County Agriculture Council, Cooperative Extension Agent for ANR Keith Center, and Dail and Ethel Howard, at the 504 Fire Department and Dail and Ethel Howard’s Farm on October 12, 2019. Topics included: Maple Syrup Production and High Tunnel Gardening. Concluding the field day, was the Beef Quality and Care Assurance (BQCA) Certification training videos and exams where 12 producers attended and completed the training, with
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2019 City to Farm Tour
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The 2019 City to Farm Tour was held on September 17, 2019 with well over 70 local business leaders and Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce members in attendance. Extension partnered with the Somerset-Pulaski Co Chamber of Commerce to plan the event. The event helps educate our community about the changes that have occurred in agriculture over the past decades. This behind-the-scenes look at local agriculture allowed community leaders the opportunity to
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Allen County Agirculture Field Day
Author: Adam Huber
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Allen County is very diverse in its agriculture production. According to the 2017 agriculture census, Allen County is ranked #1 in the state for vegetable production as well as #1 in cattle production in terms of dollars sold. To say the least, we are a very agriculture dependent county. In response to the large production of agriculture that Allen County has to offer with the help of the agriculture council members, stakeholders and the Allen County Extension Agent for Agriculture a very s
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Agriculture and Natural Resources Programming
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Although the position of County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources has been vacant the past year, efforts in this program area have continued. Lincoln County Support Staff, County Extension Agents for 4-H/Youth Development and Family and Consumer Sciences, and many community leaders have worked to make sure the needs of our clients have been met. Services provided include: 525 soil samples, 20 insect identifications, 15 plant disease diagnoses, 5 weed identifications, an
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Homestead Farms in Gallatin County
Author: David Hull
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

In July of 2019, a local farmer stopped by the Gallatin County Extension Office and showed a photo of a farm gate sign he saw in another state. It was a small sign that recognized the farm as having been in the same family for over one hundred years. The farmer who took the photo asked if Kentucky had a program similar to this. So, we checked and found that our state does not. But we told the young farmer that, just because the state doesn't have a recognition process for these old farms, di
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Introduction to Hemp production
Author: Robert Amburgey
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The Bath County Extension Office hosted the east region Hemp production meeting which was designed to provide technical information related to hemp production. The program was designed to address the needs of both beginner and established growers. Topics included in the program included: Production systems, site selection and soils, budgets and risk management, cultivar information, fertility, planting, pests and risks, harvest and equipment.The participants spent 8 hours with UK spe
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Industrial Hemp Field Day
Author: Kevin Lyons
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Kentucky’s industrial hemp program has experienced tremendous growth in just a few short years. In 2014 farmers planted 33 acres; in 2015 over 900 acres were planted; in 2016 over 2,300 acres were planted; in 2017 more than 3,200 acres were planted; in 2018 growers planted 6,700 acres. The passage of the Farm Bill in 2018 made it legal to grow industrial hemp in all 50 states. In 2019, Kentucky farmers planted more than 26,500 acres of hemp. There was a great deal of interest in growi
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Beginning/Young Farmers
Author: Don Sorrell
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
At a recent beef cattle genetics program I was very pleased with the number of young/beginning farmers who were in attendance. 7 of the 21 in attendance were under the age of 30. This is a much larger percentage than in years past. Why is that? Beginning in 2016 the Campbell County ANR agent made a conscious effort to develop/help develop specific agriculture programs that would address the needs of young and beginning farmers. Programs such as Homes
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Sustainably Improving Agricultural Production and Profitability at Cherry Grove Farm
Author: Thomas Trivette
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Vozos Success Story.docx
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Carroll County Agricultural Investment Program
Author: Christin Herbst
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, there are 50,908 acres of land in 308 farms in Carroll County. The market value of products sold was reported to be $5,811,000. Since the 1998 Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement, the pounds of tobacco harvested in Carroll County has decreased over 95% and the importance of diversifying agricultural operations from tobacco to other production areas has been vital.Supporting local agricultural producers is a high priority of the Carroll Cou
