Success StoryKentucky Saves Week 2021 Encourages Hardin Countians to Pledge to Save
Kentucky Saves Week 2021 Encourages Hardin Countians to Pledge to Save
Author: Dayna Fentress
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Developing Skills and Confidence through Financial and Consumer Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth.
Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they’re saving for and how much they plan to save. The Hardin County Cooperative Extension office challenged consumers to take the Kentucky Saves Pledge and make a personal commitment to save.
Hardin County had 109 consumers who pledged to save a total of $62,100 over the next two years or less. Monthly savings pledges ranged from $5 to $200. The average savings goal was about 12 months, and participants pledged an average monthly savings of $52.67. Most are saving for general savings (36%) or emergency fund (24%). Others are saving for homeownership (15%), debt repayment (12%), vacation or special event (10%), or education (3%).
Hardin County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent Dayna Fentress said the number of Hardin County savers who signed up can be attributed to a multi-faceted approach.
Research shows that sharing goals can help consumers stay on target toward success. Another benefit of the Kentucky Saves Pledge is that those who sign up can choose to become a part of the national America Saves campaign’s community of savers to receive email or text reminders and resources. Six of Hardin’s savers opted to receive text reminders, and all have access to resources online.
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