Success Story4-H Camp Increases Participation in 2017
4-H Camp Increases Participation in 2017
Author: Leslie Bullock
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing leadership skills for youth and adults
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Camp provides the opportunity for youth to experience time away from home, meet new people, and learn life skills. The youth attending 4-H Camp participate in activities that focus on teamwork, physical activity, and personal development.
In Franklin County, due to a low household income, a large percentage of students qualify for free or reduce lunch. This can make it extremely difficult for families to pay for their children to attend 4-H Camp. As the Franklin County 4-H program grows, so does the attendance at 4-H Camp. The youth understand that their attendance at camp depends greatly upon the availability of scholarships. These scholarships would not be available if it were not for the financial support of community sponsors and grant funding. Youth who wish to have sponsorship must fill out a scholarship application. This application is reviewed by the 4-H Council and half scholarships are awarded.In 2017 we awarded approximately 60 half scholarships.
4-H Camp is one of the most popular 4-H activities in Franklin County, with youth asking about camp all year long. To keep youth and their parents well-informed, 4-H Camp dates are publicized as soon as they are set. The dates are included in the Franklin County 4-H bi-monthly newsletter and are discussed with youth during club meetings and other 4-H activities. Save-the-date cards are sent to the youth who had attended 4-H Camp in the past as well as those who have checked they are interested in 4-H Camp on their enrollment form.
The leader (Counselors-In-Training, Teen & Adult Leaders) training was held at the Woodford County Extension Office in partnership with Woodford and Scott Counties. Leaders tere trained on the 10 modules for 4-H Camp Leaders. After lunch, the leaders had an opportunity to ask questions, plan classes and cabin activities in groups.
In July, Franklin County had 93 people attend 4-H Camp. With the generous donation of $5,000 from community members and businesses and the 4-H Council, Franklin County was able to provide financial support to every camper who applied for assistance. After camp, the scholarship recipients write thank you notes to the sponsors, thanking them for the financial assistance and telling their sponsor a little bit about their 4-H Camp experience. After returning from camp, these notes are shared with the council and sponsors. Many of the campers return to camp year after year and have the goal of being a CIT and Teen Leader.
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