Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Starting in Extension
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Staff Development
On January 15, 2020 I started my career with the University of Kentucky as the Lincoln County Agriculture/Horticulture Extension Agent. Prior to my start date, I was invited to Christmas Dinners, received multiple phone calls and text messages congratulating me on the position and letting me know if I needed anything to reach out to them without hesitation. Needless to say, I felt a tremendous amount of support right off the bat! It was two weeks later when I learned just how much support
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COVID-19 and the 2020 Census
Author: Julie N. Zimmerman
Major Program: Staff Development
Every 10 years, a count is made of all persons living in the United States called the Decennial Census.Just as families and individual lives were being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so too was it impacting conducting the 2020 Census. Mandated in the Constitution, data from the Decennial Census are used to determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, to draw congressional and state legislative districts, to distribute federal funding, and are
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Data for the “Extension Transition”
Author: Julie N. Zimmerman
Major Program: Staff Development
Prior to COVID-19, Cooperative Extension had begun a process to conceptualize and implement a new administrative structure. Part of these changes included moving from a structure of 7 multi-county Districts to one of 3 regions with smaller multi-county areas within each region. To help the 3 newly hired Regional Directors to gain a better understanding of the counties within their regions, with Cameron McAlister, we used the recently completed “2019 County Profiles” from
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The Value of Story Circles to Foster Deep Listening, Honest Conversation, & Group Cohesion
Author: Nicole Breazeale
Major Program: Staff Development
ESP (Epsilon Sigma Phi) Leads is a professional leadership organization for Extension professionals in Kentucky. Currently, approximately 18 Extension professionals are moving through this year-long program, and they decided upon a handful of topic areas where they needed additional training. “Ethics” was one of these topics. Dr. Breazeale was invited to lead this two hour training in Owensboro on November 18th (incidentally, this was her first Agent training). &nbs
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Team Work is Everything.
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Staff Development
Before I had to work remotely, I made sure that I spent time with the 6 people that worked directly next to me in the office. I wanted to spend time in the office with them to get to know one another and build a good relationship with each person. I felt like it was equally important for them to have the chance to get to know me and feel comfortable working with each other. I would say that the time spend working along side each other has been very benefical for everyone, especially me. I have l
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FCS Professional Development
Author: Sally Mineer
Major Program: Staff Development
My job as the Professional Development Specialist is work with all new hires in Family and Consumer Science Extension and to help mentor for several years in their career. I am available to help with all FCS Extension agents and value the relationship/trust I have built. In a normal extension year we hire and host training on campus four times per year. Due to Covid-19 this past year we did two in person trainings and I have continued the other training in a zoom meeting sett
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Virtual Orientation of New Extension Agents
Author: Ricky Yeargan
Major Program: Staff Development
The novel coronavirus forced major changes to Extension training efforts. Shortly after lockdown, 2 new County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources required orientation, and face-to-face sessions were not an option. Ag Programs staff worked with department chairs, Extension coordinators and specialists to provide a virtual training via Zoom. Specialists provided electronic resources directly to the new hires in advance, and other items were safely shipped to t
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FCS @ Home
Author: Melinda McCulley
Major Program: Staff Development
When the COVID19 pandemic required FCS Extension and all of the University to reimagine program delivery for the entire last quarter of this fiscal year, we stepped up to the plate to provide online content four our agents to repurpose and use in the method that was most beneficial in their own communities.Our immediate response was reactive, trying to find ways on very short notice to reinvent everything that we do. Fortunately, having the FCS Facebook page and website, we were able to us
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