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Henderson Settlement
Author: Stacy White
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Founded in 1925, Henderson Settlement is a Methodist mission in Frakes, KY. The goal of the mission is to offer Christ centered service to the residents of Frakes and surrounding communities in both Kentucky and Tennessee; communities that are economically depressed and afflicted with many of the social maladies common in today's world. Areas of impact include work camp, community outreach, agriculture, and crafts/thrift store. The mission manages approximately 1,600 acres
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Continuing Extension Work During Covid -19 Crisis
Author: Gary Hamilton
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The Covid -19 Virus has affected our everyday life, our businesses, our economy and our livelihoods. To help our clientele meet the challenges caused by this pandemic, extra efforts have been made to present important information while maintaining the required health guidelines . Examples of these efforts include: In March a Covid-19 Edition of the Montgomery County Extension Agriculture News & Events Newsletter was mailed out to 1035 clients. This Newsletter explained to clientele how
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Toxic Plant Survey at the Louisville Zoo
Author: Phillip Long
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Since we use these stories as a resource for multiple requests, don’t restrict Success Stories only to traditional Extension appointments and activities. Any accomplishments and efforts that are noteworthy may be included.The Louisville Zoo, or the Louisville Zoological Garden, is a 134-acre zoo in Louisville, Kentucky, situated in the city's Poplar Level neighborhood. Notable Exhibits include Herpaquarium, Lorikeet Landing, Glacier Run, South America, Africa Exhibit, Islands, Gorilla
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KY Master Naturalists Program for Jefferson County
Author: Phillip Long
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Since we use these stories as a resource for multiple requests, don’t restrict Success Stories only to traditional Extension appointments and activities. Any accomplishments and efforts that are noteworthy may be included.Jefferson County residents have a desire to be life-long learners and play an active role in protecting and improving the environment. The Jefferson County Extension Service applied to be one of the first hosts for the Kentucky Master Naturalist Program(KMNP).  
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Garden in a Grab and Go Bag
Author: Raymond Cox
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were faced with a challenge to meet the needs of the community. A great opportunity was presented by the 4-H Program with the Grab and Go Bags. After publishing on social media the importance of raising vegetable gardens to offset the unavailability of produce in the supermarkets, Harlan County 4-H prepared 110 "Vegetable Garden In A Bag" for 110 families. Each Grab and Go Bag contained these seeds: beans, corn, peas, carrots, onions, s
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Agriculture Awareness Committee Helps Promote 4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Jason Phillips
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The country ham has been a food tradition in Kentucky for hundreds of years. The Kentucky 4-H Country Ham Project began over twenty years ago with just forty youth. Today some 800 youth across Kentucky cure country hams each year, ending at the Kentucky State Fair in August. The 4-H hams are judged by KY Country Ham Producers while the 4-H members present a speech on some aspect of curing hams. 4-H participants learn about food production and how the country ham fits into
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Reaching Out While Staying In During a Worldwide Pandemic
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The COVID-19 pandemic created what could be stumbling blocks to delivering programs and educational events for extension clients. To address the needs of their clients and overcome these stumbling blocks, the Crittenden County Extension Office turned to alternative program delivery methods. These methods included distributing educational resources through social media, grab and go bags, and remote client consultation by phone. Soil testing, plant disease and insect identification samples co
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Harrison County Showcase
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Harrison County has a unique farm that was setup in a trust by Agnus McDowell to be used by young farmers in Harrison County in order to help them get started in the agriculture industry. This farm has 5 different tracts of land each containing around 180 acres for the young farmers to operate how they see fit. The trust helps with expenses and lets the farmers use their tract rent free with just a small portion of the proceeds coming back to the farm. This past fall USDA's Deputy Admi
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COVID-19 Programming
