Success StoryEarth Day Event
Earth Day Event
Author: Cortney Moses
Planning Unit: Whitley County CES
Major Program: Arts and Community Health
Plan of Work: Develop stronger, more sustainable agricultural economy and conserve natural resources.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Whitley County, along with other counties in the state are experiencing climate change related events that effect their farms, families, and community. Invasive species, flooding, and extreme weather conditions are a few of these events. The Whitley County Extension Fine Arts Agent coordinated the annual Earth Day event. Through collaborations with local organizations, to include, Soil Conservation Service, Whitley County Health Department, Save the Children, KSU Snap and extension programs we were able to offer bags filled with environmental education materials to help educated Whitley Countians on climate change, actions to take to combat it, as well as earth friendly activities for families. Extension Fine Arts provided environmentally themed books for kids and adults that addressed stories of ecological awareness and recycling, exploring nature, and making good choices. Along with this, partners provided healthy eating information, rain gauges, seeds, plants and much more! Earth Day bags were conveniently available at the two extension office locations, the Extension Community Art Center and the Whitley County Cooperative Extension office in Goldbug.
In all, two hundred bags were given out to Whitley Countians on Earth Day 2021. Community members where asked to fill out a pre-survey before picking up their bag. The Fine Arts program asked participants how can art be used to understand our changing climate? Later, a sampling of these two hundred individuals was taken to assess if the bags and their contents were indeed being used. Of the randomly selected sampling, participants responded that art could be used for “Keeping us aware of what is developing on the earth today,” as well as “expand awareness and care through activities that create emotions or connections to the earth. Increased imagination for future problem solving.”
Stories by Cortney Moses

Earth Day Event
Whitley County, along with other counties in the state are experiencing climate change related event... Read More

Online Photography Contest and Exhibit
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Stories by Whitley County CES

Earth Day Event
Whitley County, along with other counties in the state are experiencing climate change related event... Read More

Online Photography Contest and Exhibit
The Whitley County Extension Community Arts Center is a prime facility to host and curate art exhibi... Read More
Stories by Arts and Community Health

Earth Day Event
Whitley County, along with other counties in the state are experiencing climate change related event... Read More

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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment