Success StoryHenderson County Extension 4-H Virtual Programs
Henderson County Extension 4-H Virtual Programs
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With COVID-19, adaptation to the new situation was a given, but we weren’t sure how that was going to look. After looking at different options, we decided to see how our 4-Hers and their families would respond to virtual clubs. We wanted our 4-hers to have the experience of the different clubs and classes we usually offer but the only difference was them being at home. The response was like nothing we imagined, and our families love it!
We offer 5 classes that covers at least three of the seven 4-H Core Curriculum. Our virtual clubs include Cooking, STEM, Art, Cloverbud and Agriculture. The clubs meet every Tuesday evening through the Zoom platform. We use Microsoft Forms for them to sign up for each class and for us to collect the correct information. Our class numbers range from 6 to 25. Depending on the recipe, experiment or project we provide certain ingredients or supplies for the 4-hers just like we would if we were meeting in-person. We utilize our social media such as Facebook and monthly newsletters to promote our virtual clubs. We also record and post the live session so that if a family is not able to log on or would like to go back and watch the video, they have the option to do so. The Henderson county 4-H family and community continue to amaze us with the continued support they constantly show us.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment