Success StoryEstate Planning
Estate Planning
Author: Jane Proctor
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Regardless of net worth, estate planning is important to protect, and help ensure, your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately many people fail to properly plan for transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. A properly executed estate plan can reduce family stress, reduce federal and state tax obligations, and allow the estate to be settled in an expedient fashion saving both time and money. Many individuals perceive estate planning as complicated, costly, and unpleasant; thereby, leaving possibly leaving their family, farming operation, or small business at risk. To address this need, Trimble County Extension Office promoted the statewide Estate Planning webinar series, “It’s Time to Talk Estate Planning” during the 2020/2021 programming year. Emphasis was on estate planning basics; advanced directives and caregiver considerations; and legal considerations (wills, trusts, guardianship, and eldercare). Approximately 300 unique consumers participated in the webinar series statewide. Of those, Trimble County had 5 participants attend at least 2 or more sessions. Three participants from Trimble County completed the post-evaluation survey. These participants reported feeling more confident in their general knowledge related to financial management and estate planning, as well as feeling more confident in their ability to set future financial and estate planning goals. These participants indicated they plan to create at least one specific estate planning goal for their family, farming operation, or business; they plan to implement at least one estate planning strategy; and they plan to communication with family about their estate planning and caregiving wishes. The participants reported setting the following individual goals: “To update all my paperwork… will, POA, etc.” and “To get a will prepared for myself.”
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