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Over the past several months Covid-19 has changed the way Extension looks to many people. With that being said, agents have had to come up with different ways to stay in contact with their clientele while staying safe and practical. Throughout this work-from-home phase the Harrison County Agriculture program has been able to increase its presence on social media to engage with more clients than it ever has, increase its email newsletter listserv, as well as show programming over Zoom and o
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Carroll County Extension Efforts During COVID-19
Author: Christin Herbst
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, has made a significant impact across Kentucky, the United States, and the world. The first case in Kentucky was confirmed on March 6. As social distancing recommendations were put into place, the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service quickly transitioned to alternative educational delivery methods to support Kentuckians through a very fluid situation. All agents and staff of the Carroll County Cooperative Extension Service utilized social medi
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Adoption of Certified Organic Hemp Production in Kentucky-
Author: Shawn Lucas
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Situation: What prompted the program? Response: Hemp was reintroduced to the Kentucky agricultural landscape in 2014. Interest in hemp has continued to grow from 2014 to 2019 with 20 growers and 9 processors in 2014 in Kentucky growing to 978 and 200, respectively in 2019. Most growers had never grown hemp (or were new to farming in general, having come in to grow hemp) needed information on best management practices for this crop. Certified organic production is seen as
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ANR Agent’s Response to COVID-19
Author: Don Sorrell
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The Extension Service traditional ways of communicating with clients changed dramatically (not as much with ANR agents) with the onset of COVID -19 pandemic. The following are ways that I have reached out to the agriculture community during the pandemic. Sent out a letter and then a newsletter to farmers letting them know that I was still very much available to serve their needs. This information included my home and cell phone numbers and e-mail address. This information also
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Using Alternative Methods to Reach Producers During Covid-19
Author: Gary Bell
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Covid-19 presented many challenges to the KY Cooperative Extension Service and those we serve. Not being able to conduct in person trainings and hold meetings and events completely changed the way that daily operations were carried out. The Metcalfe County Extension Service found unique ways of reaching clientele during the global pandemic. While many scheduled events were cancelled or postponed, essential business was carried out in a timely and effective manner.BQA, CAIP educ
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Montana Ag Education Tour
Author: Kevin Lyons
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
A group of agents from the Mammoth Cave sub-district in Kentucky had been desiring to take a study tour in the Montana area for several years. The NACAA Scholarship Committee awarded our group $5,834 at the 2018 AM/PIC in Chattanooga. Because of their support, our group was able to achieve make the trip on July 22-26, 2019. It was a trip full of learning and memories that brought us all closer together.On Day 1, our group flew into Bozeman, MT and were able to tour the Montana St. University Pla
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Estate Planning Workshop
Author: T. Adam Probst
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
With the average age of the farmer in Woodford County over 58 years old, the Woodford County Extension Service designed and implemented a 4 week estate planning workshop to assist landowners with transferring the farm to the next generation. With a partnership between the ANR and FCS programs, 30 participants learned more from extension specialists, attorneys, and financial management specialists in methods to effectively transfer ownership of the farm business and plan for retirement. &nb
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Delivering Educational Content on Local Television During the Pandemic
Author: Joanna Coles
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The Warren County Extension Service has worked with the Farm and Home Show for 20+ years as a platform for other Extension Agents and Specialists to share research based information from the University of Kentucky. This educational, 5 minute show shares seasonal topics related to the farm and the home and is broadcast on the WBKO TV Station to residents across the South Central Kentucky viewing area. When the coronavirus struck, the TV station informed the office that they could no longer a
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Agricultural Field Day
Author: Andy Mills
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The purpose of the Meade County Ag Field Day is to educate farmers and landowners on improved agricultural practices that are economically safe to the environment. Meade County has a tradition of holding a field day on a local farm and producers expect the Extension Office to implement it. For many years now the Meade County Extension Office collaborates with the Meade County Conservation District and the Natural Resource and Conservation Service to plan and host an Ag Field Day every othe
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Author: Steven Musen
