Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Back to School Free For All
Author: Judith O'Bryan
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Many families struggle each year with their finances and back to school season can be a real hardship for families that are barely managing to pay their bills. In order to help these families First Baptist Church of London started a “free-for-all.” For four hours on a Sunday afternoon and evening, families were invited to the church to take advantage of free school supplies, free haircuts, free dental care and more. The Family and Consumer Sciences Agent was contact
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Money Talk
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Women have unique financial circumstances. They earn less, on average, than men. They live longer, on average, than men, so their money has to last longer. Of the elderly poor in the United States, over 70% are women. (Rutgers University Extension Money Talk for Women program data.) Americans age 50 and older may have not saved enough for their retirement years and according to a survey by the Associated Press, about one-third will outlive their savings. (
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Kenton County Retirees Learn Financial Management Practices
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
As the baby-boomers begin preparing to retire, many are excited; they have worked four or five decades, eager for retirement. They can see the end, and so they think about what they want to do with the time that they have remaining. In Kentucky, years of under funding by politicians who resisted tax increases and risky investments by Kentucky Retirement Systems created a pension crisis that threatens the retirement security of Kentucky teachers, polic
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Creating a Holiday Budget
Author: Matti Coffey
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Every season of the year is brought about with a significant Holiday. Whether it be the Forth of July, Thanksgiving, or family birthdays, holidays come with a hefty cost sometimes. According to the National Retail Federation, spending for winter holidays could reach $720 billion this year. This is between a 4.3 and 4.8 percent increase from last year. Locally, you wonder how individuals and families make it through the holiday season without getting in so much debt.The Whitley County Family and
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Spending Leaks: Where Does My Money Go
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Spending Leaks: Where Does My Money GoTo support the recovery process for families that are struggling with substance abuse and incarceration, the Breckinridge County Extension Family and Consumer Science Program reaches out to the local detention center to provide family resource management classes for men in a mandated substance abuse program. The majority of the participants are fathers and/or husbands who have identified money management as a need. The curriculum Where
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Teen Leaders Learn Financial Management
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Financial education remains a prevalent need for youth. The Washington County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered with the Washington County Horticulture Agent and the Washington County School Gifted and Talented Coordinator to plan and lead the Financial Management Day for the Teen Leadership Washington County program. Teen Leadership was started by the retired Washington County 4-H Agent and the Washington County Community Education Director in 2003 to develop the communit
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Holiday Roadshow
Author: Brittany Bowling
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to 2017 US Census Data – QuickFacts, the median household income in Breathitt County is $27,861.00 and 39% of the population of Leslie County is living in poverty. Because the holidays are both a joyous and financially stressful time for Leslie County citizens, especially those living at or below the poverty line, it is very important that such audiences have access to educational information to help them financially manage during the holiday season.To assist individuals in
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Holiday Roadshow: Tips for Low-Cost Meals
Author: Kayla Watts
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to 2017 US Census Data – QuickFacts, the median household income in Breathitt County is $25,861.00 and 36.2% of the population of Breathitt County is living in poverty. Because the holidays are both a joyous and financially stressful time for Breathitt County citizens, especially those living at or below the poverty line, it is very important that such audiences have access to educational information to help them financially manage during the holiday season.To assist indivi
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Managing Holiday Expenses
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
More than 500 clients in the Lake Cumberland Area have learned how they can save money during the holidays throughout the year. The clients have learned how to develop a budget for upcoming holiday expenses, identify ways to re-use and make decorations, and identify cost saving strategies for specific holidays. Several hand made articles were demonstrated to show clients how they could make gifts without breaking their budget for specific holidays. &nb
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Closing in On Retirement : Securing Financial Stability
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The number one financial worry for Americans, according to a recent Gallup poll, is having enough money for retirement. Half of U.S. households with someone age 55 or over have no retirement savings at all according to the Government Accountability Office. Kenton County, Kentucky has a population of 165,399 with 14% of the population over 65 according to the US Census. As the average life expectancy continues to increase and future income from Social Security stagnates or even dec
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Saving Families Money
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Kentucky consistently lags behind other areas of the United States in key household economic indicators, including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment, and revolving debt. In Webster County 18.7% of families with children were below the poverty level in 2015 according to The American Community Survey. It is important to acknowledge the impact of current economic conditions on family financial management. The Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Ag
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Holiday Road Show
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to 2017 US Census Data – QuickFacts, the median household income in Owsley County is $22,736.00 and 36.8% of the population of Owsley County is living in poverty.Because the holidays are both a joyous and financially stressful time for Owsley County citizens, especially those living at or below the poverty line, it is very important that such audiences have access to educational information to help them financially manage during the holiday season.To assist individuals in underst
