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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

Chicken Reprieve

Author: Robert Smith

Major Program: Poultry

Urban agriculture has been a catchphrase used across the country for many years.  The popularity, necessity, and willingness to produce foods in an urban setting is, no doubt, a response to food security and peoples concerns (whether right or wrong) about from where their food comes.  In our community (which we think of as rural) ordinances have been written and are on the books that are not conducive or friendly to the urban agriculture movement.  A group of individuals has been

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Raising Poultry for Family and Markets

Author: Traci Johnson

Major Program: Poultry

Educational programs that strengthen agriculture production skills are a continued priority identified by the Oldham County Extension Council and Agriculture Council.  In Oldham County, sourcing and purchasing local foods is a continuing trend.  This has also spurred a growing number of people to seek information about raising their own food, and keeping poultry flocks is a very popular enterprise.  Oldham County poultry and egg sales have continued to increase over the last two d

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eXtension webinars for small and backyard chicken flock owners

Author: Jacqueline Jacob

Major Program: Poultry

Today more and more people are getting their information online. This is especially the case with small and backyard chicken owners. To help provide relevant, science-based, up to date information to this community the eXtension Community of Practice for small and backyard flocks holds monthly webinars. The webinars held this year include:·        Proper handling and washing of eggs from small and backyard flocks·        Choosing and using di

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A Difference for One

Author: Daniel Allen

Major Program: Poultry

In Cooperative Extension Service success is measured on many scales. For most of the Agriculture Agent’s program this is usually done by groups of producers. However, one exception happened in April of this year. The recent trend of backyard chickens has continued to grow in our area, as determined by the increased number of municipalities with regulations around chicken ownership. Three of the 17 participants that attended the program was a mother and her two sons. The younger son had a l

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Meeting the educational needs of small egg producers

Author: Anthony Pescatore

Major Program: Poultry

There has been a trend in Kentucky for many nontraditional clientele to have small egg producing flocks. Most of the small flock producers start by selling to friends and neighbors. However as they increase production they beginning selling at different venues such as roadside stands or farmer markets. The Kentucky Egg Marketing law provides an exemption for small producers from buying an egg license; if they sell directly to the consumer and sell less than 60 dozen per week. This creates tremen

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Ventilation For Pastured Laying Hens

Author: Morgan Hayes

Major Program: Poultry

Ventilating pastured poultry farms is challenging because the openings to allow the birds onto the pasture create cold air drafts in the barn in winter. Through a relationship built with a farmer here in Kentucky, I was able to visit a very successful pastured laying hen operation in Wisconsin. This farmer has practical working knowledge of ventilation and a thought-out strategy for managing his ventilation systems, which we were able to discuss. I was able to package his concepts with the venti

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