Success StoryMindful Movement Program Targets Pre-K Audience Virtually
Mindful Movement Program Targets Pre-K Audience Virtually
Author: Dayna Fentress
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: Stories, Songs, and Stretches
Plan of Work: Improving Family Relations through Parenting and Child Development Programs
Outcome: Initial Outcome
After hearing comments from our Laugh and Learn to-go pre-K and younger parent audience that they felt they had a limited number of virtual opportunities for their children in the pandemic, the FCS program set out to turn Stories, Songs and Stretches into a virtual format. Surveys asked the parents what topic they would like to see virtually and mindfulness and fun came to the format. To tie that in with mental health and school readiness, Mindful Movement Virtual Story + Movement program was created.
Books were read, movement, music, and discussion occurred each week with the youth. Many attended with parents, so lessons were given to parents on how to continue the work at home. Materials were mailed to all participants before the program began, and parents were instructed on how to use the materials with their children even apart from class time.
100% of parents felt that the topic was relevant and needed for their children.
94% of parents felt that the materials were extremely useful to them and their children.
3 months later, 67% of parents had still used the materials in their home with their children to focus on mindfulness or movement.
59% of parents asked for another series on mindful movement with new books
92% of parents said they would attend Mindful Movement in person when restrictions were lifted
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