Success StoryWhat Does 4-H Mean To Me?
What Does 4-H Mean To Me?
Author: Paula Tarry
Planning Unit: Barren County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: 4-H and Youth Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
What Does 4-H Mean to Me?
Throughout this 4-H Youth Development Agent’s career, I have ask the question, "What Does 4-H Mean to Me?" to hundreds of 4-H members on applications, interviews, essays or just for conversation. Needless to say, there have been a a wide variety of short, long, detailed and memorable answers. During this past year with all of the difficulties and transitions, we have faced as individuals, families and organization, I thought the answer might be different than previous years. The 4-H mantra continues as one Barren County 4-H member answered the question by saying “4-H means family, friends, foundation, and freedom. On the whole, 4-H to me means growing with my family, making new friends, building a foundation of new skills, and experiencing those skills in the freedom of a safe encouraging environment. 4-H influences me to use this foundation and freedom to seek the betterment of not only myself, but others and my community.”
This 4-H Youth Development Agent participated in the “Art of Gathering” Book Club and In-service. The participants were ask to reflect on our time with the In-service. I believe that the answer to both the In-service and What Does 4-H Mean to Me? are interchangeable...
My expectations were not as realistic as my final perceptions...
-comparison of experiences
-intervention of needs
-time honored traditions
-variety of revelations
-has made the journey a memorable, life changing adventure!!!
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