Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The Russell County 4-H program collaborated with the local home school association to present a photography program to over 20 youth. Photography is a component of the Kentucky 4-H Communication and Expressive Arts core curriculum. The benefits of photography are numerous. Youth can learn a form a creative expression that allows them to document memories throughout their lifetime as well as create memories with family and friends. Photography is also a wonderful form of stress relief that lets p
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Country Hams Meet Public Speaking and Marketing
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
SituationPendleton County, Kentucky is primarily an agricultural community that evolves with today’s innovative sustainable agriculture. It is important to keep history alive by educating youth on past historical farming methods such as the simple technique of curing a country ham. Educational ResponseThe 4-H Country Ham project teaches youth the steps to curing two country hams and further encourages youth development by requiring a 3 to 5 minute speech to be delivered upon completio
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Fine Arts club
Author: Meagan Lucas
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Pulaski County 4-H introduced a Fine Arts club in the spring of 2018. The fine arts club provides instruction and materials for youth in the county to create an art portfolio. The fine arts club met twice a month throughout the spring to create art projects that could be entered in the county and state fair. This club was started because many students involved in the school clubs were interested in learning more about art outside of their schools art classes. Pulaski County also had several 4-H
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4-H Communications Contest
Author: Stacey Potts
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader.Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities. &
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4-H Communications Contest
Author: Lindsey Dunn
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
As youth become more engaged in the world of cell phones, social media, and video games, the need to nurture soft skills in our youth continues to grow. The 4-H communications curriculum has been developing young leaders in Daviess County for a number of years by furthering their soft skills in public speaking. The County speech contest has proved to bring positive results for youth involved as several have moved on to the district and state contests, even producing blue ribbon quality sta
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Exploring Music & Dance with 4-H Youth Development Education
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service provided the 4-H Music & Movement day camp with three main goals in mind for youth participants:Explore fundamental elements of music and danceParticipate in education that fosters self-expression and life skill development Explore the arts for areas of interestA need was discovered due to limited arts education in the community that allowed students to explore different areas of the arts in a non-traditional setting outside of the school e
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Author: Lora Stewart
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities. This i
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4-H Achievement Program
Author: Owen Prim
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4-H Achievement Program gives youth experience in learning to set goals, record keeping, planning and organizing, completing tasks, and in working efficiently and effectively with others. In the process youth learn to develop and practice communication skills through interviews, filling out forms and applications, and by completing power point presentations and resumes. The program also utilizes motivation and the use of incentives which are important in positive youth developmen
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4-H Summit
Author: Lindsey Dunn
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is imperative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Due to the decline in enrollment numbers throughout the middle school years in 4-H programming, Kentucky 4-H hosts the Kentucky 4-H Summit Leadership Conference for middle schoolers (
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Communication for life
Author: Ola Donahue
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Facebook, Twitter, texting are how today’s youth communicate. Social media has become an important form of communication for all of us. Communication is essential to youth success and social media can certainly enhance youth communication skills. However, it is effecting verbal communication among our youth and can affect their future success. Verbal communication skills, like anything else, must be taught. The proper ways to speak, make eye contact and use body language are all a part of
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Serving All
Author: Jan Gibson
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
"Kentucky 4-H believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity. This program fosters mastery by teaching youth how to effectively communicate, belonging by giving them the opportunity to work with others, independence by allowing them to present a speech or demonstration in front of their peers and generosity by fostering a love of community." Several years ago, members
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Youth Use Speaking Skills Learned through 4-H Communications
Author: Kimberly Ragland