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On the Road to Retirement
Author: Kathy Byrnes
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In the national study, “Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society,” Americans age 65 and older are filing for bankruptcy in record numbers. These older adults are often trying to assist their children and grandchildren with higher education and other costs. In addition, with many more seniors raising grandchildren, finances can take a beating. This trend is expected to continue, resulting in senior citizens facing financial crisis
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Help for the Holidays
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
With the holidays being a time when most people find themselves in debt, over spending on gifts, food, and entertainment, the Bell County Cooperative Extension Service conducted a workshop on “Help for the Holidays”. Extension council members and the Family and Consumer Science Advisory Council asked for this program to be implemented to help families alleviate the financial stress and pressures that come with the holiday season. Extension partnered with loc
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Holiday Roadshow: Tips for Low Cost Meals
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to 2017 US Census Data – QuickFacts, the median household income in Letcher County is $30,293.00 and 30.8% of the population of Letcher County is living in poverty. Because the holidays are both a joyous and financially stressful time, especially those living at or below the poverty line, it is very important that such audiences have access to educational information to help them financially manage during the holiday season.To assist individuals in understanding and respondi
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In the Know
Author: Lora Pullin
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses, the Greenup County Extension Office partnered with the Family Resource Center at Russell Independent School District to offer a financial program for the families in the d
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Money Matters Meals
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In the current economy, financial stability is important. That stability rests with families securing and managing their basic human needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Kentucky consistently lags behind other states in key household economic indicators, including: personal income, population living below poverty line, unemployment, and revolving debt. To educate community members about important financial matters such as developing saving habits, developing a spending/savings plan, and a
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Home Delivery Meal Kits
Author: Janey Cline
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Contact: (Janey Cline, Hart County FCS Agent), (270-524-2451)Success StoryIt is estimated that 20 percent of adults in the United States have tried at least one meal kit delivery service. With the demand for convenience in our society, meal kits seem to be the answer for grocery shopping, meal planning, and meal preparation. Anyone who has not tried meal kits might be interested in learning how meal kits work and whether they are worth the investment for preparing and consuming more meals at hom
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Road to Retirement
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to the “Kentucky by the Numbers “website, the baby boomer population in the state of Kentucky will reach 800,000 by 2020. As the “boomers” head into retirement the need for resources and education regarding this life stage has increased. In response to address some of the concerns being raised by clientele, Boone and Kenton County Family and Consumer Sciences Agents collaborated to teach a 4 hour retirement workshop in November held at the Boone County Enr
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Families gain life skills and incororate inter-generational activities to improve family engagement
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Nurturing Families takes on many different facets from Holiday Fun Day, Youth Safe Night activities, Sr. Citizens, Early Childhood, Nutrition month activities, overnight camp, etiquette and many more. The increase in families struggling to meet the demands of work life balance, unachievable social media facades, financial demands, i.e. budgeting, meal planning, communication, family bonding the link between the past and the present. As a result, programs were developed to meet the ne
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Scam Alert Program Help Todd County Residents Recognize Potential Scams
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to the 2010 US Census, 16% of Todd County’s population is age 65 or older, which is equal to the state average. Older people are often specifically targeted by scammers—they can be particularly vulnerable because they tend to be more trusting and less technologically savvy. In Kentucky, 85% of adults have a high school education and 23% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. However, less than 78% of Todd County adults have a high school education and
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Stronger Communities Through Cooperative Extension’s Substance Abuse Prevention and Recovery Efforts
Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension program is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on building assets of individuals and families to address the perennial problems faced across the lifespan. CEDIK is a statewide program dedicated to building capacity around community and economic development issues. FCS and CEDIK have joined together to combat the issue of substance use disorder recovery relapse.The opioid epidemic scourging the United States is a public he
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Money Wise Budgeting
Author: Denise Wooley
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In the current economy, financial stability is important. That stability rests with families securing and managing the income they have. There are 15.2% of McCracken County residents that are categorized as living in poverty. The poverty rate in the city of Paducah is even higher reaching 24.7%. One out of every 4.1 residents of Paducah lives in poverty. The poverty rate across the state of Kentucky is 18.3%, meaning Paducah has a significantly higher than average percentage of residents below t
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Saving Savvy with Grocery List and Coupon Apps (New Homemaker Leader Lesson)
Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
A recent survey by Deloitte found that $0.56 of every dollar spent in a store is influenced by a digital interaction. This growing trend is shaping how consumers shop and make decisions both in-store and before-hand. There are hundreds of grocery apps available that offer help with a wide range of shopping-related services and functions. Grocery apps can help save time and money through lists and meal planning, comparison shopping, coupons, store loyalty and rebates. To increase consumer kn
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Savvy Sellers and Bargain Hunters
Author: Katherine Jury
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
A study released in December 2013, by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce suggested that Kentucky cities are recovering more slowly than expected from the economic recession that began in 2008. Changes in the economy have forced many individuals to reduce spending in order to manage their finances. Buying and selling used materials is one strategy for earning money, while purchasing gently used items at reduced costs allows consumers to spend less. The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shop
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Steps to Hiring a Dependable Contactor
Author: Benita Peoples
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Date: March 2019Total number of completed evaluations: 80Background: When building or repairing your home, the general contractor you hire can be either the biggest help or the biggest source of problems you will encounter. You can learn to protect your interests and avoid financial disaster by becoming an informed consumer. Of the 80 participants who completed an evaluation, 70 rated “Steps Toward Hiring a Dependable Contractor” as “better to much better” than
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Money Mondays Video Web-series Promotes Good Money Habits
Author: LaToya Drake
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)

Many individuals in the Barren County community appear to be struggling financially. Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky, County Economic Data Profile details that 16% of Barren County residents are living in poverty and that the mean family income (39, 034) is significantly below the state average (44,811). A digital financial publication titled 24/7 Wall Street labeled the County seat, Glasgow, to be the poorest town in Kentucky based on reviewed census data of to
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Understanding and Using New Small Kitchen Appliances
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In today's society, consumers have access to many small kitchen appliances and gadgets. Knowing how to make a safe and useful purchase is important to maximize usefulness and decrease total spending. In order to share information about purchasing and using small kitchen appliances and gadgets, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents taught a multi-county seminar. Participants learned about selecting and safely using several small kitchen appliance and gadgets, including an air
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#Adulting Helps High School Seniors
Author: Amanda Broderick
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The life of the high school senior is full of “adult” decisions: selecting a college, picking a major, choosing a career path, and moving out! Although today’s adolescents are technologically advanced compared to prior generations, they sometimes lack basic practical living skills. After being approached by school officials with this very same concern, the Family Consumer Science Agent and 4-H Youth Development Agent decided a crash course was needed. The #Adulting program was
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"It's Your Reality"
Author: Caroline Hughes
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
"It's Your Reality"Between the ages of 14 and 20, young people make critical decisions that will affect their whole lives. Those with specific goals for their future stand an improved rate of success in the adult world over teens without career plans. “It’s Your Reality” is an exercise that gives students a chance to glimpse their possible future in a fun way, and helps them become aware of the importance of basic skills in finance
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Where does my money go?
Author: Tracy Cowles
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The Butler County Family and Consumer Science Agent reached out to the local rehab center to provide financial management classes to individuals while they are in the mandated program. The majority of the participants have identified money management as a need and a problem they face. The curriculum “Where Does My Money Go,” “Making Your Money Work,” “Money Habititudes,” “Good Credit Game,” “Real Skills for Everyday Life,” and “Ma
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Holiday Road Show
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to 2017 US Census Data – QuickFacts, the median household income in Breathitt County is $23,297.00 and 32.7% of the population of Lee County is living in poverty. Because the holidays are both a joyous and financially stressful time for Lee County citizens, especially those living at or below the poverty line, it is very important that such audiences have access to educational information to help them financially manage during the holiday season.To assist individuals in unde
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Savvy Sellers and Bargain Hunters
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
A study released in December 2013, by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce suggested that Kentucky cities are recovering more slowly than expected from the economic recession that began in 2008. Changes in the economy have forced many individuals to reduce spending in order to manage their finances. Buying and selling used materials is one strategy for earning money, while purchasing gently used items at reduced costs allows consumers to spend less. The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shop
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Sewing Expo
Author: Valerie Holland
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Sewing is cool again! Not too long ago, hand-sewn items were considered “homespun”, “plain-Jane” and “unsophisticated”. But with the popularity of TV shows like Project Runway, Fashion Star and more recently Threads, sewing is now thought of more in terms such as “stylish”, “innovative” & “fashion-forward”. Keeping that in mind, the "It's Sew Fine for Home and Family Sewing Expo (Sewing Expo) committe
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Adulting workshops to assist teens in gaining life skills
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The life of the high school senior is full of “adult” decisions: selecting a college, picking a major, choosing a career path, and moving out! Although today’s adolescents are technologically advanced compared to prior generations, they sometimes lack basic practical living skills. After being approached by school officials with this very same concern, the Family Consumer Science Agent and 4-H Youth Development Agent in Licking River Area decided a crash course was needed
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