Success StoryFamilies gain life skills and incororate inter-generational activities to improve family engagement
Families gain life skills and incororate inter-generational activities to improve family engagement
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Planning Unit: Morgan County CES
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Nurturing Families takes on many different facets from Holiday Fun Day, Youth Safe Night activities, Sr. Citizens, Early Childhood, Nutrition month activities, overnight camp, etiquette and many more. The increase in families struggling to meet the demands of work life balance, unachievable social media facades, financial demands, i.e. budgeting, meal planning, communication, family bonding the link between the past and the present. As a result, programs were developed to meet the needs of ever-changing family goals and challenges.
Holiday Fun Day focused on leadership of Extension Homemakers teaching workshops for adults and youth. It focused on adults sharing skills and knowledge with others, participants developed plans to incorporate new skills with their families to create bonding time, passing on time honored traditions to families. Thirty-one adults and ten youth created items for gift giving or décor at a savings to families on a holiday budget.
Additionally, Youth Safe Night event parents and youth took part in hands on healthy snacks preparation gaining skills in safe food handling, preparation and money saving tips creating their own snacks at home.
Sr. Citizens gained knowledge in money saving activities with "Spice it UP", to make making their own spices, and reduced sodium content a win win. As a result of the program, 28 Sr. citizens plus l98 extension homemakers and participants in programs learned to save money by making their own spice mixtures. The savings per person per spice made is estimated at $2/$3 per spice. Sixty five participants reported a savings estimated at $585. as a result of the program.
Etiquette skills were taught to in table 218 fifth graders, adult and teen leaders Skills were gained in overall manners in general by students as evidence by improved use of please and thank you, table etiquette, cell phone use and interaction with others.
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