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Due to declining world-wide demand for tobacco products, tobacco sales have fallen from a high of over 60%, to a current value of 22% of the total value of agriculture crops sold in Jessamine County. House Bill 611 and the implementation of the Governor’s Office of Ag. Policy’s (GOAP) Agriculture Development Fund and the County Ag. Investment Program (CAIP) has allowed for the allocation over $3.1 million, over a 16-year period. These funds have been used to assist in the restructuri
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Improving Sustainability
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
The extension office is one of the few places in all 120 counties of Kentucky, where residents can get unbiased, research-based answers to their questions. As the revolution of environmental consciousness grows around the state, the need for such answers grows with it. Specifically, in regard to chemical use in their gardens. In Boyle County, the Horticulture Agent is responsible for helping meet those needs. By offering classes on a variety of subjects, inclu
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Facebook and YouTube Usage
Author: Lyndall Harned
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
As many did when we had to adjust to delivering programmatic information to our clientele in ways I had not used, or rarely used before. For me this was Facebook and You Tube. I found this to be a very effective way to reach many folks, many of whom had never been Extension users in the past, The major efforts that gained the most contacts and also gave me feedback was on the increased interest in local custom meat. I did a short group of posts on how to buy custom beef from the farmer, how to h
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Cooperative Extension Meeting The Needs During A Pandemic
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Living in a decade of technology and in the middle of the COVID19 Pandemic has brought many challenges. COVID19 has changed the world as we know it, one of the ways i think it has benefited the Cooperative Extension Service is by challenging us to create virtual education opportunities. These virtual programs allow producers to watch and learn at their own pace. Many of my beginning farmers like the flexibility it provides for their busy lifestyle. I sent a survey out and about half of the
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Extension Day Camp Boxes
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
On March 16, 2020, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service began a quick transition to remote working conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Hickman County Cooperative Extension Service quickly looked for ways to continue programming and reaching youth and families in our community. One of these ways was to create two-day camp boxes; one titled “Extension Explorers” and the other “Extension Day Camp in a Box.” The Extension Explore
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Innovative Teaching Tools
Author: Adam Huber
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
According to research from HubSpot, YouTube is the second most trafficked website behind google, and four times as many people prefer watching video on YouTube rather than on social media platforms. The Simpson County Ag Advisory Council and local clientele indicated that they would benefit from credible educational videos about local timely topics pertaining to agriculture, horticulture and natural resources.Therefore, the Simpson and Allen County Extension Agents for Agriculture &am
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Leadership Development through Grantsmanship
Author: Ricky Yeargan
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Our 1890 institution approached Ag Programs about submitting a joint proposal to the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. When Kentucky State University administration withdrew from participation, the Extension Associate for Ag Programs led a team consisting of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Assistant Director (PI), the Administrative Services Assistant, 2 AgrAbility personnel and a student program assistant in developing a University of Kentucky project. The prop
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Innovative Teaching Tools
Author: Jason Phillips
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
According to research from HubSpot, YouTube is the second most trafficked website behind google, and four times as many people prefer watching video on YouTube rather than on social media platforms. The Simpson County Ag Advisory Council and local clientele indicated that they would benefit from credible educational videos about local timely topics pertaining to agriculture, horticulture and natural resources.Therefore, the Simpson and Allen County Extension Agents for Agriculture & Na
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Making Extension part of the team
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Webster County, Kentucky is a diverse agricultural county. Corn, soybeans, tobacco, hay, wheat grain sorghum, industrial hemp, beef cattle, poultry, fruits, vegetables and beekeepers can all be found throughout this rural area of the commonwealth.There is approximately 170,000 acres of cropland in Webster County with about seventy-five percent of that in row crops and tobacco. Animal agriculture has a major financial impact in the county. In 2017, animal sales totaled 88.7 mill
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