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The Boyle County Extension and 4-H Councils identified improving the ability to communicate as a key life skill local 4-H programs should focus upon. Cooperative Extension Service personnel cooperated with teachers in the Boyle County, Danville, and Danville Christian systems to provide public speaking education in a variety of formats. New this year, 8 in-classroom school clubs focusing on communications were conducted at Boyle County Middle School (200 youth). CES provided ed
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2019 Jefferson County 4-H Communications Day
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The communications program in Kentucky 4-H is based around the concept of helping youth to explore, develop, and define their communication abilities in regards to such areas as public speaking, personal expression, interaction with others, and professional correspondence. The communication programs presented take a variety of approaches and techniques to improving youth skills, including but not limited to project books that involve personal evaluation and reflection of skills, competitive spea
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State 4-H Perf arts troupe
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The Todd County 4-H program offered the county 4-H performing arts troupe for middle and high school youth for the second year in a row. This troupe was patterned after the Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Program. Todd County also has 2 members on the State 4-H Performing Arts Troupe. Research shows that children who sing/dance/act or play an instrument are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement compared with their non-performing friends — and they
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Enhancing Communication through Public Speaking and Expressive Arts
Author: Jennifer Tackett
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Research shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement. (Child Trends, 2013)This year in Kentucky 4-H, 33,541 youth revealed in an end of program evaluation that they have improved their communications skills through participation in Kentucky 4-H Communication and E
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Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Troupe- Preparing Youth for the Stage Called Life
Author: Jennifer Tackett
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Research over the past two decades has demonstrated the power of arts and culture in the lives of young people. It not only helps them attain artistic proficiencies, but also helps them to develop critical life and work skills (Goss, 2007)The Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Troupe and Leadership Board is made up of fifteen high school aged youth that were selected through applications and live auditions. These youth participated in a hands on music camp where they improved their musical
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4-H Film Making 3- Day Camp
Author: Cathy Toole
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
A 4-H Film Making 3- Day Camp was offered by the Henry County Cooperative Extension Service to guide and direct participants in learning basic film production. The first day those in attendance learned basic terms and skills needed to produce a film. In the afternoon the participants were broken into two groups. Each group was challenged with the task of creating a public service announcement based on Henry County 4-H project clubs. The first afternoon of camp was spent sharing
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Trimble County 4-H Horse Club
Author: Ralph Hance
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Trimble County is a very rural county along the Ohio River about half way in-between Louisville and Cincinnati OH. With 95% of the residents residing in Trimble County considered rural and only 5% making up urban residents. The Trimble County 4-H program, being in a more rural county, has had programs focused mainly on Agriculture topics. However there has been less and less kids each year growing up on or around farms, Trimble County 4-H is attempting to shift some of that foc
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Strengthen County Fair Impact, Through a Day Camp
Author: Terence Clemons
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Through evaluation and observation, starting back in 2014/2015, of County Fair Entries, Bath County FCS and 4-H Program Agents started a Day Camp focused exclusively on increasing County Fair Exhibits. The problem was entry numbers were sporadic or lacking in areas, where there are strong presence, in this county. Through interviews and self determination, the lack of entries could be based on lack of promotion, understanding of goals of submitting entries, and youth not being able t
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4-H Member Produces 4-H Promotional Video
Author: Kelly Woods
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Oldham County 4-H member who participated in the Communication Event produced an Oldham 4-H Promotion Video to be used online and as a promotion tool for club membership. In the video, the member interviews current 4-H members and leaders sharing the impact 4-H has made in their life. The member produced and narrated the video utilizing skills acquired through participation in the 4-H Communications Program. Public speaking skills are ranked number one among the skill sets of profess
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4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy is a three-year program designed to teach middle-school age youth about their natural environment. In 2011, the Academy began as a pilot 4-H program with 18 scholars from eight eastern counties. As of 2018, the Academy has grown to a statewide 4-H program with 65 scholars and ambassadors from 20 counties. The Carter County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education serves on the NRESci planning committee.
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4-H Communcations Contest Workshop
Author: Ryan Farley
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
A repeated expressed concern in Woodford County is the development of soft skills in the next generation of the workforce. Anecdotally employers express concern that interviewees regularly show up to interview for a job without the basic skills necessary to make a solid impression on their future employers. One such skill that Woodford County has prioritized for youth development is the ability to speak publicly. In response, Woodford County 4-H continues to host it's annual 4-H Communicatio
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More than "How to Fold a Towel"
Author: Rebecca Stahler
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Does participating in 4-H communication projects develop higher self- esteem and self-confidence? A resounding YES! For Boyd County 4-H member Aiden.Of the many life skills that 4-H seeks to teach youth, 4-H seems to do a particularly good job in the area of communication (Boyd, Herring, &Briers,1992;Fitzpatrick,Hatch Gagne, Jones, Lobley & Phelps,2005).Boyd County 4-H school clubs with demonstration projects are the largest 4-H program conducted throughout the club year for Boyd
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4-H Communication Contest
Author: Julie Brown
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Strong writing, reading and presentation skills present youth with the dexterity of being good communicators as well as allowing them to form receptive relationships with peers and adults. When young people are confident and capable in presenting their thoughts and feelings they are more likely to accept roles of responsibility in their communities and enhance their contribution to society. This development of internal and external assets, as researched by the Search Institutes &ldq
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Fulton County 4-H Public Speaking
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
According to, communication is the backbone of our society. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of communication. The Fulton County 4-H program works closely with the schools to prepare youth for the 4-H Public Speaking contest and to help them become an effective public speaker.This year, over 250 youth presented a speech in their classroom. Students in grades 3rd-8t
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4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
As technology continues to advance, young people’s written and verbal communication skills continue to lack, which are important life skills they need to acquire; therefore, the Franklin County 4-H program promotes the 4-H Country Ham Project where youth gain these life skills. The 4-H Country Ham Project also teaches 4-H members about food preservation and the time honored tradition and history of curing country hams.The 4-H Country Ham project began in January when each participant
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4-H Communications
Author: Catherine Weaver
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Public speaking and communication skills have been proven to be the most needed skills in order for citizens to obtain a job in the workforce. In order to provide this experience for youth at an early age, CES planned and implemented lessons in which over 1426 youth throughout the county were educated on the importance of communicating well, and on how to properly give a speech and demonstration. CES also implemented 4-H Speech and Demonstration contests at all 6 of the county elementary schools
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4-H Speeches Teach Communication Skills for Success
Author: Amanda Sublett
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Positive youth development researchers theorize that youth who are confident and who have strong communication skills are more likely to make substantial contributions to their family, their community, and society. One way that youth can develop confidence and their communication skills is by completing a speech or demonstration project. In the 2018/2019 program year, approximately Six hundred youth from Taylor County completed a speech and/or demonstration project with seventy advancing to the
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Author: Paula McCuiston
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
MADD CAMPThis year marks the 5th year for our MADD Camp, (Music, Art, Dance & Drama), which is hosted by Hickman County Extension in collaboration with the Hickman County Arts Council and Playhouse in the Park from Murray, KY. Camp participation increases each year with 38 youth in attendance this year learning about and experiencing different elements of arts as a whole. Each day youth focus on Music, Art, Dance, & Drama with the last day being a Show and Tell Luncheon whic
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Youth Report Successes After Communications Education
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
As outlined in the county plan of work, Boone County Extension supports communications education through 4-H school enrichment, school clubs, and other areas of education to establish or enhance necessary communications skills that develop college and career ready youth in Kentucky. Strong writing, reading and presentation skills present youth with the dexterity of being good communicators as well as allowing them to form receptive relationships with peers and adults. When young people are
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Clark County youth excel and community comes together for 4-H Communications Program
Author: Brandy Calvert
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Providing youth with opportunities to develop communication skills is of great importance to the Clark County 4-H Program. Clark County 4-H Agents and stakeholders recognize that the development of communications skills are preeminent in growing as an individual, community member, and as a leader. Because of tremendous partnerships with teachers throughout the county, and community partners who help organize and carry out the multiple events, this high-priority 4-H program culminates at State 4-
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4-H Communication Program
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is long tradition in the Morgan County 4-H Program. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Communication skills gained by these youth will then carry on throughout their educational and workforce endeavors. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communications & Express
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Nicholas County Camping Program
Author: Madison McAlmond
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
The camping program is designed to build youth development skills in multiple areas of mastery, independence, generosity, and belonging as well as increase individual interests, social aspects, and physical development. Younger members learn how to make decisions on their own and learn how to interact in a socially acceptable manner with other 4-H’ers, teens and adults. Junior counselors are given tremendous amounts of responsibility, and thus grow in their dependability, maturity, leaders
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Essential Communication Skills
Author: Elijah Wilson
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Annually, Cumberland County 4-H hosts speech and demonstration contest where youth can speak or present about a topic of their choice. County winners in each contest advance to one of 14 area competitions held across the state and area winners advance to State Communications Day that was held this year on July 13th at the University of Kentucky. This year two Cumberland County 4-H members, Macey Poindexter and Matthew Spears were able to advance to the state contest. Macey won Grand Champion in
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