Success Story4-H Camp

4-H Camp

Author: Kimberly Lane

Planning Unit: Morgan County CES

Major Program: Camping

Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Covid-19 brought a difficult and unsettling change for everyone around the country.  For KY youth it took away proms, state sports tournaments, vacations, and for extension programs it took away 4-H Camp.  On a more serious level the pandemic brought to the forefront the importance of physical, emotional, and mental health of youth in our communities.   According to the CDC ways to help or youth cope during this precedent time is to recognize behavior changes, reinforce preventive strategies, stay healthy, and stay socially connected.    With a major push from campus, agents, and leaders 4-H camp was back in 2021 to help with the above recommendations.   

4-H Camp goals was to stay healthy and socially connected in mind for our participants.  4-H Camp was planned at 50% capacity, and the schedule was greatly impacted.  Campers stayed in pods and programs were changed to fit the number kids that were present. Even as some restrictions were lifted as camp season approached, mask were still mandated. 

Positives from the 2021 camping experience were #1 all campers participated in every activity.  Prior to camping in a pandemic many campers did not get to participate in a 4-H Camp Class that they wanted.  Classes were signed up the first day of camp and a lot of favorite classes would fill up fast.  A 4th year camper stated that it was the first time that she had been in the nature cabin.  Also, a 3rd year camper stated that she had never had the opportunity to canoe at 4-H camp.  Camp class instructors like seeing all the different campers from different counties as well. 

Planning 2021 4-H Camp had its challenges finding volunteers, transportation, schedules changes, and finding supplies.  However with all this said Morgan County still was able to take all campers that wanted to go to Camp.  Our numbers were only off by a few compared to previous years.  We were able to connect and spend more time with our County campers due to traveling to classes as a pod, eating meals together and enjoying playground time together.   

With all the struggles of 2021 seeing the campers learn new skills, meet new friends, learning how to be considerate of others, and of course having fun made it worth the week of 4-H Camp.  As a wrap up to A Covid Camping year some of the activities and programs agents would like to use for next year’s camping program.   

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